15~ Does anyone want a train ride?


Muffled sounds.. all I can hear is muffled sounds of people murmuring nearby..

What happened? I can't open my eyes nor move any part of my body.. everything is not functioning except for my awakened consciousness.

I failed to grasp what they are saying and now I don't have a choice but to entertain myself by daydreaming.

'Oh how I miss my phone'

'Come to think of it, I wonder how my former family is doing? I hope they're not stressing themselves because of me.'

'I miss them.. but I can't just simply go back.. I have a new life here now.. but is that really the case? Where did the original owner of this body go?' I frowned as I think of possible answers in my mind.



'Who was that? A voice?'

'That voice doesn't sound familiar to me.. it sounds.. like a girl.. more specifically a little child?..'

"I heard that y'know.. I'm not that young.." The voice came back again, her tone is laced with stubborness.

'Okay.. I'm convinced, I'm getting crazy.'

"Tsk, No.. you are not getting crazy." The voice sighned.

'Wtf? how are you in my mind then? You can hear my thoughts?' I decided that I should talk to that voice to determine if this is just my mind trolling with myself.

"Duh.. what does it look like?" I can feel that she did a hair flick just now.

'Do they even have hair?'

"Hold up.. that's offensive.. of course I have hair, If you have it then I have it." The voice says in a sassy tone.

'What? What is that supposed to mean?' I mentally raised an eyebrow.

"I'm a part of you.. well.. the smarter part of you.. I know everything about you... about us." She proudly stated.

'Really? Then why do you sound like a brat? and are you calling me dumb?' I cringed.

"No?... If I call you dumb then that's the same as calling me dumb.. I'm full of pride so I don't have the guts.. so don't you call me a brat." She huffed angrily.

'This is weird you know.. what are you?' I curiously asked.

"Of course you will ask that.. ahem.. anyways. My name is whatever you want to call me, I'm your living in your deepest and hidden consciousness. I controlled this body until I find someone that will fully inhabit them.." She explained throughly.

'Wait..this body is made to be possessed by a reincarnated soul just like me?!' I speculated.

"BINGO! You're much more intelligent than I thought!" She clapped her hands.

'Okay.. that relieved me a bit.. I thought the original owner of this body is already dead or something..' I mentally sighned.

"Well.. the reason that you're here is that I have some things to explain to you.. It's about your power and role throughout your new home." She said as her voice became calm and serious.

'Okay.. I'm listening.' I urged her to continue.

"Alright.. First I wanna tell you about your power.. most specifically, your blood demon art.. you already unlock two right?" She asks.


"Well.. what if I told you that you can still gain more?" She continued.

... 'I can?!' I asked confirmation.

"Yes you can, It's a perk of getting reincarnated, you get overpowered.. and I estimated that you're still bamboozled about your second BDA(blood demon art)." She chuckled after explaining.

'Yeah and you bamboozled me even more after hearing that.' I deadpan.

"Lol.. anyways, to make it more clear.. you already grasped and understood how your first one worked.. but your for your second, It's simply just you removing or burning off the impurenes of the people you ignite currently have.. that explains why you can remove curses such as the one that Kagaya has. You absorb them and turn them into toxins making your first blood demon art much more lethal, but in exchange you will experience things like fainting and getting sick depending on the intensity of their impurenes.. and yes, all your blood demon arts is still connected at some point.." She replies.

'This is an information overload.. I can feel my head spinning' I mentally whined as I frowned.

"Oh! That's because you are going to gain consciousness soon!.. before you go I have one last thing to tell you about your role.. you are to save every people you can save from the fate of death.. that's the only thing that the gods is asking you to do." She stated.

'I mean.. that's my plan in the first place but- Gods? What are-'

"You're gonna gain consciousness any second now! Get ready when you wake up!" She proceeds to cut me off.

'Hey! I have more questions to ask.. You still haven't even answered my que-'

"Bye! Till we meet again!" She cuts me off once more.

'This girl-'

Before I can respond more, I slowly felt migraine seep through my mind then I  jolt up from my slumber, wide awake. My mind is utterly confused about the whole encounter that happened just now.

After I gained composure of myself, I noticed that I'm in a single hospital bed inside a plain room with a brown table sitting beside the bed with a vase filled with several purple and blue water Irises. The petals looks fresh and bright, It seems that it's just newly placed over there.

