Chapter 26 Part 3


"Yes my love?"

"You lied to me, made me think you were truly happy to see me."

"I didn't lie, I just didn't tell the truth. I was happy to see you. I just didn't tell you the reasons I was happy, which is not telling the truth."

My legs fail me as I kneel there frozen, not finding the right words to say. I don't even know where to begin asking.

Bruce notices that I'm totally frozen, I just kneel there shocked. I can hardly move a muscle in my body, my mind too busy trying to truly understand what is happening.

My mother starts forming something in her hands. Though it is not quite clear what it was, it looks pretty dangerous.

Mara finishes her creation before throwing it at me. I'm still frozen in shock, I don't move as it approaches me. I watch it come closer to me, closer and closer and closer.

Bruce darts forward, he runs at my direction. He can see that I'm not going to move out of the way. Something grips Bruce's leg, sending him down on the floor. It is the rubbery hand of Phoenix gripping on Bruce's leg, an ability that is obviously is stolen.

I still can't believe it, sure my mother was evil, but could she do this? Could she be part of an organization that locks up people for power. The look on Mara's eyes, it is the same look she has only when beating me to a pulp. The cruelty and darkness filled in her eyes.

My mother was the same person who twisted Mr Young's neck. Why did she save me back then? If she is going to kill me now, why save me them?

The blast gets closer and my eyes widen. Right when the attack reaches me, Bruce is already between the attack and I.

It connects with Bruce's abdomen, Bruce falls on top of me knocking me back to reality. The black substance from the attack is crawling up Bruce's body like a poison. Bruce already looks weak, and his heartbeat rate slowly decreases.

This is somehow a poison, a deadly and fast spreading poison. Bruce groans in pain whilst resting in my arms. His eyes look up at me, I grab Bruce's hand.

"Hold on, your nanobots will fight this."

"No, it's- too late- for me now," Bruce says between breaths.

I can feel Bruce's heartbeat slowly stop beating. "Don't let go!" I say, my voice giving of the sound of someone about to cry.

"Fin-finish, the missio---"

Bruce's heart stops beating, his eyes still wide open and looking up at me. I close Bruce's eyes before carefully putting him down. I place him down slowly, Mara and Phoenix watch with smiles across their faces.

It is now that I start getting sucked in by the blue liquid, a fight with my newly found inner beast. I can feel it vigorously pulling me in. I don't have enough will to fight it off, even a part of me wants to let the beast to take control of me now.

I feel like letting go of it all, I don't want to be completely sucked in by the darkness. I don't want to fight it anymore either, just to let go, and face the consequences of my actions later, if there will be a later.

"We had no use for his ability anyway," Mara says, adding salt to the wound.

I didn't know Bruce much, but just the fact that he died protecting me is enough to drive me crazy. I can already see his pain filled eyes looking at me, even in his last moments, all he cared about was the mission.

My eyes turn blue, anger fueling my every thought.

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you all," I shout, my voice deeper and confident.

Mara and Phoenix notice the change in me. It's impossible not to notice it, they turn to look at each other in unison and back to look at me.

Flames fly across the room, Mara catches the flames whilst Phoenix dodges them.

"It's two against one, you're outnumbered boy," Phoenix says.

"This really isn't fair," I say clenching my fists, "for you."

Phoenix is caught in the air and starts choking. I have my hand held up in a chocking position. Phoenix's legs dangle in the air and kick relentlessly.

Phoenix teleports away from her position, she teleports right behind me. The moment I notice the disappearance, I tap into Andrew's power. Everything looks like it has stopped moving.

I try running at Andrew's full speed, but I can only muster half of what he can do. This is still fast enough to find Phoenix wherever she may be.

I turn around and I now see Phoenix behind me, I place my open hand around her neck. I start chocking her with my bare hands.

Phoenix is shocked, she doesn't know how I'm so fast. She doesn't know when I turned, let alone put my hand around her throat. A ball of fire lights up in my free hand. I slowly place it on Phoenix's stomach, she screams in pain as she burns.

Mara is already up in the air, and throwing icicles. Mara can see me burning and strangling Phoenix, and in the next split second I'm gone. Phoenix hits the ground, Mara falls forward, she doesn't know what tripped her.

She jumps back up, and I'm right infront her, with my teeth greeted, my eyes emitting a glow and a wide smile drawn across my face. When she looks to her side, Phoenix is dangling from the air again.

I grab my mother, I send her flying against the wall. She hits the wall and falls to the ground. I pull her back to me, she struggles to stay conscious as I pull her to me. I grab her neck and start strangling her.

