[16] Questions

   NOTHING IS MEANINGLESS. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON, EVEN MISTAKES. But right now, Stiles couldn't help but think these powers. The ones he got from his father's side, was useless. Meaningless. You couldn't blame him for thinking that either. No one told him the true purpose of these powers. The true purpose of why his family protects the white oak tree. He didn't even get a full story about his fathers family. Or why his Dad left him, out of nowhere.

    Stiles stares at the stone carved spider before him. The one he found on his bed, something that seemed slightly long ago. |Stiles stared at the spider, stared at the insect in the eyes. The spider stared back but looked as if it was asking for a fight. It hissed and crept closer to Stiles. The teen jumped away and ran out of the room. Not realizing that the once alive spider was nothing but stone.|

   Putting the stone spider in his pocket. The teen sat on the couch. Trying to distract himself from the feeding that was happening next to him. Klaus glanced at Stiles while feeding on a blood-bag. Seeing as the hybrid was trying to stay off the town's radar, he wasn't taking blood sh9ts from wrists and necks. He was slightly confused about the teen's silent behavior. Klaus thought for sure, the teen next to him was the ramble type. Getting a backward feeling for this small exchange. The hybrid soon said words he'll grow to regret shortly later.

    "You've gotten quiet, there, little fox. Something the bother?" Klaus titled his head, not really caring. Not getting a response, Klaus tried to stop the sickening silence, "How about we play a little game then? You ask me some questions, and I return the favor. Sound alright, Love."

    Stiles glanced slightly to Klaus before nodding slowly, "Sure, sounds fan-fucking-tastic."

   Stiles turns and fixed his sitting position to face the hybrid next to him. The teen keeps up the act of being relaxed, but in his head, he keeps drumming the best of different questions to ask around.

   "Well, are you going to ask anything, Love?"

    "How did you become a vampire?"

    Klaus felt his shoulders tense slightly, out of all the questions Stiles could start with, he chooses this one. Taking a long break of silence. Klaus gave into answering the teen.

    "Well, what a grand question to ask." The sarcasm was admirably there, "Let's start with the beginning then, shall we? A thousand years ago, live my family and I, as nothing more than humans and witches. We lived here in mystic falls, being neighbors with a wolf pack, in our time-"

  Stiles was slightly put off by knowing the originals lived here, in mystic falls, all those years ago. It makes him ponder on what else history has forgotten about, "-A little later in life my youngest brother, and I went to watch the wolves turn on the full moon. Only one of us made it back alive." Klaus's voice went slightly dark when he finished that sentence.

     "A month after that, my parents wanted to protect us. They didn't want us dying. So, they turned us into what we are today. Vampires, and now they despise us. Abominations, they called us. Yet, it was they who created what we are."

   "That sounds intense." Stiles gave a fake huff, trying to release some tension.

   "It was more than, intense. It was worse than that." Klaus paused for a moment before turning to Stiles, "Now Love, What's your connection with Mystic Falls?"

    "Well, from what I'm told, my Dad grew up here. I'm Bonnie's third or fourth generation cousin-" Klaus's eyes widen slightly at that  information, "And a close family friend to the Salvatores."

    "Strong connections then, huh, Little Fox."

   "I guess-" Stiles' fingers twitched slightly, "What're your families names? All of them."

    Klaus leaned back slightly, "Well, there's Finn, my oldest brother. Elijah, second oldest between my siblings and I. Myself, Niklaus-"

   "Wait, hold up, " Stiles put a hand up to stop Klaus, "Your name is actually, Niklaus?"

    "That's right, and that was another question. But I'll let it slide for now-"

   "Okay, just continue." Stiles gestured Klaus to keep going with the names.

    Klaus rolls his eyes and continues on, "After myself, comes Kol. Rebekah, the only female between us siblings, and lastly- there was Henrik." Klaus seemed to get lost in thought after saying the youngest brothers name, before going straight into asking his next question to the teen, "How do you get a Nogitsune, to give you a dark guardian?" Klaus asked actually interested with this question.

   Stiles froze, his eyes seem to harden, blocking out the sudden rise of mixed emotions. The teen turns away, he knew if he didn't answer this question. He couldn't get anything else from Klaus.

    Taking a deep breath, Stiles only said one sentence to answer the question, "Betrayal, I got this curse from being betrayed." Stiles looked down at his hands.

   Klaus looked like he wanted to hear more about this, betrayal, but looking at the haunting face painted on Stiles' face. The hybrid withdrew from asking. That look reminded him of the look he had gained after his last encounter with Aurora. How she struck him deeply in the heart with her words.

   Klaus was kind of shock when Stiles continued to explain, "Basically, Someone I loved, once, gave me a box full of darkness." Soon they were in silence. Knowing that this darkness Stiles spoke of, was the guardian everyone kept calling a 'gift'.

     "Why do you want to break the Sun and Moon curse?" Was the question that broke the painful silence of memories, memories of two different betrayals, yet similar in many ways.

     "Ah, I want to break the curse for it'll unleash my, for now, dormant werewolf side."


Klaus gave a; I know something you don't know, Smirk to Stiles, "Let's put it this way. Close to nine-hundred years ago, my brother Elijah and I made a fake, Sun and Moon Curse. The Sun and Moon curse are fake, its all made up to cover the real curse that was placed on myself, without consent." Klaus stood up slowly peering out the windows near them, "The curse placed on me, kept my werewolf genes locked. And I want to break it."

    "So- you're a hybrid?" Stiles tilted his head slightly. Taking in the information. While also distracting himself from the memories of the nogitsune.

   "That's another question, but yes, I am a hybrid. The original hybrid." Klaus added on, at the end.

    "Good to know."

  Klaus walked over towards the kitchen and opened the fridge, "Are you hungry, Love?"

   Stiles hesitated, before standing up himself, "Yeah. I can eat something."

     Though both kings in the game of chess, talk to one another and gaining the intel- they each need. There was something deep down that cause both to want to end this match of survival. Each for different reasons. But one thing was clear, in the moment of truth and tell. The pair were calm in the presence of each other.
