Chapter 17 - Rescue and More Old Friends

Talking: Hi

Thinking: is he dead?

Action: *stabs him to death*

Telepathy: can you hear me?


It's 2AM and everyone else is asleep. I need to find Lycanroc before it's too late. The best way to do so would be too freeze time here and move as fast as possible.

Red: *freezes time* let the hunt begin

Of course I can't keep time frozen here for a long or the higher beings here will be mad at me. Good thing I really don't care.

I begin to run across the continent of North America. Looking under every rock for my friend. I even go to look into military basses.

I also finally had the chance to see what's inside of area 51. There wasn't really anything cool, except this giant portal looking thing and some captured aliens.

I'm not a idiot though. Everytime I went to military bass, I went to their command system and erased all of the camera footage that had me in the frame.

I do hate most of the humans here, but I'll give them credit for making some good fucking cameras. They can see a very, very, very, vwry, very, very, very, VERY short glimpse of me. And I'm moving faster then time right now so I have no idea how that works but that's some good cameras.

After a while longer I finished searching the entire North American continent. Where the fuck is he? If he isn't in North America he's probably already been captured.

Red: well shit

???: since when do you swear so much?

Red: and since when does my dad follow me into other dimensions

Giratina: Touché

Red: *turns around* and you finally decided to use your human form

Giratina: thought it would make me blend in easier

Giratina(Human form)

Red: uh, you still look like a demon king

Giratina: good

Red: you just said you wanted to blend in

Giratina: I still want to look intimidating

Red: well you certainly did that

Giratina: anyway, do you have a idea where lycanroc is?

Red: he isn't on this continent

Giratina: do you have a idea where he is?

Red: probably in a military bass or a capital building

Giratina: why do you think that?

Red: I just finished searching the entire North American continent and he's not here. He can't move that fast on his own, thus leading ne to think he got captured

Giratina: good thinking process, how about we start looking at those places

Red: you're actually going to help me?

Giratina: you're my son, your friends are my friends

Red: thanks dad

The father and son duo split up and search the world's military basses and capital buildings. With Giratina helping, it doesn't take too long to find Lycanroc.

Giratina finds him in a research laboratory in Antarctica. He calls his son with telepathy to inform him.

Giratina: son I found Lycanroc

Red: where is he?!

Giratina: he's at.......the Ice continent?

Red: do you mean Antarctica?

Giratina: yeah I think

Red: I'm on my way

While Giratina waits for his son to arrive, he notices that the snow storm is also frozen in time. Resulting in a cool sight to look at.

Then Red suddenly appears right beside Giratina. Red quickly tries to sense for Lycanroc's arua. He does find it, but he also senses that he's weak.

Red: good news, he's alive

Giratina: bad news?

Red: he's weak. Let's get a closer look *flys towards Lycanroc*

Giratina: *flys with him*

Red finds the building Lycanroc is in. The building has a window on the roof, so he looks inside and is shocked. Giratina looks with him and is also shocked.

The pair see Lycanroc chained up in a poorly light room. Red makes a little ball of light to see better. Every surface is covered in blood. Even Lycanroc is covered in blood, head to toe.

Giratina: *shocked* what happened?

Red: *shocked* something bad

Giratina: I think he's sleeping

Red: is there any humans around?

Giratina: *senses for human aura* not a lot. Most of them are sleeping with only 5 or 6 humans in guard towers

Red: good, lets bust our friend out

Giratina: and how do we do that?

Red: by breaking his chains and flying him home

Giratina: what happens when the humans notice he's gone?

Red: I didn't think about that

Giratina: you're so focused on helping him that you forget to think ahead

Red: yeah I do

Giratina: so what shall we then?

Red: *thinks for a second* you'll break him out and I'll put a illusion that looks Lycanroc to buy us some more time to get out of here

Giratina: that's a better plan

Red: thank you dad

The pair teleport into the building and begin the plan. Giratina breaks the chains, noticing that they're stronger then normal chains. Then grabs Lycanroc and flys back into the air.

Red then makes a illusion of Lycanroc sleeping. He attached the chains and flew to his father and Lycanroc.

Red: *worried* how is he?

Giratina: unhealthy, but nothing I can't heal

As Giratina says that, Red notices that the snow is starting to move, then starts moving faster. He realizes what's happening, so he grabs his father and rushes back to the USA.


Red, Lycanroc, and giratina arrive at David's house. Time is moving again so they quickly go inside to start healing Lycanroc.

Red: QUICKLY *starts healing Lycanroc*

Giratina: I'M TRYING *healing Lycanroc*

Together they manage to fully heal Lycanroc. But he quickly starts to weaken again. Red instantly grabs a orange and black collar from his inventory and puts it around Lycanroc's neck.

Immediately Lycanroc starts to naturally heal himself. Both Red and Giratina breath a sigh of relief. Then they hear footsteps coming towards them.

They look around to see David getting a Orange-Crush from the fridge. He looks at Red and begins a new conversation.

