Chapter 17

A metallic staff extends out of the hooded guy's hand, one side going up another going down. The staff is half the height of the man, he spins it around then throws it at me.

It pins me on the wall by my hoodie's shoulder. I try pulling the staff out of my hoodie, but I can't. My heart starts pounding, fear creeps up all over me.

This guy is here for me, they all planned this. The moment Tigris saw me, she spoke to him. She was probably telling him that the target has arrived.

The hooded man walks over to the man with the E on his chest, he takes out what looks like a detonator with two buttons.

One button red and one green, he places his thumb on the green button and then removes his finger. The moment he removes his finger, the force field the man had opened closes.

The man tries opening it again, but nothing happens. He tries shooting out energy but nothing happens. "What have you done to my power?" He asks as he gets a kick straight to the jaw, knocking him out.

The Boulder punches the smaller beast, he grabs him and throws him to the ground. He lifts him up again, the moment the remote is clicked. The beast falls on top of the Boulder.

The beast gets up, so does the Boulder. The Boulder throws a fist at the smaller beast, his punch lands on the beast's torso. The beast just looks at the Boulder, the Boulder punches again and again. All his punches not doing any harm to the man.

I start phasing, trying to get the staff out of my hoodie. To my surprise nothing happens, I start to take off my hoodie, this is my last hoodie and next time I won't have anything to cover my face with.

I struggle with the hoodie, trying to get my arm out. I finally take it off leaving it hanging on the wall. The hooded figure comes closer to me with a collar in hand. I take two steps back for every step forward the guy takes.

I cannot get control of my nanobots, I try shooting energy at the guy but it just flickers and disappears before escaping the palm of my hand. I keep going invisible and appearing again, I know that the device the man was carrying did something to my nanobots.

I can no longer feel the nanobots coursing through my veins, I feel like they have been deactivated. Powerless and weak, I need a plan. I turn around and start running away from the guy.

"It's useless to resist, you're just delaying the inevitable. Tigris, be a darling and fetch him for me," he says.

Tigris's claws scratch across the floor as she runs like a real live tiger. Her hands also helping as she runs closer to me.

The man with an E and the one who keeps turning into gases try to fight hand to hand combat with the hooded man. He keeps dodging and blocking all their attacks with ease, he dances around them and watches as they pant. They attack again and he dodges, again and again and again.

He uses the tip of his staff to to touch the man who can turn into gases. Jolts of electricity run through the man's body. The hooded man uses his other hand to block attacks from the man with the E on his chest.

When satisfied he removes the staff from the man, his knees bend to touch the floor and then he falls to the side. He turns to grab the other by the neck, and he lifts him up. The man tries removing the hand around his neck whilst gasping for air.

His feet keep kicking whilst he tries to set himself free of the grip on his neck. The man's kicks start growing slower and slower, and he stops trying to remove the guy's hand.

"No, don't do it!" The beast shouts to the man. He turns to look at the beast and he opens his hand releasing the man. The hooded figure bends down to put a collar around both their necks as they lay unconscious on the ground. The collar emits a green light that starts flickering on and off as soon as it around the neck of both the men.

The Tigris gets closer and closer to me, I stop running and turn around to face Tigris. Tigris jumps onto my chest causing me to take a few steps back but I eventually lose my footing.

Her claws pierce the skin on my chest, my body would be healing already, but I get no such luck. Tigris looks at me, her movements vigorous and uncontrolled.

"You don't get it do you. Your nanobots won't work as long as you are anywhere near this area," she says revealing her sharp incisors.

I bend my knees and bring them up to my chest. I then kick Tigris away and quickly get back up on my feet. I continue taking more steps back in attempts to get as far away from the hooded guy as I can.

I can feel my energy shooting up, I clench my fists as a blue glow starts showing emitting from my hands. I'm still within close range of the remote but I can feel my nanobots kicking back in.

I am sure that the remote is responsible for me not being able to use my nanobots. I'm hoping that if I'm far enough, my nanobots will activate properly and I can get away from here.

The Tigris starts slashing and she continues trying to hit me, I keep dodging and taking even more steps back.

"He's getting too far," the hooded figure shouts at Tigris.

"You're a smart one ain't ya?"

I turn around and starts running, hoping that I'm far enough from the remote that took my abilities. "Tigris catch," the hooded figure says as he throws the device at Tigris, "he is getting to far." The device flies towards Tigris and she readies herself to catch it.

I see the opportunity and make a dash for the device, I dive for the device and Tigris swipes her claws straight across my chest.

I catch the remote and fall to the ground, as blood immediately starts flowing out of my chest to soak my t-shirt. I groan in pain, and I hit the red button on the remote, hoping that it will have an effect on the Controller's men. I never thought the day would come when I would pray that the Controller saves me.

I can feel my wounds heal as I drag myself across the floor trying to escape the Tigris. I have already lost a lot of blood from the wounds on my chest, but the nanobots are healing me quickly.

I get a kick on my abdomen from the Tigris, making me drop the remote. The Tigris bends down to pick it up, and collapses right in front of me. The two beasts start running towards me as the Tigris goes down.

The gasman appears in front of me and bends down to me, "That was a dumb move," the man says whilst picking up the remote.

"It got us back our powers, I d-don't see why you're complaining," I say whilst trying to get up.

"You could've died, all for what? To escape from being captured by these men. Live to fight another day, that's the motto. Now get up, you should get the hell out of here." He says whilst extending his hand.

"As long as those collars are on my friends over there, they won't be able to use their abilities, so just go," the man says whilst melting the remote with gas from his hands.

"H-How are you powers working but you have the collar."

"The Controller fixed that for me, these collars have no effect on me, but this remote does. We're going to have to work on that," he says whilst looking at the remote.

"We can't leave them," I say trying to get up.

"You hardly know them, why should you care," he says, filled with a lot of hurt inside.

"In the shape you're in, we don't stand a chance, plus the Controller would rather have you killed than fall into their hands."

"Who are they anyway?"

"We don't have time for that!"

"I-I am not leaving a-anyone behind," I say whilst coughing out blood.

"Don't play the hero kid, in real life situations, they become the villain. My orders are to protect your nanobots, that does not however include you."

The two beasts are now closer to the gasman and I, and it is time for us to leave or fight. I insist that I'm not going to leave anyone behind, so now we have to fight them, "Don't kill any of them," I say as I get up.

"My orders are to protect your nanobots, at all costs."

I raise my hand and lift the beasts, their feet no longer touch the ground as they continue trying to run in mid air. I push them back to the direction of the hooded figure and he dodges the oncoming giants. I then start lifting three of the controller's men.

"It is not going to be that easy kid," the hooded figure says whilst throwing his staff at me whilst I'm still getting up from the ground.

I stop the staff in midair and return it to him with twice the force at which it was thrown. The man catches the staff, but slides a few paces backwards due to the force of the staff.

A blast of energy hits his ankles, the blast I sent causes him to fall forward into the ground, I just love it when gravity helps me out. The gasman disappears and I have no idea where he went.

I lift the hooded figure up into the air, and sends a blast of energy that hits him and knocks him out. The gasman appears again "You're gonna run out of energy before your wounds heal. That can only lead to your death," the gasman lifts up the Tigris and helps me up. He then stops moving for a short period of time. "Sorry about this kid, new orders."

My eyelids become heavy and I can't help but close them as I can smell gas all around me. The last thing I remember is the gasman carrying the Tigris and then saying something, before it all goes blank.

That's chapter 17, hope you enjoyed it.

Don't forget to tap on that star. :)
