Chapter 8 - Treasure Hunt

Talking: Hi

Thinking: is he dead

Action: *stabs him to death*

Telepathy: can you hear me?


Well the treasure hunt episode is happening. Can't wait for lana to get her Z-Ring and Z-Crystal. Everyone is gonna find something nice today, except ash. Wonder if kukui and Olivia would let me join?

The students choose their snoutland for the hunt.


I've just realized that, Allmost, all the students choose one that fits their personality.

Lille gets the calm and quiet one. Ash picks a energetic and friendly one. Sophocles chooses the calm and smart one. Mallow gets the outgoing and friendly one. Kiawe gets the serious and down to earth one.

Lana is a different story. She picked the one that, Olivia says, is the most difficult to work with. However Lana is persistent on picking this one. Olivia agrees but warned her that it's skills as a ride pokemon isn't that good.

I get bored and walk over to kukui. I see him trying to encourage lille to get on snoutland. She trying, but struggling.

Red: hey kukui, could i ask you something

Kukui: ya *looks at Red* what it is?

Red: could I join this treasure hunt

Kukui: huh, sure, I'll tell Olivia but you're gonna be on you're own though

Red: good, just the way I like it


Kukui had told Olivia about Red wanting to participate in the treasure hunt. She happily let Red participate. Red was talking with pikachu and rockruff waiting for the hunt to begin.

Pikachu: why did you want to join the hunt?

Red: because I was bored

Rockruff: Ya, I would do something like this too

Pikachu: so you joined a treasure because you were bored😑

Red: yes😁

Pikachu: *sigh* I will never understand you

Red: well one thing you could understand is that I'm very protective over the people I care about

Rockruff: how protective?

Red: One time me and some friends were at party, I went to the bathroom and while I was there, a fight broke out between 2 other guys, not my friends, I walked out the bathroom and see this happening and do nothing about it, I went to my friends and we watched the fight together, but then the people fighting accidentally punched one of my friends in the eye, 1 hour later, 4 people were in the hospital, 2 in the emergency room, and me and my friends were getting interviewed by the police

Pikachu: what did you do!

Red: it involved a lot of broken bones and almost decapitating someone, I think some gasoline and fire as well

Rockruff: how are saying this so casually!

Red: not the first time I've had this type of conversation

Pikachu: now I know why he doesn't use that fighting syle

Then kukui and Olivia appear and prepares everyone for the hunt. They explain the rules, no hunting around other competitors, no fake items, and return with your 'Treasure' when the timer is up.

They give everyone a timer so they know when to return. Kiawe gets confused when Olivia hands Red a timer a well.

Kiawe: Professor Kukui?

Kukui: ya Kiawe

Kiawe: why does Red have a timer

At this statement everyone else noticed it as well.

Ash: Red are joining the hunt

Red: ya, and I'll find something better then you will

Ash: O bring it on

Everyone is just confused at what ash is saying. But he explains himself and the treasure hunt begins.

Olivia: why did Red want to join this?, and alone as well?

Kukui: he a special one, more special then anyone before him


The Hunt begins, and I don't know where to go. I could go to the volcano and look there. But it might a bit too hot. Didn't lana find Z-ring ore in a cave.

She is isn't there right now. I smile and head towards to what I think is that cave.

I don't want to take the ore away from her. That would be a bad thing for lana. But I do wonder what else could be in that cave. If there is Z-ring ore there then, maybe there could something else.

I realized that I might have took a wrong turn somewhere. Why, because I'm standing right in front of the ruins of life. I should leave before Tapu-Lele shows up. I don't want to fight another island Guardian right now.

After a bit more walking I found the cave I was looking for. While walking inside I feel a weird energy in the groud. I start digging out of curiosity, and found the Z-ring ore.

I quickly put it back and cover it up with dirt. I need lana to find this. But before I could look around some, my timer went off. Maybe I could try and communicate with kukui from here?

