[10]Caged Gift

Unedited, and tired. Goes slightly all over the place. P.s. somethings should be left a mystery...

-    STILES DIDN'T REMEMBER MUCH from when he called Jeremy. He didn't even know if he ended the call. But honestly, he felt like something was unlocking in him. Like a door was slowly opening, and it hurt. Stiles had felt pain, he felt many things. But this, this pain was different. It wasn't pain like sadness or anger it wasn't the pain of death. It was the pain of relief. He felt as if a part of him that he was yearning for all his life, was opening. May it hurt, and he felt 4000% tired. But at the same time, it felt peaceful, it felt natural.

   Stiles couldn't really concentrate on anything. His body was yearning him to fall asleep. Even though deeply he wanted to listen to this call, he couldn't. Because pass thee wants, into an area of fears, Stiles was scared to be alone. It was a fear he'll never admit too. But even though he'll never admit it, that didn't mean it wasn't there.

   As a kid, he had his mother, Claudia. The women who showed him good and bad. And proved that both from a different perspective and with other facts to the story could be each other in a way. The good, could be bad. And the bad could be good. Most of the time, it was one side making themselves look like the good guys, hiding away other facts to the whole story. Or just plain miscommunication on both sides of the equation.

    Besides that point, his mother was the only thing he remembers as a happy childhood. His father, Noah, was never there. This fear that he had, was being alone. And it started to be his worst fear when his mother died. And he was alone, alone to watch, alone to cry, alone to grieve. He had no one at that time and that scared him. His fear skyrocketed when the nogitsune took control, for he was alone then too. He was alone in his mind screaming pleading for help. Begging Void to stop, to not hurt his friends and family. But nothing he did work.

   Stiles was forcing himself to stay awake longer, to find someone. Anyone to be next to him during this. To not leave him alone. But his eyes were locked to the blurry, unfunctional part of his sight at the moment. So seeing anyone help him was out of the equation. He was going to go under alone, isn't he? He knew deep down, that darkness pleaded and even forcefully was bringing his body to a state of voided bliss. A state where Stiles will change, change for better or worse. Yet, the scariest part was what could happen. His fear was one thing, but the so-called gift Void gave him? He only saw the gift take effect once when Katherine tried to bite him. What had happened?

  There were many things on Stiles's mind, and those were fears. The list went like this; He didn't want to be alone; He didn't know what effects were everlasting from the nogitsune; And lastly, he was afraid of what he'll do without his father being around.

   Stiles devoted his life to be there for his father. To make sure he was fit, eating healthy, Etc. Because he couldn't lose another parent. But he did, he knew deep down his father might be gone. Might have been taken, or worse killed. Stiles didn't want to believe that, nor did he want to accept the facts.

    So, he was afraid. But, he knew this, this will help him. He just couldn't trust his inner judgment anymore. He couldn't trust his heart to lead him like once before. He was a shell now, the kid he once was was trapped, buried, whelve into darkness. Waiting for the clouds and rain to pass to be released.

   "Stiles! Stiles where are you? I know you're here somewhere!" A voice called out. It wasn't Damon's nor Jeremy, but it held some similarities to Damon.

   "Damon looked like he was going to murder someone to find this guy. Who is he?" A female voice spoke to the other.

    Stiles could visible hear them, but the fiery sensation in his throat stopped the teen from yelling out. Maybe he didn't have to be alone anymore? Maybe he can go through this with someone by his side.

  "His father was a close friend to Zach. He and Damon hit it off almost instantly" now Stiles knew who the male was, he heard this voice before. And it is no other than, Stefan.

   "If he and Damon hit it off so well, then I might not like this guy a lot." The female joked.

   Stiles found it irritating someone can have a whole conversation while searching for a person. This isn't any drama series. This is, look my way and help me. I mean Stiles can hear the people, so they should be close... Right?

   "He's your age, Elena. And he's a good kid, just went through some stuff recently. His father is even missing at the moment-"

   "Damon probably did that one." Elena cut in.

   "Elena, don't judge Stiles for the  people he infiltrates with."

   At this point, Stiles tried to move. Dirt matted around his body, giving him an unclean feeling. As he forced everything he had, to focus, Stiles finally founded why he could hear them, but they couldn't see him. A lingering glow of purple surrounded the tunnel around him. And as Stiles looked up, the hole he seemed to have fallen from was oozing with the same purple light. Sunlight beamed down the hole, showing clouds and some trees, from the angle he was looking up from. He was still in the central plaza/park, but he was just under it now. Stiles didn't know how he got here, nor did he want to. All he remembers was feeling relief, then- pain.

   That was it, the moment he felt that pain, when his throat burned, eyes stung, hands flared and bones groaned. He had lost control. He had lost control? Nothing was adding up anymore but with the purple lingering string hanging around the tunnel, that seemed to be under the entire town.

   With that, Stiles' nose scrunched up and eyes closed. Control. Something the teen never had. Then again he never knew he needed to control something. He still heard Elena's and Stefan's voices speaking casually while trying to find him. With that thought, Stiles thought of all the times he helped Scott on control. He used those methods and tried to get the purple mass to appear like many times before.

   Nothing was working.

