Chapter 13 - Reunion Between Pokemon and Trainer

Talking: Hi

Thinking: is he dead

Action: *stabs him to death*

Telepathy: can you hear me?


I miss sleep. I can close my eyes but I can't go into the sweet realm of unconsciousness. A blessing, and a curse.

I look at the clock and it's only 6:32 AM. Waiting for everyone to wake up is boring. I decided to teleport to kalos and explore for a while.

To avoid kukui yelling at me, I'll leave a note on the fridge to let everyone know where I'll be. Then I walk outside and teleport to lumiose city.

In lumiose city

Everyone is up and at work. The city is buzzing and phones ringing. Sounds like civilization to me. I quickly climb to the top of the prism tower.

Red: I feel like spider-man. I am on very tippity-top of this tower and in his famous squatting position so it makes sense

Just then I feel a big aura signature. I focus on it and it's actually three signatures.

Red: strang, I feel like I know these people

I jump off the tower in the assassins creed leap of faith way. But mid-way down my fall I stop falling and start flying towards the strang aura signatures.


Red has just landed in the forest outside of lumiose city. He's wonders what pokemon could be here.

Red: no normal pokemon can produce aura this big. Could be a legendary and if so then most likely it's Zygarde's cores. But who's the 3rd pokemon

As walks towards the Zygarde cores and the mystery pokemon. He begins to hear then having a conversation. He turns invisible to be hidden while he listens to their conversation.

???: thanks for the help greninja

Red: Greninja!?


Greninja: it's my pleasure to help the cores of Zygarde in protecting kalos

Zygarde Cores Red and Blue

Red Zygarde Core: and we are thankful for you help. If you wish, you can go and be with your trainer again

Greninja: I would love too. But I don't know how to get to him

Red: *turns visible* I can help you with that

Everyone is shocked and suprised to see Red. Greninja, not knowing who he us, uses cut and attempts to slash at Red's left leg.

Red simply does a front flip over Greninja's head and trys to calm him down.

Red: easy dude I'm not here to harm you or the cores

Greninja: *threatening voice*how can I trust you, and more importantly how do you know about the cores

Red: You can trust me because I'm one if ash's new friends he's made in alola, and I know about them because I've talked to them before

Greninja: *suspicious voice* prove to me that you are friends with ash and we'll be fine

Red: it would be easier if I just showed you. How about I teleport us to ash and he can vouch for me, and you get to see him again. It's a win for both of us

Blue Zygarde Core: before you 2 continue your conversion, I would like to formally welcome you to the kalos region Mr.Red

Red: *annoyed* please stop with the formalities, unless we are in a formal setting, NO FORMALITIES!

Blue Zygarde Core: *scared* understood

Red Zygarde Core: *whispering to blue core* I told you he hates formalities

Blue Zygarde Core: *whispering back* I forgot he hated them. I just want him to feel welcomed and not try to kill us again

Greninja: so you two know this guy?

Red Zygarde Core: yes we do. He actually the son a one of the creation trio. That would technically make him a legendary pokemon

Greninja: WHAT!?

Red: yeah that's true, but anyway want to see ash again?

Greninja looks at the cores for advice. They just nod their heads as a sign that he should accept the offer.

Greninja: ok I'll go. But how do you teleport us to ash?

Red: I teleport and you just hand my hand

Greninja: really?

Red: yes really now grab my hand

Greninja: *confused* ok *grabs his hand*

Blue Zygarde Core: bye greninja

Red Zygarde Core: we again thank you for your help

Greninja: you're welcome, bye

After greninja says his goodbyes. Red teleports himself and greninja to kukui's house in alola to say hi to ash.

Kukui's House

Red and greninja have teleported outside the house and are on the porch.

Greninja: I feel sick

Red: thats normal when you teleport for the first time

Greninja: where's ash?

Red: it's 7:14 AM so he's probably still asleep

Greninja: doesn't sound like ash to me

Red: well he's currently trying to relax here in alola, you wouldn't believe how much he sleeps in on school days

Greninja: school?

