Chapter 18 - Relaxing

Talking: Hi

Thinking: is he dead

Action: *stabs him to death*

Telepathy: can you hear me?


Wow, I guess Jac-...RED and Sophia will be having some fun together. I'm happy for them, but I feel like Red didn't want to see her.


And Adam is still passed out on my living room couch. Why did he even come here? He doesn't talk to me much, and he hates being around Sophia. The only reason he would put up with her is if he was forced too.

I stand up to get another drink. While walking to my kitchen fridge, I see Giratina watching Red and Sophia talking. I just walk past him and open the fridge.

David: do you want another drink?

Giratina: ..........

David: Hey Giratina. Do you want another drink

Giratina: huh?, oh yes I would like that

David: any preferences?

Giratina: suprise me

David: *smiles* ok

I Pull out a big bottle of whisky and 2 cups. I pour some whiskey, and grab the cups. Then walk to Giratina and give him a cup while I keep the other.

Giratina: what is this?

David: it's called whiskey, one of my favorite drinks

Giratina: *takes a sip* wow, this is really nice

David: *takes sip* yeah it is *looks at Red and Sophia* would you be ok if your son starts dating?

Giratina: if you're suggesting that Red and Sophia get romantically involved, yes I would be ok with it

David: *suprised* really? I got the impression that you didn't like her that much

Giratina: I don't but I can tell she truly loves my son for who he is, and he loves her a lot more then he lets on

David: how can you tell?

Giratina: I may not be his original father, but I know my son. Speaking of which, where are his original parents?

David: *looks down with sorrow* ......3 days after Ja-..... *sigh* sorry it's hard to get used to a name change

Giratina: I can relate

David: anyway. 3 days after Red's death, his parents killed themselves out of guilt.

Giratina: *shocked* that's just sad, from what he has told me they didn't do anything wrong. They were good parents, how could they feel guilt if they didn't do anything?

David: because of what you just said, they didn't do anything, nothing to help their child. It was hard to look at them as I delivered the news of his death. When I heard of their suicide, I was sad but also somewhat happy because I thought they'd joined their son in the afterlife, but now *points at Red* I know that they killed themselves for nothing

Giratina: *deep sigh* that' of the worst stories I've ever heard, and I've tried to kill all life before *takes another sip of whiskey* let's change the topic, how has your life been

David: boring. Very, very, very boring

Giratina: really?

David: yeah, I've never had a long lasting romantic relationship, or any good relationship with anyone other then the people in my house. So I've been pretty lonely for a while, until Red showed up at my door

Giratina: what about that boy adam and Sophia. Haven't they talked to you?

David: after Jac-...RED died, Adam didn't talk to anyone in our group for a long, long time. I thought he died, but no he didn't. Now he's passed out on my couch. Reminds me of high school

Giratina: to be far, he is technically the cause of my son's death

David: yeah, wait why are you talking to me so much? Shouldn't be over there with Red and Sophia

Red and Sophia: *talking about life*

Giratina: I'm letting them catch up with eachother, plus you're a good human being, and I like talking with you. Unlike most of this dimension.

David: fair

While I'm talking with Giratina, I see Pikachu walk towards us and starts saying something. Too bad I can't hear a thing he's saying.

Pikachu: pika-pikachu?

Giratina: it's called whiskey

Pikachu: pika-pika-pikachu?

Giratina: no, you'll have to ask him *points at me* he owns it

Pikachu: pika-pikachu?

David: sorry Pikachu I can't speak pokemon

Giratina: oh yeah *puts his hand on my head and after a second takes it off* ask again Pikachu

Pikachu: can I have some whiskey?

David: *blankly stares at Pikachu* how old are you?

Pikachu: around 22

David: ok, but first *turns to Giratina* you gave me the ability to talk to pokemon so Pikachu could ask me for a drink of whiskey?

Giratina: yes, yes I did *smiles*

David: cool *pours Pikachu a tiny glass of whiskey* here you go

Pikachu: thanks dude *starts drinking*

David: how old is ash?

Giratina: arceus likes to reset ash's age back to 10 every couple of years

David: that explains a lot. Does he reset Pikachu's age with Ash?

Giratina: nope

Suddenly ash walks in with greninja with him. Wait. GRENINJA?! I'm pretty sure that ash released greninja in kalos. So why is he here?

Ash: hey Red?

Red: yeah?

Ash: we forgot to give greninja a ring

Red: oh yeah *pulls a bracelet out of nowhere* put this on your wrist greninja

Greninja: why?

Red: do you want to die?

Greninja: no

Red: then put it on, or you will die

Greninja then puts the bracelet on. He looks relieved as soon as he does so. I'm bored, so I walk into my living room and sit on the couch where Adam is and turn on the TV.

Just so happens that I forgot I was watching Pokemon XYZ last I turned this on. The theme song starts and everyone looks at the TV.

I look at Red and he just gives me a "WTF" look. Giratina looks like he just discovered music.

Ash: what is that?!

David: QUIET!!! The good part is about to start.

I look around and Everyone looks stunned by what they're watching, especially Ash, Pikachu, and Greninja. Red and me just continue watching with great interest.

