Demetri is getting very frustrated with this little game of hers.

He has chased her through California, Washington, Tennessee, and Texas. All in the matter of a three weeks.

He can just hear her satisfied giggles as she escapes him. It infuriates him to no end.

The Masters are up his ass trying to get him to speed it along.

It's not easy when your mate loves games just as much as you do. Although he's excited at the prospect of a challenge with the prize of whatever he wants, he's getting impatient.

All he wants is to be with his mate but no, his mate just happens to be the most stubborn woman in the history of women.

He was now on his way to New York as that is where she currently is. She's more than likely shopping as that seems like something she would do.

From what he gathered, she loves shopping and has a rather large collection of houses.

And the ones he's seen so far, as she seems to go to places she's familiar with, and two out of four places has had a house and she is a rather stylish being.

She sticks to neutrals or blacks and whites.

Her closets are by far impressive. She has a section for each season and the seasons are color coded. He has a feeling his mate has a bit of OCD. He was tempted to look at her undergarments but then he realized that would make him a bit of a obsessive stalker. Although he was when it came to her, he wasn't about to go stealing her underwear.

Although if he had to guess it's a lot of dark colors. That seems to be her thing. She'd fit right in at Volterra. She's sexy and wears dark colors.

He just can't wait to see her smile. She's never smiled when he's looking or if it's in the presence of her family.

He's seen her throw a smirk towards the Cullen's hybrid but that wasn't real. It might be fooled everybody else but not him.

He wanted to be the reason she smiled. At him. Something. Unless it's another male. Then he would have to kill them.

Jane hasn't had any luck either but then again the one with the tracker skills is currently looking for her mates sister who is as stubborn as a mule and as hard headed as a rock.

He weaved his way through New York City, dancing across the rooftops with grace that it rivals a ballroom dancer.

He stopped as he smelled blood from a few miles away. He inhaled deeply and he could feel his emotions drain say as the Hunger took over. This blood was intoxicating and had a familiar smell to it.

He ran towards the source and heard hissing when he got there. There was snarling and growling aggressively.

He glanced down in the pitch black alleyway but could still see everything perfectly.

There was a female and an animal with glowing yellow eyes. He couldn't see the female but the wolf was a grey color that shimmered in the moonlight.

He inhaled as he saw the blood on the ground and it was a mix of the delicious scent and a revolting smell.

He inhaled again and froze as he recognized the delicious smelling scent.

He now knew what that smell belonged too. Or should he say who.

Valentina. She was in trouble.

He watched as the wolf sent her flying through the air and he could smell her blood from the hit along with a sickening crack that scared him to the core.

The wolf was growling and advancing when all of a sudden a black figure sped in front of the wolf, blocking the view of her limp body, snarling back.

It was Demetri.

There was no way in hell he was letting a oversized puppy try and eat his mate.

The only one that will be eating her is him. Which he plans on doing as he soon as he catches her.

The wolf growled at Demetri and he growled back until the wolf lunges and so did Demetri. They clashed together, the sound of a rock hitting a firm mattress sounded and teeth were bared, claws were scratching. It was chaos and it didn't soothe Demetri's worries as he knew that the beauty behind him wasn't moving and was lying there as stiff as a board and as limp as a worm.

The wolf scratched and clawed at Demetri, managing to nick his cloak, and threw him near his mates body.

He made the mistake of glancing at his mate and the wolf tackled him.

He held the wolf at arms length, away from the snapping jaws that were desperately trying to rip his face off.

Demetri managed to get his foot up and sent it into the wolfs gut.

The wolf crashed harshly into a wall, and helped in pain.

Demetri sped up off the ground and went towards the wolf, a menacing growl building in his chest.

He put his mate in danger, might've seriously hurt her, drew her blood, and tried to kill him. He doesn't know if that's a normal reaction but that's enough incentive to kill him.

Demetri stalked forward and when he got close enough, he stomped on the wolfs neck, effectively crushing it to dust. He watched in satisfaction as the life drained out of his yellow eyes.

He sped to his mates side, and held his breath at the sight of her blood dripping off her arms. There was no wound but still, from the sheer amount of blood lost it was just piling underneath her arms, a spot on her head, and on her neck that was angled weirdly.

He started looking for any bite marks, scratches, or wood chips where they weren't supposed to be.

He sighed in relief when he didn't find any and wondered if a broken neck would permanently kill her. He hoped to whatever God he believed in that that wasn't the case.

He gently lifted her up and sped to a hotel he had booked in case of emergencies. This classified as emergent.

He ran across the roofs, jumping swiftly and fast as to not wake the sleeping beauty in his arms, when he got to the hotel he stepped off the side of the roof and dropped a few strokes until he landed silently in his toes on the balcony that was next door to his room.

He quietly slid the screen door open, and stepped in, still not making a sound.

He passed the couple who was sleeping, and crept out the hotel door.

He walked a few feet towards his door, and gently pried the locked door off the electronic key card register.

He shut the door behind him and took her to the bed. He sat her down and went to the bathroom. He grabbed a wash cloth and dampened it with warm water.

He sat down next to her and washed away the blood that was sticking to her tan skin.

He repeated his steps until all the blood was washed away and her skin was clear again. He pealed away her leather jacket and sat it on the chair next to them. He would have to throw it away as it was tattered and shredded.

He unzipped her stiletto heels and pried them off her feet.

He covered her with a blanket and waited to see if she would wake up.

When Valentina came to she groaned, "I'm gonna kill that bastard."

"Sorry, but it's already been dealt with."

Her head snapped to him so fast, he thought for sure her neck was gonna break again.

"What are you doing here?"

"That's always the question with you isn't it?"

"Well considering I'm in a bed, when I believed that I was laid upon the floor in an alley, I think my question suffices the situation don't you think?"

He raised an eyebrow at her sarcasm, before striding over and holding her chin in place with his hand. "If be a bad mate if I left my love to fend for herself, don't you think?"

She noticed the grip on her chin, turning from reassuring to dominance in two seconds flat. "This doesn't count as catching me, just so you don't get confused, darling."

He glared at her. Dark Red boring into Light Blue. She stated right back. "And why not?"

"I didn't have a chance to put up a fight."

"You were unconscious, of course you didn't."

"Besides, it's not as fun when catching your target if they didn't put up a struggle."

She had a point, he hated to admit. He was so close to earning a life long dream with his mate, but she just had to know his mannerisms without even trying.

"You know I'm right and the only thing driving you to chase me is the glorious joy to have whatever you want from me when this is all over. Although. I suppose I could give you a prize as a thank you," She leaned up teasingly, their lips brushing, and Demetri used his other hand to wrap around a hip of hers an drug then together. "But I won't."

And then Demetri was left standing by himself, the only evidence having left behind by her, was the marvelous scent that lingered on the clothes.

He growled, and if he would listen hard enough there was a tinkling laugh that would've brought even Satan himself to the ground.