Red: there's a pokemon school on this island and he attendes it to learn about new pokemon he hasn't seen before

Greninja: strang that he went to school for that

Red: Now stay here

Greninja: why?

Red: I'm going to get Pikachu and rotom outside to see you before ash

Greninja: ok

Red: please don't go anywhere *enters the house*

Red looks around for ash and the others. Lycanroc and litten are sleeping with Burnet on the couch. While Pikachu, rotom, and ash are upstairs.

Red: same as usual

Red then climbs upstairs to wake ash and the other. As he thought, ash is still asleep.

Red: *whispering* Pikachu wake up

Pikachu: *half asleep* huh? What?

Red: *whispering* wake up, I want to show you something

Pikachu: *whispering*ok

Red: *whispering* rotom?

Rotom: *whispering* yes I'm up

Red: *whispering* ok, come with me

The trio then wenr downstairs and exit the house. Red seems confused since he can't see Greninja anywhere.

Pikachu: what did you want to show us?

Red: what a second

Red uses aura sense and finds Greninja laying down on the roof.

Red: wow, he's the roof

Rotom: who?

Red: one of Pikachu's old friends that I convinced to come here

Pikachu: who is it?

Red: let me drag him down here and you'll see

Red jumps onto the roof and sees Greninja taking a nap. He decides to wake him up gently.

Red: wakey wakey eggs and bakey

Greninja: huh?

Red: wake up, pikachu and rotom are waiting for you

Greninja: ok lets go *jumps off the roof*

Red: *jumps with him*

As soon as pikachu sees Greninja. His face turns into his old famous expression.

Red: *laughing his ass off*

Greninja: what's so funny?

Red: *still laughing* Pikachu's face🤣

Rotom: NEW POKEMON!! *scans greninja* Greninja, the ninja pokemon. A water and dark type. It appears and vanishes with a ninja's grace. It toys with its enemies using swift movements, while slicing them with throwing stars of sharpest water. It creates throwing stars out of compressed water. When it spins them and throws them at high speed, these stars can split metal in two

Pikachu: GRENINJA?!?!

Greninja: hello Pikachu. Nice to see again

Rotom: do you know this Greninja, Pikachu

Pikachu: yeah, he's one of the pokemon ash caught in kalos. He's also one of the strongest pokemon I've ever had the honor of training with

Rotom: this information requires more research *starts theorizing*

Red: anyway, how do you guys think ash will react to seeing Greninja?

Greninja: that's a good question

Pikachu: he'll probably stare quietly for a while. Then run at you and start crying while saying "I'm so glad I get to see you again"

Greninja: knowing ash, he would do something like that

Red: shall we wake him up?

Rotom: you think ash will fully wake up at 7:21 AM?

Pikachu: how about we just relax inside while we wait for ash to wake up

Red: sounds good to me

Rotom: I'm in

Greninja: I've been wanting some good time to relax

The group then walk inside to wait. Rotom continued to take pictures of greninja, then went into basement to research. Pikachu just went back to sleep by ash.

Greninja and Red are sitting in the floor of the center of the house. They're talking about what eachother has done before.

Greninja: one time, I had to jump from the back of Zygarde to destroy a small meteor

Red: cool, but I've done more dangerous things

Greninja: from what I hear about you, you've done things no normal pokemon can do

Red: didn't you hear Zygarde yell about me being a legendary?

Greninja: yes and I'm still surprised by that

Red: good

Greninja: but who are you, really

Red: hold my hand and I'll show you my memories

Greninja: last time I did that I was teleported across regions

Red: this time you'll see my memories

Greninja: will it hurt?

Red: no

Greninja: ok

Greninja and red hold hands. In a flash Greninja's mind is flooded with Red's memories. He sees his past life, training, and how many pokemon he's killed during training.

When the process stops. Greninja is silent. Then starts to sweat in the nervous anime fashion. He realizes that Red is a being beyond his power to defeat.

Red: are you ok Greninja?

Greninja: No I'm not, I've just seen that you could destroy our whole world on a whim

Red: yeah I could, hut I won't. My dad would kill me

Greninja: aren't you stronger them him?

