[19] Aftermath.

A lot of going back and forth between what's happening to Stiles, and what's happening to Klaus.

     STILES EYES BORED INTO HIS HANDS LIKE HE WAS DIGGING A KNIFE INTO ONE OF THEM. The illusion of blood dripping and staining his fingernails. Was something that tainted his inner thoughts.

   He was snuggled up in the chambers of his room. Not having any motives to leave the comfort his room held.

    He killed people, he killed them with the hands that are attached to him. At least he didn't kill one person. It seemed as all his friends are dead, for to Lydia, Stiles was dead to her. He was a monster a killer in her eyes. And he believes her. For he was a killer, a murderer, he should be in prison, or dead.

    Guilt was a thing that formed in Stiles' throat and became the constant reminder that he massacres a whole pack. A pack that uses to be his best friends. His own sort of family.

   But they had hurt him, had caused him pain. Showed that he will do more for them, then they will, at all, for him.

    And he killed them, ripped their hearts out, cut off their heads. The only thing he wasn't guilty about was killing Theo. but, he was guilty that he wasn't guilty of that.

   Guilt was the main emotion I'm Stiles life now. It had control of Stiles life to where it stuck him in his room. Where he stayed for two days so far. Not knowing that one of his last friends were dying for a fatal werewolf bite.

   Stiles got up and went into the bathroom, his face looked like a cracking mask in emotions. He was trembling from every inch of his body.

   Stiles quickly turned on the sink and started to wash his hands fiercely, as if he was scrubbing off every memory, and every stain on them. And to him, he was. He thought he was washing off red fresh blood from his hands.

   As if Stiles wasn't hurting, the teen stopped scrubbing his hands. His doe brown eyes, bore into the mirror staring right back at him. That was when he just smiled, smiled as if he was telling someone else that everything was going to be okay. That they will get through this, for not everything can stay bad. And not everything can stay good.

    He smiled to convince his self that this was life balancing out, that good would surely come.

    It wasn't working for the more he acted out that smile, the more he masked his true feelings. The more haunting, the more broken his eyes looked. It was as if they were broke. Glass lens, unclean with a crack running through them.

   And he stopped, and once he stopped faking to himself that he was okay. The mirror showed his true form. A soon to be young adult, with issues and scars as if he was a war veteran. And in a way, he was, he survived a battle. A battle that'll continue out a war. And through this war, the teen will grow, grow in knowledge, and in years. For without knowing, Eighteen was his families special number. Eighteen was when things will become clear when things will freeze truth in appearing. And the. Number eighteen was looming closer and closer to Stiles. For the day he was born is near.

      Taking his time, the Stilinski walked out if the bathroom. And when he walked out to where his bed laid, the wall wicked with notes, maps, and faces were on full display. The red strings that he had connected to each thing he found. Taunted Stiles in a way that most will call one insane for.

     As if Stiles was being called to this place, the teen walked forwards. One and two. One and two. Closer he came, came to the stringed board of past fates he mustered to fine.

   Without hesitation. Stiles started to rip his work down. He pulled off the strings, popping the pins out with them. The papers and notes were ripped and thrown to the floor. As he continued to throw them off. He stopped suddenly and turned away. As he walked away from the wall, with his hands in his hair and mouth bored to all noises that sound close to silent pleads.

    He left something behind on the board. What he left from the torn pieces seemed to form a shredded tree. The tree was an outline of the wall. And in the center was one untouched paper. A paper that wasn't placed by Stiles, but one placed by the essence of another.

    Dear Stiles, -


   And a fight is what he received. Klaus didn't know that the pack he had run into, and agreed with an alliance with- We're ones from the gifted ones past. And he didn't expect was a massacre to be left behind in the Stilinski's footsteps.

  It was odd seeing the bodies himself. Seeing as he was the person. More say like the wolf who found Stiles just in time to hear the words the banshee, Lydia, screech through the hallway.

"What did you do!",  Lydia's voice was heard, and gained Klaus attention as he perked his ears and followed where the scream came from, " You-you, monster!"

   Klaus growled softly in the response of this. Seeing as Stiles bolted away,  Believing the words that left the red-heads mouth. The hybrid than crept forward towards Lydia. The closer he got, the more the girl appeared to look like Aurora.