I close my eyes and try to sense kukui's aura signature. I found it, and attempt to make a telepathic link.

Red: kukui?

Kukui: Red!?, where are you?!

Red: in a cave on the other side if the island

Kukui: the times up

Red: I know, but by the time I get there, it'll be time to begin the next round, I don't have any treasure yet anyway so I'll wait right here until round 2 begins

Kukui: ok, I let Olivia know, by the way when could you use telepathy from this far away

Red: ........Just now, still figuring it out myself

Kukui: classic Red

Red: see you later *cuts the link*

I sit down against the wall of the cave and relax. But then I feel a strang aura coming from behind me. I did say I would wait though so I'll have to be patient.

My timer starts and I get up to investigate. It the aura is coming from the other side of the wall. I raise my aura senses to see form a different angle. There's another chamber inside this cave, but how do I get on there?

I could just break the wall but, lana could notice. Maybe there's a hidden door. I use my aura to, again, look around. I don't see anything. So I start looking with my eyes.

There's a little piece of the wall that looks different from the rest. My gamer logic kicked in and I pushed it. Then the wall began to slide back and then to the side giving me a pathway. It reminded me of the redstone doors from minecraft.

While walking inside I can feel the wird aura getting closer. It feels beastly, but also like a warrior that has seem and fought countless battles.

I start to see the end of the pathway. Then I see a desk at the end. When I see whats on the desk, I loose my mind. Laying on top the of desk was a beautiful sword.

I'm a sword nerd so I knew what it was immediately. It's a Longquan sword with a very cool Red wolf design.

I picked up the Blade to see it's handle. It's marvelous. Sturdy and very light. A great wepon, fit for a great warrior to wield it.

I took the blade out of it's sheath. The blade is detailed red flames. The blades aura only grew when I did this.

It's a very nice blade, very sharp, too bad I'm not a good swordsman. I prefer hand to hand. But this should make for a good treasure.

I put the sword back into its sheath and walk outside the cave, with the pathway closing behind me.

Just then my timer goes off. Now I need to move. Because lana is gonna show up soon. Before I could start running, I see lana and snoutland show up.

I need to hide but there is nowhere to hide. I freeze and try silent, hoping they would just walk past me. They did.

What the Hell. I'm clearly visible to them. Lana loves to talk too. What happened.

I look at myself only to realize, I'm Invisible. What the Hell, I decided to take advantage of my situation and walk out quickly.

Now how do I turn this off. I realize my aura is covering me completely. Maybe if I just not do that. I stop doing that and I turn visible.

I turn my aura on and I'm invisible. Turn it off and I'm visible. Well I just unlocked a new ability in my skill tree. I run as fast as I can to reach the prize area as soon as possible.

I'm there in 1 minute and 23 seconds. I'm faster then I realized. I see kukui and walk to him.

Kukui: oh hey Red, what thats you got there? *points at the sword*

Red: you'll have to wait too see

I find some leaves and cover the sword with them. I don't want ash to feel more ashamed of himself then he already will be.


Every participant is standing by their box with their treasure covered waiting to present.

Olivia: lets start with ash again *reveals  ash treasure* a yellow shard

Oliva: 5 points, with last round that makes your total 20 points

Ash: oh man, kiawe got 100 points in the first round

Rotom: you spent most of the second round trying to catch a alolan geodude

Olivia: your next mallow *reveals her treasure* it's a lansat berry

Ash: it's Huge!

Olivia: yep, a normal sized one is rare enough, but a berry this size is even rarer, 75 points, added to the first round thats 95 total points

Mallow: ooohhh, Im so close

Sophocles: ya I'm up next

Olivia: *reveals his treasure* sophocles has recovered a sizable piece of the metor that fell on a akala island hundred of years ago, it a meteoric iron also know as a comet shard

Olivia: 150 points, I'm impressed

Ash: woah, you're in the lead?!

