Chapter 6 - Guardian Battle and Evolution

Talking: Hi

Thinking: is he dead

Action: *stabs him to death*

Telepathy: Can you here me


We see the main cast gathering around the field. Red and Tapu-koko are preparing themselves for their battle.

Red: how did I get myself into this

Tapu-koko: this battle will decide what kind of pokemon you are Red, I hope you do not disappoint

Ash and the other spectators are unsure of what to make of the situation. Everyone has their own thoughts. Disbelief, hope, but mainly concern.

Everyone is concerned with Red's safety. He is fighting a Island Guardian, who wouldn't be concerned for him. Even Red himself is concerned with his own safety.

Red: I am so dead, I was just minding my own business when Tapu-koko had to ask for a battle, but what was I supposed to do, refusing a request from a Guardian would raise suspicion, thats the last thing I need right now

Ash had tried to battle with Red. Tapu-koko didn't let ash even speak. It wants Red to fight by himself. Red seems to be perfectly fine with this.

This simple reaction earns the guardian's curiosity. In it's eyes, Red is very interesting pokemon. He's still a baby though. He should've taken that more dramaticly.

Tapu-koko: I wonder why he's so relaxed but also battle ready, you're still a mystery Red

With that thought Tapu-koko activated it's electric field. Red sees it and prepares himself. He also started to think of strategies on how to win.

Kukui: and so it begins

Rotom: *starts recording*

Lille: I hope Red will be ok

Snowy: please be safe Red

Mallow: Professor Kukui, will Red be ok

Kukui: I don't know mallow, Tapu-koko is very powerful but, Red has pulled out suprise after suprise, I don't know what to expect from him, all I do know is that it'll be a very interesting battle

The battle starts with Tapu-koko using a electro-ball. Red quickly dodges it by jumping to the right.

Tapu-koko: he's fast

With Tapu-koko in thought, Red charges towards it at full speed. He uses bone rush and trys to hit Tapu-koko with a upwards slash.

Tapu-koko: and a quick thinker

Tapu-koko moves out of the way and then uses natures madness. Red jumps into the air and uses his bone to sheild himself.

The move hits Red, but due his defense it doesn't do much damage. Tapu-koko is suprised for second. Red uses that second to hit Tapu-koko with a hard downwards slash.

It hits and Tapu-koko is sent flying to the ground. Everyone is stunned. Tapu-koko quickly gets up but realizes how hurt it is from that attack.

Tapu-koko: and he's also very strong

The spectators are suprised when they see this.

Kukui: looks like Red did some serious damage

Ash: SO COOL!!!

Sophocles: I should be recording this *pulls out camera and starts recording*

Kiawe: this battle is getting fired up

Tapu-koko decides to get serious. It uses discharge and hits Red. It does some damage but not a lot.

Red: man that hurt, what do I do

Red uses something he saw Pikachu do a lot. He used quick attack to get in close. Then used bone rush and hit Tapu-koko in the right side of it's head.


Tapu-koko was sent flying to the left. Red stood there, stunned by his own strength. Tapu-koko then used electro-ball and hit Red.

Red suffered minor damage. Tapu-koko used another electro-ball. This time Red had a idea. He got into a baseball stance. Then waited for the electro-ball to get closer.

He then hit the ball with bone rush. Sending it flying towards Tapu-koko. Tapu-koko used it arm guards to protect itself.

Red used quick attack with bone rush against Tapu-koko. It hit full force and did major damage.

Tapu-koko: he's more then just a special baby

Red: this is hard to keep up, I need to end this now

The spectators are stunned. Especially kukui and lille. Red was born a week ago. Now it seems he's fighting Tapu-koko on even footing.

Ash and kiawe is amazed by Red's strength. Ash knew Red was strong but, not this strong. Kukui is also impressed, but also a bit suspicious.

