[I] I'm Fine-

   STILES has finally got himself together, enough so his friends didn't worry about him. Yes, he wasn't okay- never was. And what made him be consumed into his sadness, was how everyone said, "Everything is going to be fine." Stiles hated it when people say that, people who have absolutely no idea of what's coming next. But overall "I'm fine." It is the biggest lie in the English language. Everyone knows this, yet no tries to help the person. They ask them If they're fine, and do nothing when they respond. Hypocritical if you ask Stiles. And even though it is- Stiles keeps telling everyone, "I'm fine." And they believe him, or don't care enough to help.

   Stiles looked out his bedroom window while sitting on his plain black and white themed bed. He was watching the light, graze over where shadows and darkness that was in the morning. He watched remembering how he was able to take back his body and mind from the nogitsune when Scott bit him. Being remembered of the time brought pain, but also a relief. He had control now, the nogitsune didn't have the wheel.

   After much thought Stiles got up, and ready. Today was going to be a long day. It was his first day back, since the nogitsune accident. There's going to be a lot of, I'm fine. A lot of lying. And a lot of catching up to do.

   After getting ready, Stiles went downstairs. Already knowing his dad was working. Ever since Stiles explained why he was getting night terrors all the time. And what happened from the day Scott was bitten. His father started to work late, and early. Being in-existent in his life. Stiles kind of wishes he can compel his father to forget. Like how the vampires in folklore did. Cause, all Stiles really wants is to see his father more. To be able to here, "I got you, Stiles-" or even a, "Have a good day, Son." But that'll never happen. Stiles knows that now.

   When leaving the house, Stiles grabbed the mail and started to look through it. Trying to find the ones only for him. But before he could- his alarm on his phone went off indicating, that we were gonna be late for school.

   "Ah, Shit-" Stiles grabbed all the mail and hopped into his jeep. A.k.a Roscoe.

   Pressing on the gas. He drove off away from his house. Taking a letter to his father. That'll change his life, forever.


   HONESTLY, Stiles had better days. It seemed that his friends weren't even in school. Which bothered the boy to no end. As he did get a message from Scott just before school started, that he couldn't wait to see him.

   Stiles felt alone. And he knew he shouldn't but- he did. Going through each class if the day was the same thing.

"Good to have you back, Mr. Stilinski."
     "I've heard you weren't at school for a while, You okay?"
           "Hey, How you been?"
                  "Are you, Okay?"

"I'm Fine..."

   Stiles walked to Coaches office with a grim face. He has been thinking about this discussion, that's about to happen. For a while now. Ever since he was taken from the field. When everything went black. Stiles thought about quitting the team. And today, he was finally going to do it.

   "Come In." Stiles heard an irritated voice on the other side of the door.

   Walking in he looking awkwardly at his coach, Bobby Finstock. "Hey, Coach. I wanted to talk to you about something." Stiles shifted his backpack.

   "Ah- Stilinski. What do you want." Finstock looked uninterested in what Stiles wanted to talk about. Which helped him make up his mind even more.

   "I'm quitting the team." Stiles let out flatly. Kind of pissed off, that Finstock didn't care. Well, the coach never cares. But- Stiles's mood and feelings made him build up anger.

   "Oh, that's fine." Finstock didn't lookup.

   "What?" Stiles was kind of speechless. He was expecting a bigger argument about him leaving the team. No, all he got was a, Oh, that's fine.

   "Do you have anything else to say, Stilinski." Finstock flipped to the next page of his sports magazine.

   "No," Stiles spoke softly in irritation before walking out.

   Oh, how he was mad. It seemed like everything was just like he thought. They ask you -Are you, Okay- then when you finally talk about it. They don't care. That's actually what happened, Stiles thought. And since it was his free period and then school was out. Stiles just walked out of Beacon Hills High. And high tailed it out of there.

   He felt useless at that moment Finstock let him go so easily. Almost like he was nothing important to the team. Those thoughts made him think that the pack might see him in that light as well. He was a human after all. A useless, powerless, wreaking ball of nothingness; Human. By now, he almost expected the pack to kick him out. I mean if Finstock didn't see any importance in Stiles. What good was he for the pack? I mean Finstock was rude and a- different breed of teachers. But he somehow always had found people that could achieve a lot on his team. Most then half of his players ended up in the big leads. Which is a good thing, he had a nack to see talent. So, if Finstock saw nothing in him: That can make him argue about Stiles staying on the team. Would anyone argue about him staying in Beacon Hills?

   Stiles arrived home, only to see his father already there. His sheriff police car was in the driveway with no one in it. His father must have been here for a while then. Stiles wasn't ready to really see, his father at that moment. He sat in his jeep, Roscoe. Next to his father's car. He sat there in silence before looking at his passenger seat to see the mail. He grabbed the mail and started to sort his stuff and his fathers in two piles. As he sorted he noticed he got a reply from a martial arts academy that specialized in meditating and Japanese style art of the samurai. He needed help with his control on the nogitsune and thought that working on meditation and tricks of the mind- might help.

   He opened the letter and read thoroughly. Only to end up disappointed.

    Dear Mieczyslaw Stilinski,

We've read your application to our school. And know what you're applying for. We understand the circumstances of your pleading. But as the Academy Head of Belleville school of Martial Arts. I've written to you to say we had to decline your application-

   Stiles didn't read the rest of the letter before tossing it to the side. Never to know what the rest of it said. He sighed in disappointment, even others didn't see anything important about him.

   Stiles finally got out of Roscoe and patted the jeep's hood. Taking his backpack and the mail inside. Not noticing about one misplaced letter in his pile...
      Stiles put his stuff down and sat on the couch. Hearing his dad walking around upstairs as if he was pacing. Stiles just shakes his head sadly before opening the mail he received. Most being college information that was briding him to join their school. So, his search was easy enough. Stiles's mind seemed to lock onto another subject- then to finishing looking through his mail. For he picked up his phone and clicked on messages. He then sent one small but guilt-tripping text.

     "Yeah, thanks, Scotty," Stiles whispers to himself softly. The once spazzy teen went back to looking at the letters. He then grabs a random one, not even reading who sent it. He then began to read.


Dear Mr. Stilinski,                        ✉
           This year's Founder Party in Mystic Falls is coming up. We insist you come this time. For this one is a 'blast from the past'.
                   As a founding family yourself. We hope to see you. Unlike the other years in which you've didn't show. We know it's been a troubling year- the Gilbert's will be missed dearly, and the Founder's Party is on a sad day for you, and your family. Noah, Its time to come back. 'You' pledged your keep in the circle. Take responsibility, and do your job.
          Mayor Lockwood of Mystic Fall's

   Stiles stood up with surprised when finishing the letter. Did you pledge your keep? What the hell is that suppose to mean: Stiles thought. He then walked over to the step of the stairs.

"Dad?! Are you in some sort of cult!?" Stiles shouted up the stairs where his father was, "Because you got a letter from them." He waved the letter in the air as an indication of what he said. And as his words reached his father's ears. For the first time in a few weeks, his father looked him in the eye.