"There's nowhere to run to, wherever you go, I go."

Phoenix's legs start kicking slower and slower. They do this until there is no more movement from her at all. I drop the corpse to the ground, and Mara looks at me with wide eyes drowning with fear.

For a moment the guilt takes over me, my eyes stop glowing and I truly see what I have just done. I have just killed someone, intentionally this time. Sure the beast was in control, but I watched it happen, I didn't even want to stop it. What scares me the most, is the fact that I enjoyed it.

Mara is already far against the wall, standing on top of a table whilst holding her neck. I must have dropped her.

"I stole a girl's nanobots, not knowing what they had, I placed them into my body," Mara says. "I didn't know her ability, but now I do, now I know you can't defeat me."

Mara starts dodging every attack headed her way, even the telekinesis holds. I now think of shooting energy at Mara, when I'm about to let the blast go, I use Andrew's speed. I can now see that Mara has moved out of the way, before I have even let the blast out.

Could she have telepathic powers, could this be the ability she is blabbering on about.

"You see Shaun, I can see your every move, long before you even make them. This is why I'm sure, you cannot defeat me."

"I'm going to turn your head all the way around, and I don't care if you see it coming," I say, the liquid about to cover all my body.

My thoughts and actions now almost fully controlled. In no time there'll be no going back, I will be fully controlled by my darker self. A darkness that scares my friends, I've never felt it before but it's as strong as ever. If I let go, I'll never have to face my guilt, I'll be free.

I run at Andrew's top speed, or atleast I try. I again notice that I can't reach Andrew's top speed. I can only run at half the speed Andrew runs at, even if I try my best to push.

Maybe I'm not the invincible all powered being I thought I was. I can only use his ability at half the strength, maybe it's because it's not mine. Maybe I'm like this with all the abilities, if I were ever to fight against them using only their abilities. I would surely lose.

Realisation kicks into me, I still cannot make real sense of it. I believe, that when I use someone else's ability, I can only do it at half the strength.

Mara sees a hologram of every attack before I make it. She dodges all my attacks with ease, now how do you win a fight like that. I struggle to find my footing after a blast of fire from her.

Mara can see my hologram as I move. The moment the hologram starts moving, it zooms across the room and heads directly at Mara with a punch held up. I reach Mara long before my hologram does, I punch her in the abdomen.

She falls to her knees from the impact of my fist, I whisper to her ear, "Your brain faster than that?" I ask as she uses her hands to balance herself.

Mara jumps up and back, confusion written all over her face. "How, how are you faster than your own holograms?"

"I'm not faster than my own hologram, I'm just faster than that nanobotic sensory nerve telling you what I'm about to. It doesn't matter if you see it coming, it just won't help if you're not fast enough to stop it. I could let you see my whole thoughts, but still you wouldn't move away in time."

I start forming the dark ball Mara had created. I point it straight at Mara, and prepare to let a rip. Though this is equal in strength to the one Mara created, Mara didn't use the ball at its strongest.

The doors to the cafeteria swing open, Andrew runs at me. I stop him in his tracks, sending him back out the door he came in. I don't hear his impact as I turn my attention back to Mara.

"Shaun, you don't want to do this," Danny says.

"Actually, it's all I want to do."

Anna appears from the door, she is under the armpit of Josh. Josh who is beat up and swollen all around his body. His left eye is completely closed due to being swollen. Behind them is 20-30 people with collars on them.

The limping Josh being carried by Anna and now Danny on the other side move closer.

"Shaun this is not you. I remember you trying to wake me up, in that moment I felt like I could fight this. I know you can fight this Shaun," Josh says his voice pleading.

I look at him, I look back at my mother. The ball floating over my hand, my bestfriend by my side looking at me. Pleading that I fight, that I stand firm and take back control.

I close my eyes and start pulling my hair as if I want to rip my scalp off. I can feel the liquid remove itself from my mind, the fight i have been having with it was all inside his mind. Right now, I have proven that I control my body, not some darkness inside not anything.

I open my eyes, the blue glow no more. "Josh," I say with a smile.

My mother struggles to keep consciousness as I look at her. She struggles breathing, each breath forced and painful.

The ball I am creating disappears into thin air. I couldn't help but embrace my best friend. It has truly been a while, I wouldn't say this aloud, but I missed him.

"Even with all the power in the world, you are still weak. You've just messed with the wrong organization. You've entered something way bigger than yourself, you're part of it now, son.

I let a gas escape out of my hand, the gas puts Mara into a deep sleep. The group celebrate over their victory, many happy for their new found freedom.