Kukui: I've seen ash and Red fight together and win, but it seems that Red fights better alone, no matter what pokemon it is, they always fight better with a trainer, but Red is better at fighting alone, just what are you Red

Tapu-koko is starting to become more battle focused. It launched multiple electro-balls. Red trys to dodge but 2 managed to hit him, doing good damage.

Rotom: Red could be in trouble

Red realizes that he has been pushed right in front of everyone else. Tapu-koko failed to notice this. It fired 3 electro-balls then used discharge. By the time it realised it's mistake, it was too late.

Tapu-koko: no!, I can't stop it in time

Red was about to jump out of the way but remembered the people behind him.

Red: no pokemon behind me is strong enough to block these moves, I have to do something

Red decided to try and block Tapu-koko's attack. He focuses all his power into doing this. Pikachu noticed and tried to talk Red out of it. But Red can't hear anyone.

Tapu-koko: what is he doing!?, my attack is equivalent to a Gigavolt-Havoc and he's trying to block it?, he's a good pokemon but a better friend

Tapu-koko's attack hit Red at full force. Red is barely holding it back. Kukui and ash are trying their best to get everyone away from the battle.

Ash: *grabs rotom* we got to move

Tapu-koko: *fly to help Red* Red let me help you

Red: no, let me handle it *struggling*

Tapu-koko: this is equivalent to a Z-move, and you want to do this yourself

Red: I want to be the best, and to be the best, I want must be able to handle the worst

As Red says this, his body starts to glow bright blue with some Red. Tapu-koko noticed and back away from Red. His body started to change. Kukui saw this and knew what was happening.

Kukui: *smiles* Red's evolving

Tapu-koko's attack vanished. When the glowing stopped, Red was no longer a riolu. He has evolved into a lucario.

Rotom: Lucario the aura pokemon, It controls waves known as auras, which are powerful enough to pulverize huge rocks. It uses these waves to take down its prey.

Ash, kukui, kiawe, Mallow, Sophocles, lille, lana, and all their pokemon stand sill, stunned. Every pokemon near Red can feel his aura and power. The wild pokemon run away, scared. The pokemon partnered with trainers hide, intimated.

Even Pikachu and rockruff, who has been Red's best friends, hid behind ash's leg.

Tapu-koko: the battle has revealed your true nature, your a good pokemon Red I hope we meet again *prepares to leave*

Red: Tapu-koko!!, we're not done yet!

Tapu-koko: *suprised* you want to continue?

Red: yes, I refuse to leave until one of us has won

Pikachu and rockruff are suprised by Red's choice to keep fighting. Pikachu knows Red is week because of Tapu-koko's attack and his sudden evolution. Rockruff is worried for Red's own heath because of his choice to keep fighting.

Even kukui is wanting Red to come back and stop fighting. Red is just too stubborn to give up.

Red: I will keep fighting until I've won or lost

Tapu-koko: *few seconds of stunned silence* I admire you determination Red, I accept your request

Against the spectators wishes, Red and Tapu-koko continue their battle.

Pikachu: why are you like this Red, you don't have anything to prove

Kukui: you need to stop or you'll get even more hurt, this battle may cause serious and permanent damage if you keep fighting Red

Red acts first, using his newly aquired Arua Sphere move. Tapu-koko flys down to dodge.

Red: *smiles* fool, you've triggered my trap card

Red throws a aura bone at Tapu-koko. Tapu-koko blocks it but when it looks back, Red is nowhere to be seen.

Just then Red uses quick attack with bullet punch from behind Tapu-koko. It hits hard doing big damage.

Tapu-koko: he's a lot faster

Tapu-koko retaliated by using a full pwer discharge. Now Red and Tapu-koko are both about to collapse.

Red: I've got one last chance to win here, better make it count *puts all his remaining power into a Arua Sphere*

Tapu-koko: these are the last moves of the battle, lets end this *Charges a full power Electro-ball*

The ground around the 2 pokemon start to break from their power. Rotom, kukui, and sophocles seem to realize this.