   Baring his teeth, the Hybrid lunged and sunk his werewolf teeth into the banshee's skin. The pain and anger from the words the red-head spoke, brought painful memories of his own.

   With his heighten emotions from the full moon. Klaus killed Lydia. He killed her for revenge tasted sweet from the blood that touched his lips.

    Klaus knew Lydia wouldn't be a problem anymore. And seeing as Stiles was now feeling the after-effects of killing. The hybrid licked his lips with a smirk of greed. As plans of many swirled his head. He was going to go and make his hybrids. And he was going to take Stiles with him.

    Klaus glanced at his brother, almost asking if the eldest of the two would like to speak his mind.

     "Why, would you make me think, you tossed our family at the bottom of the sea, brother?" The two walked through the woods, taking their time to reach Alaric's house.

    "Why wouldn't I, brother?" Klaus tilted his head as if his brother asked a dumb question, "I was angry and you know how I act with my temper-" Klaus moved and started to walk backward, so he can face Elijah, "-And the other reason is for, I, to know. And for, you, do not."

   "I would never know what goes in that- that head of yours, will I?" Elijah kept his hands his pockets, as he walked a little away from Klaus.

    "I would never let you. Not until I know that I can trust you, " Klaus turned away from Elijah, "For the mind is a place that holds everything about one's self."

    The two, both walked in silence. Both were left to their thoughts. One about family, another about revenge.

STILES WENT STIFF WHEN HE FELT ANOTHER PRESENCE IN HIS ROOM. Turning around to meet the person, Stiles made eye contact with Damon. The defeated look in the eyes of the other. Caused Stiles to do a one over on the Salvatore.

   Making sure everything was okay in his mind, Stiles bypassed the Salvatore's arm. Catching sight of the bite placed on it. Stiles grabbed Damon's hand and looked at the vampire.

   "You-you were bitten, weren't you." The teen's voice was hoarse as he looked at the bite slightly. Before looking at his best friend.

    "I guess, it's just karma coming to bite me in the ass- Pun intended."

    Stiles shook his head in denial before grabbing on Damon's arm tightly, "You're not gonna leave me, right? Even if we haven't been the closes lately. Your still my friend and I can't lose you. Not now- I-I-"

     Damon pulled Stiles into a bear hug, "Damn it, Sti. Don't get sappy on me right now." The vampire huffed childishly, trying to lighten the mood.

   "I, " Damon paused piercing his lips into a thin line, "I came to you because before I die, I wanted to be able to talk to you and listen to you. Since we keep postponing that meeting."

    Stiles took a deep inhale before bringing Damon over to his bed. Sitting down Stiles turns to Damon and says the one thing that he has been wanting to tell the other.

    "I remember everything, " The teen grabbed his bed's covers as if he was in pain, " When I was in the coma, I remember you being there. I remember everything you ever told me." Stiles then stares at Damon, "And I wanted to tell you so bad, I wanted to tell that-" The descendant of the Adarna slowly losses his grip to put a hand on the vampire's shoulder, "- Everything was going to be okay. And We'll get through it together."

     Damon was silent for sometime before, finally speaking, "Thank you."

KLAUS JUST STABBED HIS BROTHER, MAKING THE OTHER ORIGINAL FALL INTI A DEATH LIKE SLEEP. The hybrid turns to look at Stefan and Katherina. His eyes wonder forth slightly before stepping over.

   "So, Now that you have my full attention." Klaus sat down and poured himself a drink, "What brings you to seek me out?"

    "My brother, Damon, was bitten two days ago by Tyler Lockwood. The witches told me you hold the cure-"

   Klaus cut him off by raising his hands slightly and moving to face the younger vampire, "- Now, Why would I give you the cure? I don't hear any deals of any kind."

    Stefan went stiff, "So, you do have the cure." He stated.

   "Indeed I do," Klaus stood up to grab another glass. Setting it down, he left the cup empty, "Now, If I give your brother the cure, I want you to do as I say, and you'll come with me to make my Hybrid army. Sound fair?"

     Stefan folded his arms, and gave the original a glare, "How do I even know you have the cure, now?" The vampire spoke not trusting the hybrid.

    "Katherine, Come here." As Katherine came closer, the hybrid forcefully bit into her arm, using his werewolf genes to infect the vampire with the werewolf bite. He then dramatically forced the vampire to drink his blood.

   "Your blood is the cure.