There are also a plate of Sakura mochi beside the flowers and a large white bag placed beside them. I smiled at the thought of someone blessing me with food, this is such an honor.

I heard my stomach growl.

'Hehe.. nice timing Aye?'

"Thanks for the food!"

I grabbed the plate of Sakura mochi and slowly began to munch on it.

'Oh my! This is heaven!'

I ate every last bit of the Sakura mochi but I frowned because of my stomach wanting some more. I just shrugged my disappoinment as I decided to check what's inside the white bag.

My mouth curved upwards and got exited as I saw the treasure that was stored inside..

"MORE FOOD! YES!" I yelled as I happily remove the contents inside.

There I found nine bento boxes, a jar of konpeitō(colorful sugar candies shaped like mini stars) and yet another smaller pouch.. It took most of my interest and what I found inside was shocking.


'Is this from Sanemi Shinazugawa?.. Is it? Maybe not?'

I just brushed it off realizing that I will still remain unanswered even if I think hard about it.

I opened one of the bento's from the bag and my mouth watered at the sight..

Sweet potatoes! I'm deeply moved! I never thought that they will feed my sweet tooth!

'I wanna cry' I thought as I try my best not to shed any tears.


I smiled and quickly devoured this delicacy one by one.

I turned on to my hidden kyojuro mode and..








I continued shouting the word 'Delicious' at every bite I take.

I spent a whole hour and a half finishing every bit of the food. I practically inhaled them all.

"Woah.. I never thought that I could eat that much.." I snorted at myself.

'I wonder where everyone had gone.. Should I step outside for a bit?'

'Hmm.. maybe I should..'

I hopped down the bed and ran towards the door.. I slid it open and stepped outside but I only slammed my face towards a person.

'Ow.. ow.. that hurt my nose'

I looked upwards the person with a pout and glared at them, my mood changed instantly after recognizing the person standing in front of me.

"Giyuu-san!" I beamed a smile and hugged the side of his leg.

He flinched a little but calmed down right after.. I smiled at him.

'Oh my precious emo-depressed water boi! How I miss you!'

"How long have you been awake?" He asks stoically as I look up to him.

"For about two hours.." I replied.

"Why didn't you call someone after you woke up?" He asks again.. his voice slowly getting softer.

"Because I was eating." I answered truthfully.

He sighed.

"Still.. you should've called someone.. everybody is worried after you passed out.." He revealed.

..."They were worried?... How long was I out anyways?" I tilted my head waiting for an answer.

"For about a month.." He answered.

My eyes widened.


'But the real question is..'

I did my best to calm my nerves and asked. "Where is Tanjiro and the others?"

'If they already took off to the Mugen train then I swear to God'

"They got a new mission.. they went ahead just a few hours ago.. why?" He answered.


"Oh nothing.. where did they go?" I pretend to act calm and oblivious.

"If I heard them correctly.. I think it was the Mugen train.. they will go there to accompany the flame pillar." He answered.

'It's sundown already! How the fuck will I get there on time?!' I panicked inside my head.

"I see.." I tried not to stutter.

"You look pale.. is something wrong?" He asked out of concern.

"Yes.. yes.. I just miss them ya know.. by the way.. is Shinobu-san in the mansion?" I asked him.

"No.. she went on a mission as well." He answered once more.

Even with that stoic face of him, I can still see a hint of concern right through his eyes.

"Oh.. well.. I need to go somewhere Giyuu-San.. take care!" I ran pass him without glancing back. My goal now is to find a certain room near here..

I turned and turned down the hallway and eventually reached what room I was talking about..

'Shinobu's Study room'

So.. what am I doing in Shinobu's Study room? Easy... To find a map.. I saw something the last time I am here. I can't just go to the Mugen train without knowing the direction am I?

I don't wanna end up like Zoro who accidentally traveled to a different kind of anime... Setting that aside..

I burst through the door, quickly looking for just a single map around here somewhere.

I scanned the whole table, under the table, the top of the cabinet, and finally I spotted one at the middle of two stacked books.

I grabbed them and tried to navigate on where I should go.

'Let's see...'

I pinpoint where was the Mugen train and how far will I need to go in order to get there.

'Okay.. If I run at my highest speed, I will get there for two hours at the least..'

