[29] The Now

Finally, everything was clear for the Moon. The only thing holding them back was the Stars. The Moon couldn't leave the Stars, not can the Stars leave it.

  Who said goodbye was forever messed up the whole universe for sure. For when their goodbye comes, they won't be satisfied.

  Damon stared at the other knights before him with confliction. It had been a few weeks since the four knights: Scott, Jackson, Ethan, and Damon, had set out to stop the interfectorem's from growing. Over that time, the Knights seem to grow with each passing day.

     Two new werewolves had found them, both were thought to be dead until now. It came with a surprise but then again, it wasn't new; only those who had a connection with Stiles could be a Knight. The two new wolves with them went by the names, Derek and Peter. Derek held scars amongst his face and arms as if he was ripped apart; he was. The only thing that kept Derek alive long enough to be a Knight was Peter's quick thinking, he already lost Malia to Theo, and he couldn't lose his nephew as well.

   Yet, they weren't the reason for Damon's confliction. It was the cursed species of a werewolf before him. Looking down at the women, Damon didn't feel the urge to destroy her like all the others. The tree was inside the Knights, guiding them on the path they should be. Whispering in their ears on what they should be destroying to protect its seed and creations. He felt a need to protect this mutt, yet he couldn't find the reason why. She had no connection to the tree, or to Stiles. Held no part of the war that is brewing. Yet here she was, passed out on a hotel bed with clueless Knights surrounding her, not knowing what to do.

   With his arms crossed, Derek, looked away from the female as if she was non-existent, "What the hell are we even doing here." The wolf's white eyes flared showing his irritation, he was confused as well.

   Ethan let out a sigh while looking at the female in front of him, "I think we need to protect her." Jackson nod as he let go of his boyfriend's hand to stand next to the women.

   Flicking her hair, it showed her face. Letting the Knights get a better look at her, "That's for sure because whoever got here before us, " The Knight pointed at the bruises that were forming around her neck, "Doesn't seem to be so keen about her."

    Damon watched as Scott went over and picked up the sleeping werewolf carefully, "Well, Let's hurry then. I don't want the interfectorems' catching our trail."

    Nodding Damon walked over and opened the door, "I agree with that, we could question her when she awakes but for now-"

   "-Let's keep moving," Peter smirked as he finished for Damon.

  Rolling his eyes the first Knight held the door for the others to walk out. And before he could depart from the hotel room., his eyes caught sight of a bag. Grabbing it, Damon looked through it quickly to find anything. Finding a wallet, the vampire opened it to see a name established on it.

   "Hayley Marshall, " Damon put the wallet back before grabbing the back and slinging it over his shoulder, "Well whoever you are Hayley, you got explaining to do."

   Bonnie looked at her best friends with irritation. Grabbing her bag, she tried to walk away from them only to be held back.

    "Bonnie, Please your the only hope I have in finding Stefan." Elena pleads with her hand grasping Bonnie's, the way she held on was like the teen was going to drown without her support.

    Shaking her head, Bonnie turned to face Elena once more, "For the last time Elena, I'm not going to help you find Stefan." Getting out of the human's grip Bonnie shook her head slowly, "Besides everything has been peaceful since they all left."

   Before Elena could reply, Caroline finally spoke from her spot next to them. Her eyes didn't meet theirs as she agreed, "Bonnies right Elena, It has been better since- since all the vampires left." Elena's eyes went wide as she heads Caroline's words.


     Caroline didn't wait for them to pitch in as she straightens herself to finally look at then, "That's why I've chosen to leave."

   Both human and witch looked at their vampire friend with different emotions crossing their faces.

   "What? No, Caroli-, "

   Caroline held her hand up, signaling for them to stop, "You can't change my mind. It's-" The vampire teen choked as tears starting to slither out of her eyes, "I-it's for the." Caroline wiped her tears quickly, hating how she was crying in front of them, "You said it yourself Bonnie, Everything has been better since everyone else left, " Caroline paused to fix what she said, "Since the vampires left."

