Chapter 9

The next morning I woke up feeling nandini twisting and turning in my arms, her face away from mine but her hand was tightly clutching mine against her stomach. Gosh, finally after so long I woke up with a smile on my face.

Its weird becasue when I was with soha, I never cuddled with her when sleeping, I never comforted her like I comfort nandini. Her tears never hurt me like nandini's hurt me.

When soha used to cry I felt awkward almost forced to get her to stop crying but when I see nandini cry my body lights up in flames. I get angry and my whole body starts hurting.

It's like I am I physical pain seeing Nandini's tears. Last night hearing her sniffle and cry like that my heart was in so much pain.

I pulled my hand out of her her hold gently, careful not to wake her up. I pulled the blankets over her and kissed her head causing her to curl up against my arm.

I grabbed my phone and sat up going over some emails from the company, yes I run a company, its an architecture department/company. I was always interested in the company as I grew up so when I was in 12 I started learning a few things here and there and now a year later I am full on running it.

As I went over some emails there was a knock on the door, I knew it was cabir.

"Come in idiot" I said

He unlocked the door and a smile formed on his lips, I'm sure it was seeing Nandini because she is so adorable.

"Morning asshole" he said sitting beside me making me chuckle

"Morning, how are you up so early" I asked seeing it's only 7

"Esehi, I was missing this munchkin" he said caressing her hair


He hummed still caressing her hair

"I messed up so bad and she forgave me becasue I asked her to forgive me but I don't know how to make it up to her"

"That's not my job Manik, you have no clue what she went through these past 6 months. She was hurting every single second yet she tried to take care of you despite the ugly and disgusting words that bitch was spitting every day at her. And honestly if it were up to me, I would have asked her not to forgive you at all" I nodded with a sad smile looking at her beside m

I never in a million years thought I would treat her like this and hurt her but I did. I had promised myself that I would take care of her but I messed up bad.

"You did fuck up but you also know you can make it up to her" he said patting my shoulder

"I know cabir but how could I do that, its like I had became blind"

"Its fine Manik, though I am pissed at you for certain things you did, we both know Nandini is a sweetheart so she will forgive you"

"How can she forgive me so easily" I asked

Cabir is my brother, not biological but he is and whenever I mess up he is the second person who knows how to help. Nandini being the first person.

"Manik a single scratch on your body and she is running around trying to heal it, a single tear in your eyes and she cries a god damn river, a single voice that speaks against you and she roars like a tigress for you. I don't know if you will ever get it but I hope for the love of god that you understand what you mean to her" he explained

He isn't wrong, Nandini is the sweetest little angel, she never fights or argues but if anyone argues with me or when I have fights she literally will hurt anyone who is hurting me.

I was going to make it up to her and I knew how.

"When is our break" I asked him

"What break"

"Dude holidays, break hello" I said growing impatience and angry

"Oh that, I don't know"

"Fucking ass, you are of no use" I said smacking him causing him to yell like a girl

"Ahhhh fucker"

Him screaming woke up Nandini as she gripped my t shirt

"Manik" she said wide awake

"You fucking woke her up" I siad smacking him harder

"Ahh that hurts man" he screamed

"Manik stop it" Nandini said rubbing her eyes falling on my shoulder

"Fine but don't you think you take his side a lot" I asked caressing her side

"I do but thats becasue he is my brother"

"See I knew it, only you are my sister, all this others are bitches" cabir said kissing her head

"Get away from her" I said earning a smack from him

I glared at him making him run out of the room. Nandini giggled seeing him running out.

"Good morning cutie" I whispered kissing her head

"Good morning mani" she whispered back looking up at me

"Im sorry that we woke you up, you can go back to sleep" I siad

"No im okay, I need to shower and then college" she said yawning again my shoulder

"Bad bad butterfly" I teased tapping her nose

"Heheh manik" she giggled

i swear to god, her giggles can make me happy instantly

"Manik" she whispered laying her head on my shoulder


"I want to talk to you" she said

"About what exactly" I asked looking down at her

"Not now, can we talk later tonight please" she asked

"Ya, for sure. Mhm Nandini when is our break" I asked

"Like holidays" she asked and I nodded

"In a couple days, it's Wednesday so we have Thursday and Friday"

I nodded at her as my head was filled with things I had to do, there were plans going on in my head and not just one, many.