Giratina just looks amazed. I think he's heard about the pokemon show from Red before, but never actually watched it.

When the episode ended, and I look at ash. He looks like he's just met god for the first time.

Pikachu: *looks at Red* is this the show you told me about?

Red: yeah

Ash: that looks so cool!!

Greninja: it captured the fight perfectly

Giratina: David how many episodes are there

David: in this season or in general

Giratina: season

David: around 95 without specials

Red: XYZ only has 47 episodes

David: shouldn't you remember that I consider XY and XYZ one in the same

Red: fair

The next episode starts and everyone just keeps watching. All of the sudden I hear groaning. Adam is waking up, so I just let him sit on the couch and continue watching the episode.

A phone starts ringing and it's adam's phone. He excuses himself and walks into another room to convince with whoever is on the other end.

We just continue watching XZY. Ash keep watching with stars in his eyes. Greninja keeps muttering to himself. Pikachu is just sitting beside ash, and still drinking the whiskey I gave him.

When the episode ends, Giratina stands up and walks to me. Then sits down right beside me on the couch.

Giratina: *sips some more whiskey* so this is what you guys were talking about?

David: if you're talking about the fictional pokemon thing, then yes

Giratina: interesting

David: *sad voice* at least you get to see this before you guys leave

Giratina: ....well about that

David: *sarcastic* oh yay what special event happened now

Giratina: apparently Lycanroc needs more time to recover before we can safety transport him back home

David: how long?

Giratina: a couple of days

David: I guess I'll need to buy some more drinks before we drink the rest if my supply *chuckles*

Giratina: ...........How was he?

David: what?

Giratina: Red, how was he before his death

David: *chuckles* he was a guy you could rely on to help you when you're in a bad situation. Even before he became a pokemon, he was a very dangerous man. He's one of the only people on earth who have mastered Japanese jujutsu. If I got into a fight, he would be trying to kill whoever I was fighting. He cares so much about the people he considers friends or family. It doesn't madder if he's human, pokemon, or even a demon. He was, still, and will always be a person I consider to be my brother.

Giratina: from what he's told me about you, you're also a really good friend. Helping him get out of jail, Hacking security cameras to find lost items or people, and I think he said you helped him dissolve a dead human body with acid.

David: he knows how to make some powerful acid. I just erase evidence and help clean up the body. Just because we were hired by the government to do a few things doesn't mean we're murderers

Giratina: thats true

Suddenly I feel a hand touch my shoulder. I'm about to slam this person to the ground, when I notice it's ash.

David: ash, please stop randomly sneaking up behind people. I was about to body slam you

Ash: ...sorry

David: is there a reason why you walked over to me?

Ash: yeah, I wanted to ask what you're favorite pokemon is

David: it's Zeraora. Why do you ask?

Ash: Red wanted to know, but he asked me to ask you

I look at Red and he looks like he was just caught trying to hide a dead body. Shocked face, wide eyes, avoiding eye contact, and trying to hide something that's behind him. He seems to be very nervous and embarrassed.

Wait, where's adam? Has he been in that room this whole time. I get up and walk to where I last saw him. When I open the door, he's not there. I look some more and eventually just walk back to everyone.

David: has anyone seen Adam?

Giratina: nope

Ash: no

Sophia: sorry I haven't

Greninja: no

Red: no, is he gone?

David: I can't find him

Red: *arua sense* he's at another house down the road

David: can you tell me what it looks like?

Red: red and white color sheme. Single story and a black pickup truck outside

David: *sigh in relief* ok he just went to his house

Red: the real question is, why did he leave?

David: he's Adam

Red: True. I'm going to check on Lycanroc *walks away*

Sophia then walks towards me. She looks at me with her Red eyes. Then she asked me a question.

Sophia: why didn't you tell me when Jack first got here?

David: because he seemed that he didn't want to spend much time here.

Sophia: I still would've come to see him. Even if it was just for a second

David: you love him too much

Sophia: maybe I do, but he loves me too

David: fair

Giratina: Sophia, can you come over here please?

Sophia: sure *walks to him*

What does Giratina with with her. It's probably about her and Red's relationship. I really doesn't madder to me since I'm the third wheel.

I just walk to my room and look at the city's cameras out of boredom. After a while I start to walk to the restroom, when I suddenly get a phone notification saying it found Lycanroc on the cameras.

David: *suprised* what?

I run to Red and see him scratching Lycanroc's neck. I walk to him and start the wird conversation.

David: hey Red, by any chance did another Lycanroc come here?

Red: *confused* what? no. What did you do, you never open a conversation like that without reason

David: the program I put on the city cameras notified me saying that it found Lycanroc

Red: strang. Did you check the area?

David: I thought I would check with you before I did anything

Red: lets worry about it later. Just reboot the program and we'll check it out tomorrow.

David: alright *looks at Lycanroc* will he be ok?

Red: from what I've seen, he's been tortured. But he should be ok in a few days

David: good

I walk back upstairs and start the process of rebooting my program. As a side affect, all thr city's cameras will be down while the reboot loads.

I just lay down on my bed and drift off into the land of dreams. I just hope Red and Sophia don't too exited tonight, because I need some sleep.