   "Got to love mother nature." Klaus grinned sarcastically.

    "Now, our deal. Let's give you a drink."

AFTER EXPLAINING SOMETHINGS ABOUT HIMSELF TO DAMON. The teen went on to explain what he knows about the great Adarna.

    "So, your ancestor is a giant white bird?"

    "That guards a giant fucking white tree."

   "How is that genetically possible?"

    "Say's the vampire."

    "Touché." Damon gave a defeated look, but deep down, he was glad to be talking to Stiles. For the teen made him not focus on the fact that he was going to die.

    "Basically, I'm a descendant of the Adarna, and was given powers that'll help me protect the White Oak tree, and it's creations." Stiles began to ramble as he was able to finally speak to someone about what he knows, "The coma was an initiation from the tree itself. Giving me its power. I don't know much about why it kept me under so long. But so far I know I can turn things to stone, sense danger; six sense, have a pulling to things(haven't figured that one out yet), and that's about it."

    "What do you mean about its creations?"

    "From some of my research, the Tree doesn't just give away its power. The tree itself made the Adarna, everything it makes had a purpose good or bad. And I have to protect those creations and the tree." Stiles seemed to be able to not focus on the deaths, and blood that is on his hands at the moment. Talking to Damon gave him some control over what he sees.

   Damon nodded before leaning back against the bed frame, "And the powers of the Adarna?"

    Stiles quickly answered without much thought, almost as if something was speaking for him. And in a way, something was. As his eyes glowed white.

    "The three main powers, known are,  singing living things to sleep, turning things to stone, and healing any illness-"  Stiles white eyes stopped glowing as he looked at Damon, "Healing any illness, " The teen repeated, "Damon, I may have found a way to heal you!"

   The teen scrambled to his computer and opened it up. He was making sure that he wasn't just saying anything. Reading over his notes about the powers of the Adarna. Stiles caught sight of what he was looking for.

|•Heightened senses
|•Ability to heal all illnesses
|•Seer like powers-


    "Stiles, " Before Stiles can say any of his doubts. The hope in Damons eyes held back anything he was going to say, "- You-you can save me."

    "That's the thing though, I don't know how."

    KLAUS SMIRKED WHILE HE WATCHED STEFAN DRINK MORE AND MORE, FROM THE BLOOD BAGS. The bags were starting to pile up, giving Klaus some satisfaction.

    "Looks like your enjoying this, Salvatore, maybe I should give you more." Klaus holds up another blood bag.

  Stefan seemed to hold himself back as he put a hand up, "No-No," The vampire reaper said mostly to himself, " No more until you give Damon the cure.

   "Fine." Klaus pours his blood into a cup and hands it to Katherine, "Go, and give this to Damon, Love."

  "No!" Stefan tried to get up but Katherine had already left, making him look defeated.

   "What's wrong Salvatore? Oh, is it because Katrina, is on vervain?" Klaus asked, "Oh yes, I knew she was on it. Do you think I could be fooled that easy? Now, let's continue drinking old friend. We have some things to do soon."

   As Klaus spoke, Katherine had run away from the building before stopping right outside.

   She glanced at the hybrid blood, then towards the woods where she can escape and be home free. But something inside her, pulled the vampire to go to Damon. Maybe because somethings happening, or maybe because she'll regret not helping him for Stefan.

   With an irritated tick, the doppelganger vampire quickly vamped towards the boarding house. As she walked in. She spread her senses to every inch of the house to find movement. Receiving a lot of noise upstairs, Katherine raced up towards where the voices were coming from.

   Entering the room, Katherine watched as a white glow ruptured from Stiles' hand onto Damon's werewolf bite. Stiles looked drain, and he didn't seem to have an ounce of knowledge on what he did.

Katherine's eyes held wonder and plans of sabotage, and capture repeated in her mind. I do what's needed to keep myself alive.

   As the light went away, Damon looked better than before. But, there was something different about the vampire. As for where the bite once was, a white tattoo of a tree had taken the place of the bite.

   "Don't let her come near." Was Stiles last words before he fell down, only to be caught by Damon.

  Katherine watched as Damon's pupils went white and he turned towards Katherine.

    "We can do this the easy way or the hard way? Which way will it be."


In one of the next chapters, I'll be holding a Q/A at the end of it. If you have some questions for myself or this book. Ask and I'll answer.

