Valentina hung up the phone in disbelief.

Edward got Bella pregnant on their honeymoon and now months later, a baby girl was born, Renesmee.

Now the Volturi are after my niece.
Valentina sighed heavily, running a had over her face. She dialed a number she hasn't talked to in years.
"Sister. To what do I owe this phone call?"
"Our baby brother needs our help. You in?"
Damon hummed from the other line.
"What did Edweirdo, do now? Turn into a mini ripper again?"
"No. He actually got married, had a kid, and now their vampire law is after the kid. Our niece."
"I always knew he had the Salvatore genes, deep down. I mean what's Salvatore stays a virgin for a over a century?"
"It's about time they came out. When and Where?"
She sighed.
"Their house on Forks, Washington. A week or two. I don't know they just need our help."
"On my way."

Valentina drove all the way to Forks in her car, going way past the speed limit.
When she got there she slammed her car door and found Damon appearing out of the trees.

She greeted her twin with a tight hug who reciprocated it. They are the only ones they can be there selves around beside form Edward because for some reason he can read Damons mind but not mine. Oh well.

I knocked on the door to the Cullen household. No one answered so I shrugged at Damon, who rolled his eyes and walked right in. I sighed. That's one thing he lost when turned manners.

We found everybody outback, Edward and Bella were facing us with a little girl on Bella's back, with a blonde haired person in front of them.

Edward started grinning which made the person turn around. I immediately growled and went to charge when Damon wrapped his arms around me.

Low and Behold was the Stefan Salvatore.

Damon pushed me behind him.
He narrowed his eyes on our backstabbing brother.
Stefan sighed at our reaction.

Bella was talking to her new brother in law who she just had the pleasure of meeting. Renessmee was on her back playing with her hair and staring at the green eyed man.

Edward took his attention off his older brother to look at the newcomers. He started grinning a smile she's only ever seen when Valentina is around. Bella looked too and saw Valentina and some  man and they looked very similar. Bella assumed that this was Damon, Valentina's twin and Edwards oldest brother. Stefan turned away from us and faced his siblings.

Valentina stopped walking causing Damon to run into her back. He saw Stefan too, just as Valentina's face changes into a very scary face and started to charge but Damon wrapped his arms around her, barely restraining her. She was hissing, snarling, and thrashing in his arms before he managed to push her behind him.

Damon narrowed his eyes at his brother. Their transition hurt Valentina way more than it did him even though he too took it hard because his Katherine was in the tomb dying and their wasn't anything he could do about. And if she's hurting, it pisses Damon off because it's his twin, she knows everything about him, and he knows everything about her.

"Why are you here?"

Stefan sighed. "I'm here for our little brother and niece."
Valentina snorted.
"It's about time you cared about something other than your hair."
Stefan politely ignored the comment about his is called 'hero hair'.
"When will you forgive me?"
Stefan will admit it. He missed his siblings tremendously. And he hated that they were mad at him.
"When your six feet underground with father, I've killed a Salvatore before. Shouldn't be any different now."
Their argument had drew their attention of the others. They gasped a little at Valentina's confession. But they all were curious as to who and why she killed them.

Edward walked forward slowly.
"Listen. I understand that you all have an issue. But please. For your little brother. For your niece. Get along. I get that you two are highly upset that Stefan made you complete your transition and Stefan I know that you feel bad about hearts you did but you wouldn't lose them. I probably would've done the same thing. But please for the sake of all of us. Please get along."
Valentina didn't acknowledge Edward but instead focused on the little girl with Bella's chocolate brown eyes, and Edwards reddish brown hair.

Valentina slowly walked forward, she bent down in front of Renessmee, and Renessmee stepped forward to put her hand on Valentina's face.
Valentina saw everything from the moment she was born to watching her argue with her siblings. A thought came through.
"Of course I'm here to help you."
Renessmee grinned brightly at the Oldest Salvatore. "After all what Aunt wouldn't want to save her only and favorite niece." She gently tickled her stomach erupting a flow of giggles from the small girl.

Edward smiled in relief that she will help. Although he loves her more than anything, he knew how his sister could be. And he was thankful that she decided to help. All he had to worry about now was the fight now that the last people arrived. He knew there was a chance that the Volturi wouldn't listen but it was worth a try. And he'll be damned if his family gets hurt; biological, friends, adopted, and his own. He will protect them.
