3~ Fireworks and shrine visit


It's been two weeks since I woke up in this strange place.

The brown eyed woman who I believe was named Yumiko had been taking care of me.

Yumiko's story was quite depressing for a kind and gentle lady...

Apparently, her husband died because of tuberculosis nine years ago.. she can't bear any children and that's the reason why she was devastated after her husband death.

That must've felt terrible being left alone.. Good thing she's doing fine and still going with the flow of life.

I learned that she took me in two years ago, I'm not really her biological daughter.. though she treat me like one.

I treat her like my mother as well..

She is now 42 years old and she had friends that often visited her from town after her husband passed away.

I think we're in some kind of province or something.. there were many trees, plants and flowers all around.

I had just been listening to them and her friends talk when they come over. Most of her friends were really nice and likes to pat my head.

I kinda feel like a dog whenever they do that, but it's still nice whatsoever.

In the last days that I'm contemplating about my life here, I have come up with a conclusion that I might or might not be Reincarnated into a different person.

I'm not entirely sure.. but I'll hold on into that. I sense that I'm in a different body after all.. a child at that.


Hoho, Guess what.. Tonight was suppose to be the start of new year?! I AM SO EXITED!!!!

We are heading out to town to witness the fireworks and visit the local shrine.

It was cold and cloudy today and It's decided that I love the cold winter in Japan.

It's because I don't really tend to get overly cold even with only a scarf on my neck to keep me warm.. it's strange that I barely even get any shivers..

'Heh, Guess I'm built different.' I smirked in my head.


About only an hour when we arrive to town.. yeah.. we walked.. there's no transportation vehicle here? Not even a train?

I just shrug em out but I never would've guessed on what I would be seeing..

It was bright.. of course. But there's no concrete building in sight?!

I mean It still looks like Japan, but it's REALLY old fashioned! It's like I got thrown out straight into the past!

There were lantern thingies, street vendors, shrines BUT THERE ARE NO SIGHT OF ANIME!

'NOOOOOOOO' I mentally cried.

'I thought I can finally witness the world of anime but I see none! plus, I don't even have a phone!'

Yumiko sensed my distress and asked me if something was bothering me.. of course I said no.

But in reality.. I am dying inside. This really got my hopes up and it shattered instantly!

'Oh Yumiko-sama.. Why must have you forsaken me!' I overeacted in my mind.

Speaking of Yumiko.. She carried me and walked towards a store. I can't really read the sign but I think it was a Diner based from a few people that was eating in there.

She placed me on a chair and sat Infront of me. She then called a waitress so she can order. Once she placed the order, we waited for a moment for the food to be ready.

A friend of Yumeko happened to walk by during our waiting process and we decided to ask her to join which she politely agreed.

Her name is Satomi, she was really kind and energetic. She really likes telling really ear catching stories. Overall, I really like her character.

Yumeko have so many friends (A: which Giyuu don't have- oof-... Sorry Giyuu)

Soon enough, the almighty food had arrived and I snatched my udon towards me and was about to dig in, but then It hit me...

I'm supposed to say 'ITADAKIMASU' when I'm about to eat something.. The food was literally a centimeters away from getting slurped!

I slowly placed my chopsticks on the chopstick holder, my face burned into a faint blush as I clasp my hand together and yellped a small "ITADAKIMASU"

'I really need to make this a habit'

I heard the two ladies softly chuckled.. my face grew more red from embarrassment.

The noodles was then placed in my mouth and it met with a bland taste..
I still can't taste anything.. I don't know why, I just can't..

I signed.

I just brushed it off and don't want to complain, this was remotely the case since I lived here.

Some food will taste nothing or it will turn out bitter when I eat any meat or food that was suppose to be salty.

Just like that one time when I tried to eat grilled beef and it taste like straight up Charcoal..

I tried eating vegetables and greens and it's surprisingly delicious.. It's really bothering me on why I have a strangely different taste buds..

I can still taste sweet stuff and It was a relief, I still want to try many dishes here in Japan though but it just disappoints me sometimes.

I don't really think that the food was the problem but my taste buds instead.. I'm bound to determine on what's wrong with them.

Jeez, this is a struggle for me whose life was dedicated to Food-sama..


After eating we went straight ahead and visited the local shrine and got some lucky charms.

We bought desserts like candies, Ice cream.. only vanilla flavor was available though.. Sad.. but especially we got.. MOCHIIII!

I went ahead and ate about a dozen.. I SAY THAT IT WAS DELICIOUS.

Good thing Yumeko doesn't really mind buying me that much.. I think she didn't want my fat ass to starve.

Lemme tell you another story.

I happened to hear Yumiko yesterday and she was talking with an old man named Shikirou. They were talking about how she met me back two years ago.

According to her, there was a heavy snow back then and it happened in the first day of January..

That time she said she was just going back to her house to prepare dinner when she saw me on her way home.. A wolf was trying to attack me but she managed to pry it off and save me.

It was quite mysterious on how did she manage to get rid of the wolf all by herself, but maybe she threw some meat to lure them off??


Even so.. I'm grateful for her. She risked her life to help me and I truly see her as my savior.

If you're wondering about my current age.. I was estimated to be four or five years old today since I don't really know my age nor my birthday back then..

She decided that new year will be the time of my birthday so.. Happy birthday to me I guess?

Yumiko thinks that I'm just two or three when she first met me.. It's a shame that I can't really remember the past.


"Nanami.. The fireworks are about to start! Are you excited?" Yumiko asked me.

I grinned and nodded..

A few seconds later.. beautiful fireworks with different striking colors starts to illuminate the sky.

I'm in awe as I watched them explode in bring colors giving sparks to the whole place.

Yumeko carried me so that I can get a better view of the show.. Fireworks truly are magnificent.. (A: I kinda want to sing 'Fireworks' by Katy Perry lol)


We were heading back home and the path is pretty dark.

It was such a wonderful day for me. I truly had fun. I wish everyday will always be like this.

But despite all the marvelous events that I just experienced.. I just feel a bit frustrated and nauseous.. like there is something stuck in my throat that prevents me from breathing properly.

'What is this feeling?'


We arrive in our house. Yumiko had given me the medium sized gourd again and told me to drink them.

The odd feeling earlier subdued after I drink the contents inside..

'hmmm is this medicated or something?'

She will always hand one to me every 4-5 days. After I drink them I surely will always feel relaxed and sleepy.

I felt really drowsy indeed.. as I was about to go to my room I saw a glint of red on the tip of the gourd..

'What's that?'

I wiped them with my white handkerchief and it stained the piece of fabric dark red. I raised an eyebrow.

'Is this really a juice or something else?'

End of the chapter

This chapter was indeed longer but It's kind of rushed, I still hope it turned out okay.. (I'll try to edit if some parts are confusing to y'all :>)

This chapter is dedicated into telling some back stories and stuffs so it's not really too much of a punch.