David: so how'd it go? *drinks some Orange-Crush*

Red: what do you mean

David: I'm not a fucking idiot. I can see Lycanroc over there. I'm asking how'd the rescue go

Giratina: it went well

David: *looks at him* I'm guessing you're Giratina

Giratina: yes I am

David: lesson #1 of being in this dimension, don't say you're Giratina with that much confidence

Giratina: *angered* why not you lowly human

David: because the government has eyes and hears everywhere. They'll most likely hear you and sent in the troops trying to capture you, resulting in you having to massacre them. And then they'll use your outrage as a reson to use more Destructive methods to try and capture you. This results in a cycle where in the end someone destroys the planet. What would you're son think of you if you did that?

Giratina: ................................

Red: he has a point there dad

Giratina: ................................

Red: damn, I haven't seem him this speechless since I slaped him across the Distortion World

David: it's something he needed to hear, his pride may cost him

Red: where's ash and pikachu?

David: sleeping in their bedroom

Red: good to know

David: I'm assuming that you froze time to get Lycanroc

Red: yeah, hey I've been wondering where Adam is?

David: *sigh* I haven't seen or heard from him in a while, but last I heard he was working at the Texas themed restaurant downtown

Red: I die for him and he works there?

David: it's Adam we're talking about here

Red: fair point

David: he's been struggling fanatically, so cut him some slack

Red: I can help him out

David: he won't accept help, even from me

Red: he's a idiot

David: no he's Adam, it's even worse

Red: good to know, what about Sophia

David: still interested *smirks*

Red: *blushes* maybe

David: *chuckles* well she's hasn't been doing so well. After you died she's been acting..........strange.

Red: how so?

David: she hasn't been as social has she used to be. But she still likes to tease boys for liking her, but she ends the conversation weirdly

Red: *worried* define weird

David was about to answer, but he saw Giratina is looking in his fridge. Giratina finds a bottle nammed "Vodka". He pops the cap takes a little sip. He finds out he loves the taste of vodka. Red notices his father drinking and doesn't care, but David does.

David: why are you drinking my vodka

Giratina: I was thirsty

David: please get something else before you get drunk

Red: he's immune to poison which includes alcohol, he can't get drunk

David: oh ok, continue then

Giratina: with pleasure *takes a big sip*

David decided to go back to sleep taking the rest of his Orange-Crush with him. Giratina keeps drinking vodka. Red brings his old project out of his inventory and continues to work on it.


Red hears a knock at the front door. He looks at the clock and realized it's 7:20 AM. He uses his aura sense to see who's at the door. When he sees who it is, he blushes. Then he puts his project back in his inventory.

Giratina noticed and chuckles. Then he just walks into another room to leave him alone. Red then teleports Lycanroc to ash's room, and opens the door.

When he opens the front door, he sees the one girls he's ever had a crush on, and still does. Sophia.


Red: uh, hi

Sophia: hello, who are you?

Red: what the fuck do I do?! I'm a friend of David. I'm waiting for him to wake up

Sophia: *stares into Red's eyes* I feel like I know you

Red: *nervous sweating*

Behind Sophia, another person appears. Red immediately knows who they are because of the blue hoodie. Adam.


Adam: hello random person. Do you know where my friend David is?

Red: yes, he's sleeping in his room.

Sophia: what a second why are you hear?

Red: *nervous sweating* because he asked me to help him with something

Sophia: since when does David ask for help?

This conversation goes on for a hour. Sophia wonder who Red is and why he's here. Adam is just standing there wondering what to do.

Sophia was about to drag Red out of the house, but before she could David walked in. He took one look at the situation and at Red's face to know what's going on.

David: Sophia please calm down, he's friendly

Sophia: THEN WHO IS HE!?!

David gives Red a look of tiredness understanding before continuing the conversation.

David: he's a old friend of ours, but I don't think he's ready to inform you of who exactly he is


Since Sophia is yelling so loud, ash and his pokemon start to wake up. While half asleep, pikachu walks into the friend group arguing.

Pikachu ignores the argument and goes onto the kitchen to get some water. Unluckily, Sophia notices Pikachu and points it out.

Sophia: WAIT!!, is that a Pikachu?!

Red and David's eyes widen, as they realize Pikachu screwed them. Sophia rushes to pikachu and picks her up.

Sophia: which one of you brought a pikachu toy here!?!

Pikachu: *stressed*

Red, knowing what Pikachu might do, rushes to Sophia and grabs Pikachu. Then puts him back on the floor.

Sophia then starts to realize how this stranger and her old friend Jack act very similar.

Adam: so is no one going to talk about how that Pikachu just appeared out of no where?

David: Red, just show them

Sophia: show us what?

Red: the truth, now hold my hand

Sophia: are you asking me out?

Red: *blushes* NO!!

Sophia: uh-huh you definitely like me, *sad smile* too bad I lost the man I liked


Sophia: ok ok *holds his hand*

Red: adam you too

Adam: ok *holds his other hand*

Red then does the same thing to them as he did with david. This time it takes longer. But when they're done, adam just passes out.

David grabs him before he hits the floor and lays him on a couch. Sophia looks Red dead in the eyes, then she starts to cry and hugs Red very tightly.

Sophia: *sobbing* jack, is it really you?

Red: *hugs her* yes, it's me
