7~ Blood demon art


'I don't think this is gonna be good'

Giyuu seems to not be expecting about what's coming. But what ever that was, I feel it's gonna be dangerous.

If things get difficult then I'll butt in.

I stand by the tall tree as I found a good view to watch.. I patiently wait for them to encounter one another.

Seconds had passed and Giyuu was on his a stance..

Shortly, a tall figure unhurriedly appeared behind the trees with a gleeful smile. His golden fans gleamed as the moonlight radiates through his pale skin.

'What's he doing here?!'

The demon was Upper moon 2: Douma.

The demon eyed Giyuu "Ahh, It's a wonderful night it is, isn't that right little demon slayer? It's quite good to see you~" he cheerfully said to Tomioka who didn't reply a single thing.

Despite the lack of response the rainbow eyed demon just chuckled.

"Not a talker are you? Well that's too bad" he paused. "I wanna to hear the last words that you're gonna utter before I kill you..You're a hashira, Am I Right??"

Tomioka once again said nothing.

"Ahh, don't worry, I'll make it quick to kill you.. I have to finish an important mission after all.." he said as his fans emits freezing clouds, The air became misty and cold.

I'm beginning to get nervous for Giyuu.

'I'm not sure if Giyuu can survive this but what the hell is douma doing here!? This place is utterly close to my house! It was only like a mile away!'

'He's not supposed to encounter Giyuu!'

'I have to help Giyuu at some point.. just enough to pry off douma is fine.'


Third person POV

The battle started with upper 2 taking the lead as he moves in a blinding speed towards Giyuu.

"Blood Demon art: Frozen Lotus" he charged forward with his fans slashing horizontally creating several Ice lotuses at the process.

Giyuu managed to counter them narrowly at the last second using Water Breathing: First form water surface slash, deflecting douma's move While stepping a few meters back.

"Ah, Water breathing? Not bad~" he snickered.

Giyuu dashes towards Douma using Water breathing Fourth form: Striking tide.

He got closer to douma but Uppermoon 2 just blocked Tomioka's attacks using both of his war fans stimultanously hindering the blows, Douma seems to be enjoying the fight.

Douma rapidly slashed downward with one his fans as Giyuu managed to retreat once more with few steps away from Douma.

"You're not too shabby in battle, little demon slayer, It's quite delightful.. I'll play with you for a while~" Douma said.

From Giyuu's spot, numerous sharp icicles spawned above. Giyuu noticed this and used Water Breathing, Seventh form: Drop Ripple Thrust.

Giyuu performed a fast stab above that caused the Icicles to shatter into shards.
This put Giyuu off guard as Upper two created Frozen Lotus vines.

Giyuu is a bit too late to notice as the sharp ice vines delivered blows on his torso, arms and shoulders as it deliberately caused him to fly towards a tree with a loud thud.

Tomioka forced himself to stand up. He had a noticeable bleeding on the head and it made him feel nauseated.

"Impressive! You're still standing~ Say~ What's your name little demon slayer? I wanna know your name~" He cheered.

Giyuu finally replied with a single "No".

"Aww, that's disappointing.. Can't be helped then~" He snickered.

They continue clashing. Giyuu is at  disadvantage as his moves became a bit wobbly. His lungs is beginning to freeze because of the thick frozen clouds that he's accidentally inhaling.

Tomioka struggled to keep up with the Uppermoon he's facing.. yet he still know that this demon is only playing.. Uppermoon two could end him instantly if the demon begins to get serious..

Giyuu was now fatigued. He doesn't know when is this gonna end.. Dawn is two and a half hours away but he doubt that he's gonna stay alive for that long.

He could only keep fighting.

While all of this is happening, a kid above a tall tree was waiting for a perfect time to step in..

Giyuu's POV

'This demon is a pain to fight with.. I can't barely keep up with his speed and unlimited stamina.'

'I don't expect to encounter such a powerful demon here in this area, let alone an uppermoon.'

The fight lasted for an hour, my whole body is aching and my lungs were nearly frozen, It's so hard to breathe. I managed to give a few blows on him but that's it.. It just healed instantly later.

'I can't possibly survive this'

"Little demon slayer, I want to ask you something.." he uttered in the middle of the fight.

I didn't respond, too busy at keeping myself alive. He just continued despite of my lack of response.

"Did you happen to encounter a child with black hair and cherry red eyes around here?" He asked.