I signed and got off to prepare.. I got out the mansion without anyone sensing me and ran faster than a cheetah. Good thing that the sun had set already.

I sped up once I saw a train passing by, coated with a gooey flesh, that's when I knew that this train is the one I had been looking for.

I ran as I match it's pace and jumped quickly to aboard the train. My feet landed at the back cart just in time.

'Phew finally made it! This took longer than I thought.. Stupid train!'

I huffed and opened the door at the back  and went ahead inside. All I can say is..


There are so many flesh-like tentacles around.. they already start fighting it?

I did waste a lot of time waiting for a train to pass by... But It's just because this stupid train already left earlier!

"I really hate trains.." I muttered to myself.

A tentacle tried to wrap on my arms but I quickly evaded and used my nails to cut them to pieces.

Heh.. I do have a skill on being a portable shredder.. I smirked as I diced up every possible tentacles that attempts to lay their disgusting hands on the sleeping humans in this part of the train.

'They can't even capture me.. how pathetic.'

I noticed that the flesh inside this cart gave up on trying to gobble the humans and just retreats back to the other carts..

"Oh no you don't.. you can't get away from me.." I murderously stated to the tentacles as if they can hear my statement.

I got to the second cart just for the flesh to grow back on the back cart.

"Oho..are you playing with me?? Then game on! you stinky tentacle!" I shouted.

Blood demon art: Lily Thorn guns!

I activated them as vines covered both of my arms..

Double trouble!

I fired everywhere except from the direction of the humans.. the whole wall of flesh became unresponsive as thousands of thorns penetrate them.

'Heh! I think this will be good for three hours.'

I walked leisurely back to the next cart and did the same.. at the next cart I came across someone..

Someone with a bright demeanor possessing a flamey long hair and eyes like a tangerine mixed with an outer color of golden yellow.

"Rengoku." I muttered as I look at him with awe.. He's truly shining bright like the sun..

'Let's call him the ball of sunshine 2.0' I chuckled at the thought

He noticed someone staring at him while doing his work and turned to me with that smile of him that never falters.

"Wait! You're Nanami right? What are you doing here?" He asks while still keeping a smile despite of being shocked.

"U-umm I'm here to help?" I nervously answered.

"We could use a bit more help but when I left the estate they said that you are still unconscious! I'm wondering on how you were able to get here!" He stated as he chopped down tentacles in inhumane speed as far from five carts and back from here.

I watched him cut them swiftly like butter.

"I.. kinda followed everyone a few hours after I woke up..." I sheepishly chuckled at my statement.. I can't really lie to him..

"So you followed us? You should've rest yourself first.. you don't have to worry about your companions because I'll be sure to protect them with all my might!" He replied full of energy.

"Yeah.. but I'm already here so.. Can I help please?" I gave him a pout.

He stared at me for a few seconds before answering.

"Well, Why not.. Of course you can!" He replied.

"Thank you! But would you mind stepping to the next cart for a while?" I requested him. He nodded and followed my instructions.

I smiled and repeated the same thing that I did on the last two cars, Immobilizing them without harming any humans.

"You can come out now!" I shout towards rengoku. He came out to take a peek and watched on how many thorns were impaling the flesh of the demon and how it became frail and unresponsive.

"You did this?" He asked.

"Yeah.. they will not harm anyone for at least three hours.." I answered. "Please stay here.. I will just do the same to the other carts..

I stepped away from him and began to shoot every creepy flesh thing that I encountered.

A good moment had passed.. I witnessed a sleeping and drooling Zenitsu along with Nezuko who was just staring at him.

'I wonder what happened to the guy who dared to go inside where his soul is stored..'

I shrugged and began dragging his sorry sleeping ass and held Nezuko's hand to lead them towards safety.

Nezuko hummed at me and I replied to her with a reasuring smile.

"It's great to see you, Nezuko" I said to her.. "Please go inside your box.." I added.

"Hmmm" She hummed.

I found her box and put her inside and placed them beside the sleeping Zenitsu.

"Mkay.. let's get to work"

The end of the chapter

So sorry for not uploading for two weeks :<

I'll try to update more this week!

There might be some errors In this chapter because my crazy motivation hits when it's night and I will be most likely be drifting in and out of sleep LMAO.. (I'm on a writers block on most time of this week, but I really want to update even for a little so here am I)


Here's some memes for you

