a girl named Jolene

i know you read my poems, so this one is about you

i thought that i would get tired of you
like an old piece of gum losses its flavor
and i spit it out
or add a new piece
i spend every day with you
and i still love you the same
our conversations still seem to surprise me

you used to say you loved 'the brown eyed girl'
and i have blue eyes
it scared me to imagine my future not loving you
so i told you how i felt
i thought you would react badly
you'd feel bad about not liking me
you walked to class and said
"let me think about it"
i never expected you to say you felt the same way

you blush so easily
your cheeks are always pink when you're around me
i like to make you smile
blush like a tomato
and make your eyes sparkle
i like the way your hair curls
and how it's soft
i like who you are
how you act
how you look
what you do

just like you said
i think i am in love with you