'a child?? What do he want with a child?' I asked to myself.

"Why?" I decided to ask him.. he paused.

"Well.. considering that you will soon be dead I think it won't hurt to tell.." he stops attacking for a while as he fanned himself and began explaining. 

"You see, my master wants that kid gone.. he said that the child knew who he was and he wants me to search for the child in this area and bring it's head back to him." He narrated.

'the child knew who kibutsuji was?'

"Do you perhaps knew where could I find the child? I could consider on letting you go.." he offered. "Oh! I have a much better proposal.. Would you like to become a demon? We can be friends ya know!" He offered once more.

"I'll once again decline your proposal." I firmly stated.

"Aww, what a bummer.. I don't understand why would all the hashira I encountered always rejects my offer." He pouted. "Don't worry then.. I'll just absorb you so you won't be lonely anymore after you die."

'Now he's just being annoying.'

We continued fighting shortly and I'm sure that I'm gonna lose. He was about to strike his fans towards my head when I heard a gust of wind fluttering as I feel my body being dragged ten meters away from the Uppermoon.

I was then placed on the ground behind a tree.

'What was that?'

I feel another presence on my side and I saw a thirteen to fourteen year old girl with pale skin, pure red hair, and her eyes  are glowing green with slanted black pupils.

With that, I instantly knew that this girl is a demon.

After I heard what Uppermoon 2 stated on why he roaming here, I knew that he was looking for me.

'I guess I really did enrage Mr. Hee Hee man.. I became wanted by the demon king now..'

'It's my fault that Giyuu is now in a fatal condition, I think this is a good time to help him now..'

Here goes nothing I sighned.

"Blood demon art: Lily transformation"

As I activate a tecnique of my newfound power, my appearance starts to change, from a child into a form similar to a fourteen year old girl.

My straight black hair turns into a pure burgundy red as long as just above my waist, my eyes becomes bright mint green with slanted black pupils.

After I altered my appearance, I prepared myself to get in the fight that's happening right below me.

I can't hold this form for more than two hours though.. The sun is supposed to come out in just an hour and a half so I have a good amount of time to hold uppermoon two out from here.

Tomioka was about to get sliced on the head, but I manage to quickly save him before it could land on him. I carried him behind a tree a few meters away from douma.

He looks flabbergasted.. yeah.. I bet he didn't expect another demon to suddenly appear..

"Stay here" I instructed him. I saw his face full of hesitance but I ignore it and stood up to face the rainbow eyed demon.

He looked dumbfounded and it's kind of funny. I prevented my self from snorting.

He snapped back into this reality and initiated the first conversation.

"Good day fellow demon. I'm afraid to inform you this but demons are supposed to eat humans and not save them.. may I know what caused you this action?" He asked whilst clasping his hands.

'phew.. good thing he didn't recognize me'

"Oh, I apologized for my sudden entry.. to answer your question.. I may be a demon but I don't really kill humans." I sheepishly answered.

"Don't kill humans?? Well that's new.. but don't you want to rise in ranks? You can't do that if you won't even kill a single human." He chuckled.

"I don't think that I need that.. I'm not aiming for any ranks." I answered back to him.

"Hmm? if you say so then I won't force you.. but you can't expect that master will like what you do." He warned whilst still maintaining his cheerful smile.

"I don't really care about that.. but I happen to be guarding something here and a danger like you really needs to go to a different direction.." I suggested him.

He looks a little attacked.

"That's quite a rude way to say.. it almost feel like you're telling me to 'get the fuck out'." He said.


"Then please do.." I smirked at him.

He furrowed his brows before it changes back into a cheery vibe again. "Ahh what about this.. Let's fight each other."

I raised an eyebrow. "And how would that help solve the problem?" I asked him.

"If you cut my neck then I will leave but If I cut your neck then you are the one who will leave..." He explained throughly.

'So he also want me to get the fuck outa here?'

"That doesn't seem fair.. you are upper one and I'm just an ordinary demon." I oppose.

"Then I'll dispose one of my fans.. and come on, don't worry about us hurting each other we will not die after all~" he threw one his fans to the ground.

'Cant he just go away? My emo friend over there is holding on for his dear life!' I mentally cried.

'Wait isn't he suicidal?- b-but still! I can't let him die just like that.'

"Fine.. let's just make this quick" I signed.

'If this is the only way to get him out of here then so be it' (A:poor douma getting kicked out)

"Perfect!" He cheered.