Red: doesn't matter how strong I am. Parents strike fear into the hearts of their children without any effort

Greninja: ok. I've seen that you have 2 other forms, why don't you use them?

Red: I only have full control in this form and mega form. I don't have very good control in my last form

Greninja: it's a shame since it's your most powerful form

Red: yeah but I'm working on having more control. I hope I won't have to use it

Greninja: why?

Red: You should know why

Greninja: I want your personal answer

Red: because I'm scared that if I loose control my friends would start to fear me

Greninja: then use your fear as a motivater

Red: that's what I've been doing

Greninja: I've realized something you've said that you're legendary pokemon right?

Red: yes

Greninja: shouldn't there be a pokedex entry about you?

Red: *few seconds of silence* that's a good point. I guess the reason why Is because I've forgot to tell everyone about me being a legendary

Greninja: you should tell them

Red: I'll do it later

Suddenly footsteps could be heard from downstairs. Greninja quickly prepares to fight. Red just hold his arm to stop him from killing anyone.

Professor kukui then walks up from the stairs. Yoy could easily tell that he's not fully awake just yet.

Kukui: *sleepy voice* morning Red *walks to the kitchen*

Red: if kukui's up then ash and Burnet will also be up soon

Burnet: *deep yawn and sleepy voice* I'm up

Greninja: wonder if me and ash can still our bond transformation

Red: I'll let you know these professors are going research the bond phenomenon

They then hear rock music being played upstairs. Red chuckles know that it's ash's wake up call.

Greninja just looks confused. He's about to ask red what was that. Then he sees ash jump downstairs with pikachu and rotom.

Ash: good morning alola!!

Red: good morning ash

Greninja: hi ash

Ash: hi Red and Greninja *few seconds of silence*

Ash: GRENINJA!?!?!!!

Ash is beyond surprised to see Greninja again. Once he gets over his shock, he runs towards Greninja and starts to hugs him very tightly.

Ash: *anime crying* it's so good to see you again!!

Greninja: me too

Pikachu and Red as watching the reunion from the sidelines.

Pikachu: told you

Red: yeah you were right

Pikachu: what originally happened to Greninja?

Red: huh?

Pikachu: I'm pretty sure that Greninja would stay in kalos for a lot longer then this. Wouldn't this mess up the original timeline?

Red: yes but at this point I don't care about the timeline. I just everyone to be safe. Bringing Greninja back was one the best ways to do that

Pikachu: I wonder how this will play out

Red: I also have to tell you something else. Something that will make rotom go nuts

Pikachu: what is it?

Red: I'm the son of giratina

After Red said that the whole room went silent. Even ash looked at him with suprise. Rotom came down and broke the awkward silence.

Rotom: WHAT!?!?! SINCE WHEN?!

Red: since my birth

Rotom: fair, but why didn't you tell us sooner?

Red: I didn't know before I left, but then I forgot to tell you

Ash: WHAT?!!?

Red: ash please calm down


Red: *thinks for second* He's right

Pikachu: shouldn't you get a pokedex entry now?

Rotom: way ahead of you Pikachu

Greninja: *suprised* he's made you a entry that fast?

Red: before you tell us my new entry *pulls out flash drive from inventory* you should review this

Rotom: *grabs the drive* what is it?

Red: it's contains a lot info about me

Rotom: updating updated

Ash: this should be interesting

Rotom: Red, the Reality Pokemon. A Dark and Divine type. He battles like calm hurricane delivering quick and powerful blows to his opponents faster then they can react. In battle he shifts Reality around him to fit to his advantage. Legends say that he was born the fate of the universe was
changed forever.

Red: Divine type?

Rotom: it's a custom type I've made for the most powerful pokemon. Arceus and Mew are the only other pokemon to has this typing

Pikachu: you still finds ways to suprise me Red

Then the gang hears the Professors are waking up. Red looks at his note on the fridge and it burns with black flame. After the notes gone the flame vanished.

They all then quickly move upstairs to act like they were still sleeping. But with another friend with them this time.