  Control, he needed it, he needed that to help him escape this tunnel. This is not where he wanted to be. This is not where he belongs. Yet the pull was still there, guiding him to a deeper spot in the tunnels. But he pushed that away and focused. His words were not there, his eyes were slowly closing. He needed out.
Out... Out... O u t... OUT.

  That's when he lost it. He lost focus, lost the grip he had on the make-believe wheel he had placed in his mind. Somehow his hands had untapped themselves. Somehow, he just let go. Yet, the nogitsune wasn't there, Void didn't come out from the darkest parts of his mind. Nothing did, but Stiles knew something was there. Waiting to be released, to cause pain. His mind swarmed from thoughts he had from his panic attack. But he wasn't sad this time, he wasn't acting cowardly.

    His body was shaking, fingers gripping the stone sort below him, legs stretched but ready to pounce. Stiles can feel his breath hitch. He wasn't emotional. He was angry, He was mad, he was dangerous. This released a hollow growl of anger, he pushed the pain back. He was running on adrenalin now.

That was when lights went out, for Stiles. The caged beast was released. The gift Void gave him, was in control now. And it was tearing the tunnel apart for escape.

 -   LIFE ITSELF WAS flashing before Stiles, he heard everything, he even saw it. Yet, he didn't feel like he wasn't in control. He knew full well he can wake up anytime he wanted.
    When lights went out for Stiles, and the gift took over. Stiles couldn't remember what happened during that time.  Yet, he remembers his body laying, resting in its transitioning on his bed. His veins glowed white, acting as if they were stems of the white oak tree. Stiles' eyes were closed, yet Stiles's mind remained sitting on his bed watching his own body. He watched as the white hue slithered through his veins. He could wake himself anytime, but Stiles chose to wait. Even when he knew Damon wanted him to awake so badly.

   The older Salvatore came every night to talk to the transitioning boy. The vampire told Stiles everything that happened, even the new friend he made. The man was named Alaric Saltzman, a vampire hunter. Stiles found it funny how Damon only called the man friend, seeing as the vampire keeps saying the teen was his best friend.

   Stiles would listen to everything Damon said, but one night was sad for even Stiles. Damon sat down next to his body and looked so- broken. Stiles remembered exactly what Damon said that day.

    "I told you about Katherine right?" Stiles already knew who Katherine was. But now he knows how psycho the 500-year-old vampire was.

   "Well, she- dammit." Damon leaned forward and rubbed his head, "She made me think what she showed me when I was human, was love. And now, now I don't know what the term is." Damon rolled his shoulders and shivered.

   "Katherine spoke to me last night, told me how she used me. How she only loved Stefan- fuck, I can't seem to get her words out of my head. And I'm too scared to say them, for I know if I do, I'll believe everything she told me I was." Damon glanced at my body. I sat in a chair silently watching. But I yearned to hug him, comfort him in these hard times. Yet, I wasn't ready.

  "I-I snapped, " this was the moment that surprised Stiles. Made him feel sorry for his friends. Made him almost cut off the connecting he had with the white oak tree at the moment.

   Damon was crying.

  "I killed Jeremy- I. I didn't know why I did it. I don't even know if he has his ring on."

   "I killed him, Sti- I killed that kid cause I couldn't control how I felt. What I was feeling." Damon was continuing to let tears fall.

  Heres the thing, Damon may be crying. But he wasn't whimpering. Damon was broken- so broken. He wasn't shaking, he wasn't hunched over. He was crying as if he didn't know he was- as if he never cried like this before. And with this state Damon was in, he told another part of his past to Stiles.

   He told Stiles about being a subject for the Augustine Society. He told him about Enzo, about the torture of the experiments. All the way to the fire. Stiles remembers everything as clear as day. For that was when Stiles actually tried to touch Damon.

   Stiles got off the chair he was sitting and walked over to his transitioning body and Damon. His mind was set on Damon, for the teen walked to stand in front of Damon. Stiles kneeled down and placed his hand on top of Damon's, his arm didn't go through. Instead, Stiles watched as a chill was sent up Damon's hand. Stiles then hugged Damon.

   And the last words that Damon said that night was, "Stiles?"

-   IT'S BEEN MONTHS since Stiles went into his transitioning. Stiles didn't feel ready, safe, to wake up. Every time he felt as if it was time. Something in the back of his head nagged at him, telling him to wait longer. His father, Noah, said it only takes a month. This was longer than a month. Theories danced in Stiles's thoughts, about why his gut saw fit he waited longer before waking.

  But today felt different- and it was. There was a commotion downstairs. Stiles knew they were having a meeting about Elijah's brother, Klaus. Yes, Stiles knew about Elijah. He was even familiar with the Scooby gang. Being stuck in a ghostly figure for months had some benefits. Stiles was stuck in the boarding house, finding out he can't leave the house at all. Didn't mean he wasn't watching. Bonnie even felt his presence before, witchy senses and all. Only if Lydia- no. Stiles stopped those thoughts.

   Stiles snaps back to reality to look at his body, he watched as his once-white veins slowly disperse, after the essence of the white oak tree was gone. The Stilinski was thrown back into his body.

   With that his eyes snapped open,  only to show a white purple mixed hue as his eye color. Before fading to his natural color.