Kukui: We got to move, NOW!

Rotom: AGREED, ash lets go now!

Ash: ya let's go guys *grabs Pikachu and rockruff*

Sophocles: cmon everyone, lets move!

The 2 pokemon launch their moves at another. The moves clash making a giant blinding light.

Sparks fly everywhere. Everyone runs away, ash trys to run back for Red, but kukui grabs him and carries him to safety.

After 3 minutes the light disappeared. Kukui and ash run over to see if Red and Tapu-koko are ok.

They see Red and Tapu-koko unconscious on the ground.

Kukui: thank arceus, they're ok

Ash: who won?

Everyone else runs down and sees Red amd Tapu-koko passed out on the ground.

Mallow: are they ok?

Rotom: vitals are fine, they just seems to be unconscious, nothing nurse joy cant fix

Lille: thank arceus they're ok

Snowy: I hope Red will be ok


The sun is setting and everyone is at kukui's house, with Tapu-koko and Red on the couch. Nurse joy was very suprised to see how injured Red and Tapu-koko were, but she healed them perfectly.

Tapu-koko woke up a while ago. It looked around, saw Red still asleep, then flew out the door. Now everyone is just waiting for Red to wake up. Lille decided now is the time to tell everyone about Red's telepathy.

Lille: hey guys, I need to tell you something about Red

Everyone: huh

Kukui: what do you mean lille?

Lille: today in class before Tapu-koko appeared, Red learned how to use telepathy

Everyone is suprised by this revelation, especially kukui. Now everyone wants Red to wake up even more. But they all decide to go home, sleep and check on him in the morning.

Pikachu can't sleep because he's stuck thinking about Red. He notices rockruff is awake too. Pikachu walks to rockruff and started a conversation with the pup.

Pikachu: can't sleep ether?

Rockruff: no

Pikachu: is it about Red?

Rockruff: yeah I'm worried about him, I just had a thought

Pikachu: what?

Rockruff: someday Red will have to tell everyone the truth, when that day comes we should help him in his time of need

Pikachu: for someone so young your very smart

Just then, they hear groaning from downstairs. They look down to see Red looking around from the couch. The 2 pokemon are so happy that they jump down and land on Red's face.

Pikachu and Rockruff: RED, YOUR AWAKE!

Red: yes I am *looks out the window* What time is it?

Pikachu: about 12:31 AM

Red: *suprised* I was out for 13 hours?

Rockruff: yes and by the way, are you hurt

Red: no just, extremely tired

Rockruff: how was evolving

Red: huh, oh ya I did evolve *excited*

Pikachu: seems someone is excited

Red: to be honest, lucario was my favorite pokemon in my old life, now I am one so of course I'm excited, plus there's some stuff I want to try

Pikachu: how about you go to bed first, you too rockruff

Red and rockruff: why now

Pikachu: because it's late

Red: fine *has a idea* you 2 go upstairs I'll sleep down here

Rockruff: why?

Red: I just want to see kukui's face when he sees me watching TV in the morning

Pikachu: fair *remembers what lille said* hey lille said you learned telepathy today, is it true?

Red: you mean this?

Pikachu: well I guess so

Red: I gonna find a way for snowy and lille to have a permanent telepathic bond, so they can talk anywhere at anytime

Rockruff: good idea *yawn* but goodnight

Pikachu: *yawn* goodnight, I need sleep

Red: see yall in the morning

Pikachu and rockruff go back upstairs and go to sleep. Red is left alone with his own thoughts.

Red: today was a good day, but I wonder what my old friends are doing, wonder if I could somehow bring them here

As Red continues to think about this, he passes out on the couch. Thinking about his old friends.

In Another World

???: Adam, lets watch some pokemon

Adam: ok David, what season

David: sun and moon

Adam: why sun and moon?

David: because I have a feeling we should