'perfect your ass.' I mentally rolled my eyes.

I got into position and he stand in his position too. He was the one who charged first with his fan closely cutting my neck.

I barely avoided them but I backflipped kicking his fans away from his grip swiftly catching his weapon with my hands away from him.

He cut my feet in the process of doing that but It healed right after.

Douma is left barehanded while he widened his eyes as he didn't expect me to do that move.

"Woah, this fight is gonna last more than I expected!" He stated as he grabbed his other fan from the ground.

By the time he do that I took the opportunity to use his fan to cut his neck but he unfortunately still blocked me with his other fan.

"You're quite good at strategies.." he complimented "By the way I'm Douma, What's your name little red demon? The demon slayer from earlier did not give me his name so I'm hoping that you can give me yours~" He clashed his fans at me and I dodge.

'lemme think.... okay'

"My name?.. my name is Yuri.. nice to meet you Douma" I greet him.

'I don't see why not in giving him a fake name right?'

"Yuri.. that's a good name~ Hey, Yuri-chan.. do you have a blood demon art? Can you show it to me?" He plead.

"It's not really that impressing.. do you really want me to?" I asked.

"I'm sure it's fine.. bring em in!" He confirmed.

"Alright, you asked for it.." I sighned.

I stand firmly on the ground while concentrating my power through out my body..

"Blood demon art: Toxic vines." I chanted as used my first discovered technique.

Four thick green vines grew out from my back and it sprouted red thorns all around them.

(A: yah, I know it's not that good for now but it's gonna get better soon :>)

"See.. It's really that much of a big shot." I sheepishly said.

Douma after seeing them tapped his chin with his fan as he accessed my whole.

"Hmm, I think it's not that bad.. let's test something out!" He smiles.

Frozen lotus vines; Douma creates several lotuses made out of ice and long frost vines.

The sharp long ice vines moved towards me and I jumped five meters up to avoid getting hit.

'Ahh, Vine battle aye? Alrighty then..'

I extend my vines towards douma and he slashed them with no problem.l


The slashed vines vibrated and the thorns quickly ejected all around. Douma tried to bounce them back to me but the thorns took a U turn back to douma as the thorns penetrated into his skin.

'Ha! you though!'

"These thorns are really pricky.." Douma whined when he failed to get the thorns out from his skin. "I'll just absorb them then..."

'Do it.. I dare you.' I mentally smirked.

Moments later Douma's body began wobbling and soon became limp..

'he poisoned himself lol'

I rapidly slashed his neck because the poison can only last for 60 seconds or less.

Douma's head was beyond disbelief contemplating on what to do with his life, so I decided to advice him on something he should do.

"The sun is gonna rise in only 45 minutes left.. you should get going" I suggested.

"Aww.. I know but, do you happen to know a child with black hair and cherry red eyes?" He asked as he recovered from the venom. He sat down and attached his head back to his body.

"A child??.. No, I don't really know anyone here" I lied while trying to keep a straight face.

He sighed.. "I guess that can't be helped then.. I've been searching for them for the last six weeks and I still have no luck.."

'Excuse me?! I've been wanted for more than a month now?!'

"I see.. maybe that child is really not from this area?" I tried luring him off.

"It's possible.. but master is the one who said that the child is living around this area.. he also said that the child is exceptionally fast and intelligent to the point that it can speak fluent English and outrun him at such a young age." He ranted.

I almost choked with my own saliva.


"English? What's that?" I played dumb.

"It's a western language you don't know what it is?"

I shrugged. "I need to go now.. the sun is almost up.. Farewell." I stood up and walked away.

"Hope we meet again Yuri-chan~" He waved his hands.

'He completely forgot about Tomioka' I sweat dropped..

I watched douma retreat to make sure that he's gone. I got to the spot that I put Tomioka down and saw that he's knocked out..

'He looks beat up.. at least he survived though.'

'Still good looking despite of being so bloody'

'Should I take him home? The town is pretty far from here.. I don't know if I can take him to town in this scary form..' I pondered.

*Sigh* "Take him home it is.. Maybe I can ask him to go with him when he woke up?"

End of the chapter

This chapter took too long to write lol ✍️But that's okay

I tried making the fighting scenes as understandable as I could. I admit that I ended up nerfing douma😂 (let's just pretend it didn't happen 🤫)

Thanks for reading 💕