"Ahh manik move na" she whined tring to get out of my hold

"No, stay"

"Please na mani, I have to shower"

"Okay go, meet me downstairs" I said and she nodded

I kissed her cheek causing her to smile but it wasn't reaching her eyes so I knew she has things on her mind which I understand.

I let go of her arms and she walked to her bathroom, I got up and went to my room which looked brand fucking new becasue I had it rearranged with new furniture and stuff.

I got ready and walked downstairs to see Nandini walking out of the kitchen with a plate in her hand. I saw the hesitation on her face when she placed it on the dinning table.

"What's cooking good looking?" I asked with a smile

"Mhmm I made eggs if you want" she whispered

"My style" I asked trying not to show how guilty I was for hurting her

She nodded with a small smile

I sat down and started eating, I missed her food so much. She sat down beside me with a glass of water.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked

"No, im not hungry" she said

"What?" I asked being shocked becasue she loves breakfast

Her favourite breakfast is nutella toast or anything with nutella. when we had first moved to this house she literally would wake up so early and wake me up so I can make her breakfast and today she isn't hungry. It is all becasue of me, all of it

"Nandini sweetheart kuch toh kha lai" I said dropping my fork as well

"Man ni hai manik" she said

"Baba whats wrong" I asked

"Nothing, I just am not hungry"

"But you love breakfast" I said

"I used to manik, I did but I don't anymore" she said

A painful silence surrounded us and I was the reason for it.

"Manik I am going to go, ill see you in college" she siad getting up grabbing her bag from the couch

"What do you mean by see you in college" I asked

"I will be late if I miss the metro" she said

"You don't need to, I will drive us"

"No its fine" she whispered when I grabbed her arm stopping her from leaving out the front door


"Manik please, I can't be normal so quick I just need a minute to get it together please" she whispered but I could feel her choking a little

I let go of her arm, she didn't even spare me a look, she walked out of the house leaving me alone and I felt her pain. The pain I put her through I felt it when I stood there in this beautiful house alone, when I saw her walking away from me.

I had to make it better, I had to get my nandini back. I cannot survive without her and thats for sure.

I got to college and even though Nandini was in my classes I felt like she wasn't becasue she didn't talk to me, she didn't look at me. It was like I didn't exist and its all my doing.

I could have forced her or kept talking to her but she is right she needs time so I let her be but my eyes were on her only.

As the day came to an end I followed nandini as she took the metro because I wanted her to gt home safe, yes I know everyone may think how much of an idiot I am that I didn't even reply to her messages for 6 months and now I am wanting to keep her safe.

But thats not true at all, I always had nandini in ym mind at all times but the way soha manipulated me and kept on talking about things did distract me which is my bad.

Anyways, after nandini got home I got back to the college to get my car so I can drive to get things ready for the break we have coming up.

I was in the middle of something when my phone rang, I grabbed it to see cabir's call


"Manik where are you?" He asked

"Jsut something, why?"

"Its 12 and Nandini is worried sick dude"

"Shit, the time slipped from my head, umm im coming back, where is she?" I asked wrapping things up

"Cutie here you go" he siad handing her the phone im assuming

"Hello" I heard her quiet whisper

"Hi hun"


"Im sorry, I jsut got caught up with a presentation at the company but im coming back" I said

"It's okay, did you eat" she asked

"No, did you?" I asked walking to the car

"No mhmm can I make you something?" She asked hesitantly

"Of course love, I will be there in 15 minutes"

"Drive safe please" she whispered

"Sure thing sweetie"

She cut the call and I drove home to her. She was in the kitchen when I got home, I saw her cooking some chicken.

"Hey" I said standing behind her

She shook a little not expecting me.

"Jesus are you crazy?" She asked smacking my arm

"Hahah what are you cooking?" I asked laughing

"Chicken and veggies, you have your game soon"

"Its in a month"

"That is soon"

i shook my head at her but she glared back making me laugh.