    They didn't know; Elena and Bonnie. They didn't know that for these past weeks, days, even minutes; Caroline was thinking about this decision. She couldn't stop thinking about, nothing took it off her mind no matter how hard she tried. At first, setting her focus on Damon worked, worked for a little bit because he was the only other vampire still in town. Now he was gone and she was the only bloodsucker left in Myticfalls. Every step she took, a cloud hung over her head; Every time she waved at someone rain would drizzle on her head. But it wasn't just any type of rain; it was hunger that she did her best to restrain. The beating of hearts and pulses of blood thundered underneath everyone's skin. Every day was getting harder to pull off a smile and a nice, "I'm fine." The only thing that made her feel secure in her hungry was the Salvatore's. They helped her with her finger, they have insured her she was okay. Now they were going and the support beam in her castle was gone, and her kingdom walls we're crumbling.

  "Caroline, You don't have to do this, we're here for you." Bonnie reached out and rubbed the vampires at, comforting her the best she can.

   Elena followed Bonnie and grabbed the vamp's hand, "Bonnies right Care, you still got us."

   Caroline didn't speak a word at first, instead, she hugged her best friend's as if she would die without them, "That's the problem, " The blonde whispered in a tone in which they can still tone her, "I'll just get you guys hurt-" Stepping away she looked at her friends, their blood seemed to reach her ears, making Caroline's throat clench, "And you know how I'll feel when that happens, I'll lose my mind."

  Noah watched as the last bit of white sparks within him, turned black. Such a horrible price for such a beautiful thing. At first, the father thought he had a chance. A chance to tell Stiles everything; to get to Mysticfalls and show their family history there. All those thoughts were gone now, for he wasn't himself anymore. The man that was raised in Mysticfalls as a protector, the man who was once a teen who went to parties with his best friend Zach. The man who fell in love with amazing women due to a pull that the tree, had brought him.

    Noah wasn't the chosen one that his family thought he'll be. He remembers the summers in which they will go to the successors' cabin. Stories from old and new that would be chanted and reborn. The tree had lived through their bloodstream and made them grow into what they were. Giving them the powers they had through a coma that was called: The Awakening.

   Now that his eyes were a black solid. Noah remembers memories the tree took from him. The trials in which will name him the successor if he passed. He didn't impress the Albua Bratus at all. The only thing the adult could thank the Albua Bratus for; was the Anchor he gave him. His wife was the very thing he needed to help control his powers.

   Yet, those memories seemed to once again crumble, they crumble to be replaced by ones much more terrifying. The darkness in which balances the Albua Bratus had change Noah and the other children of the tree. They weren't themselves anymore; they'll never be who they once were.

   And Noah knew that before the transition even began. It was the reason he left Stiles the way he did. Once they got to Mysticfalls and Noah noticed the vampire problem; it became clear to him that the new era was about to begin. He couldn't have Stiles hesitate, because only he can replant the Albua Bratus.

   So he made sure that Stiles will hate him. He went out of his way to even say he was afraid of him because of the nogitsune. The nogitsune should have been a sign. That fox, was the winner even if they finally ended him with Scotts bite. For he managed to awake the darkness from the tree in Stiles. He made Stiles the perfect seed for the Albua Bratus
   The nogitsune was never there in the nights after his control. The fox was never the one to whisper in Stiles's head, to make him so paranoid that he had to make barriers in his mind. Stiles was never fighting the Nogitsune for control, he was fighting the darkness in him, the darkness that took the form of a giant fox. That tried to manipulate Stiles into giving in to its power when the teen lost control all those nights ago.

   The fox in which Stiles became wasn't the power of the Nogitsune, it was the darkness. The same Darkness that flung Katherine across the room. Made books hit falls; the darkness was the source of everything from the beginning.

  Stiles can control the darkness and the interfectorem's know it. They know Stiles can wield darkness as if it was the light in which created the supernatural world. The darkness will continue to make the teen think it's the fox that he fears. It'll continue to haunt his dreams and mind with images he hates.

   Stiles can never know the true extent of what he can do. Noah will make sure of that. As his arms wrapped around his chest, he smirked down at a road from the mountain he stood on. He'll make sure Stiles stays away from his Anchor. For he knows if Stiles continues to gain more control; Darkness will lose the war.