Sophocles: ya

Kukui: and now it's time for lilies treasure *points at lille*

Lille climbs on top of the saddle. She successfully sits on the saddle with snoutland without freaking out.

All the other students run to lille and congratulates her on mounting snoutland. They she looks cool and she did a good job.

Olivia: with all her hard work, she sure gave it a lot of love

Kukui: yep

Red: good job lille

Kiawe: so lille, I'll let you ride charizard if you like

Lille: thanks but, I'll save that joint for another time

They all walk balk to the prizes to continue to see who won.

Olivia: lets see what Kiawe has *reveals his treasure*

Ash: another fossil?

Mallow: and I see a feather right?

Olivia: right, this is a fossil of Archen, 200 points, for a total of 300

Kiawe: all right!

Sophocles: whaa!, thought I had this in the bag

Ash: doesn't that means Kiawe wins?

Mallow: not yet we haven't seen lana's or Red's yet

Olivia: all right lets see Lana's *reveals her treasure*

Everyone: huh?

Ash: Olivia, what is it?

Olivia: that's called Z-ring ore

Everyone: wwwhhhhaaaaaa!!

Ash: thats Z-ring ore, for real * makes a funny pose*

Olivia: lana earns 500 points, which means she in the lead

Red: ya, everyone has normal treasure and lana is most interesting, I found cool sword, try me

Olivia: that leaves Red, lets see *reveals his treasure*

Everyone: whoa!!

Ash: so cool!!

Kukui: what is it?

Olivia: it's a ancient sword, forged and used over 1500 years ago, and it's still in perfect shape, 1000 points, that means Red the winner

Everyone is amazed by what Red has found. Kukui tried to pick up the handle, but he had to drop it quickly. His hand felt like he had 3rd degree burns. But he was physically ok.

Kukui: OW!, That Hurt!

Red: Kukui!, are you ok!

Kukui: I'm just fine, but felt like my hand was in lave for a second

Red picks up the sword and it still doesn't hurt him. But when kukui picked up the handle. It's arua skyrocketed, but when Red holds it, it's a calm aura.

Red: I don't the sword likes you kukui

Kukui: maybe

Red: it needs a name, I'm gonna call it Malice

Olivia: interesting, it seems only Red can use the sword, anyone else who tries gets the pain of 3rd degree burns, I think Red should keep it

Red: I'll take good care of it

Ash: so cool!!, can try to hold it!

Red: I don't think thats a good idea ash!


The sun is setting on the alola region. Ash and the gang are chilling in the pokemon center. Everyone is still amazed at what Red found. He won't let anyone hold it though.

Rockruff comes out of his pokeball to have his late night conversation with Red and pikachu.

Rockruff: hey guys

Red and pikachu: hey

Rockruff: how was the treasure hunt

Pikachu: ash got last place

Red: but I won *smiles* and Lana is gonna get a Z-ring soon

Rockruff: huh, how's lana gonna get a Z-ring?

Red: she found Z-ring ore, Olivia is gonna make a Z-ring out of it for her

Pikachu: let me guess, you knew this was gonna happen

Red: yep, didn't know this sword was there though *pulls out Malice*

Rockruff: thats so cool!, you found that!

Red: ya, I did, it was in the same cave where lana found the ore

Pikachu: were you trying to steal the ore?

Red: NO!, I just thought that if Z-ring ore was there, maybe there could be something more, and I was right

Rockruff: does it have a name

Pikachu: why would you name a sword?

Red: to have a personal connection with it, and yes I named it Malice

Pikachu: edgelord

Red: call me what you want, but I think the name fits well

Rockruff: I agree

Red: I'm not a swordsman though, one of friends was a prodigy in swordsman ship, but anyway, I'm going to sleep

Pikachu: I'll join you

Rockruff: count me in

Red reflected on his life and it much it has changed. He loves his new life but knows it probably won't last forever. After that, the 3 pokemon fell asleep, hoping to wake up with a bright day ahead.
