"Sister!" Damon called out for Valentina in the house they're currently renting in Laguna Beach, California.

They needed a very sunny place, somewhere the Cold Ones couldn't go. So here they were.

"Brother." Valentina said, now standing in front of him.

"We've got a problem." Damon told her with a look on his face that Valentina translated to "We've got to get rid of said problem"

"What is it now?" Valentina said going to there personal bar, pouring two Bourbons.

"Jane and Demetri are on their way, looking for us. So we can't kill them without killing ourselves, so I say we split and cause some havoc."

Valentina raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. "Really? Why do we have to run? Can't we let them come to us? Make them know just what game their playing."

Damon smirked at her. "Well, normally I would be all for it. But, you know we have a little dilemma."

"Which is?"

"They'll be here in 4 hours. When the sun goes down."

"Meet up in 5 weeks?"

"You got it."


The two guards had just arrived to the place where the witch directed them to go.

The witch had figured out who was blocking him from finding his mate and now that his gift worked again, he was oh so happy that he could feel his mate again.

The two guards had found the beach house, vacant and empty.

They walked in and the twins scent was old and hadn't been there for several hours.

Jane and Demetri split up going in different directions.

Demetri went to where his mates scent was the strongest, the bedroom on the second right.

He entered and noticed that it was neat and tidy, and that there were a few hangers on the floor.

It was obvious, to him, that someone was there but cleared out quite hastily, due to the slightly open drawers.

He growled in frustration, zooming out and downstairs to the living room where Jane was.

"They aren't here. Her rooms been cleared out."

"Yes. I gathered the same conclusion. It's quite obvious they were aware of our arrival. It seems as if they are treating it as a game."

"What makes you say that?"

"There was a note."

Jane handed it to Demetri and he could detect both scents on the parchment but due to the slightly sloppy handwriting, Damon must have wrote it.

Oh look, it's the blonde squad. Hope you enjoyed our parting. We seem to have had a few miscommunications at the clearing. We don't do mates. Sorry. We're free spirits. Good luck finding us because odds are, you won't.

Your lovely "mates",
D and V

Demetri shook his head, how is it possible to be sarcastic, even on paper?

"Where to now?" Jane questions Demetri, who had a thoughtful look on his face.

Demetri traveled far into his mind looking for the one person who was treating this as a game.

Valentina Rose Salvatore


Valentina and Damon had been separated for a week now and they had said goodbye at the airport.

As it was expected to have ran, Damon traveled by his precious car and Valentina caught a plane to the City of Love.

Paris had always held a special place for Valentina.

It was where she was very comfortable at. She didn't know if it was just the atmosphere of love she had never experienced, or if it was just the culture they had there.

But she did know that renting a place there was one of the bests decisions she ever made, they had great food, good music, beautiful sights, and tons of shops.

She didn't know how to feel about all of this mate crap.

She didn't know if she wanted one, as she was always independent.

She knew that even if the two did pursue a relationship it was bound to be doomed anyway.

She didn't even know what love felt like, for god sakes.

Sure her brothers and friends loved her, but it just wasn't the same.

She's had all the time in the world since her turning but nothing appealed to her. It was like she was pushed back every single time she tried opening her heart. Like there was an unknown force telling her she wasn't allowed.

But knowing her she didn't like being told no. So she tried anyway, and much to her disappointment, it never worked.

She didn't want Demetri to be like everyone else.

When they firsts locked eyes it was like two puzzle pieces fitting together, two peas in a pod, falling in love for the first time, you get the picture.

She didn't know what she was to do with that new piece of information that they were mates.

When Aro announced that they were mated, her heart swelled with love and joy, probably happy it was finally getting used, but then her head, the rational part, didn't know how to feel.

She knew what her heart wanted but her head just didn't know if that's what she wanted.

She's always been wary of men after everything with her Father.

She remembers the first time he raped her.

It was just a month after there mother died, and their Father sent Edward to live with their Aunt.

She and Damon were getting ready to turn 18, when he came into her room one night with a sadistic smirk on his face.

She can remember every agonizing moment she felt. She thought she was going to die each time.

The maids always helped nurse her back to help but couldn't say anything as then they would lay the price.

Valentina was always a kind hearted, mischievous child. She loved to sneak out and do things she wasn't supposed.

She had learned to stop after the first time she ever received a beating.

Her Father, the man that was supposed to love her unconditionally, beat and raped her on a daily basis.

Even if she was good, he still found pleasure in torturing her.

She gently reached back and touched the scar on her back from where he slashed her with whips.

Her back was littered with them when she was human.

But now she only has a few left.

As she was sitting on her balcony, she smelled a scent she's slowly becoming accustomed to.

"Interesting. For a tracker it sure did take you awhile to find me. You poor thing, is this the first time you've been outwitted? And Felix stealing your hairbrush doesn't count."

Demetri rolled his eyes. He had finally found her and she had the audacity to tease him.

It was her own fault, he couldn't find her.

"I would've been here sooner but there's this woman who happens to be my mate that loves pissing me off."

Valentina smiled sarcastically as he walked on the balcony where she sitting and leaning against the railing.

"It's the Salvatore specialty."

Demetri grunted in agreement.

"So. You've found me. What do you want?"

Demetri took the time she was sitting there to analyze her features again.

She looked annoyed as she almost always did. Her eyebrow was slightly raised, and her blue eyes were narrowed in the distance, but she still had traces of a smirk on those lips, he so badly wants to be against his own.

He noticed she never smiled genuinely, like she was plagued by dark pasts.

But then again nobody had a perfect past.

He also noticed she hadn't looked at him.

"For you to stop being so damn stubborn and come with me."

Valentina now had a smirk on her face.
"Already trying to seduce me? It's a little early for that don't you think? The least you could do is get me drunk first."

Demetri smirked at the innuendo. "I'm not opposed to it if it means I get to see you underneath me."

Valentina looks at him with those eyes that have become his favorite color.

"Oh honey. I don't lay down for anyone."

"I'm more than willing to change that."

She scoffed. "You came here for a reason, yes? So stop stalling and spit it out."

"I don't spit, I swallow."

Valentina gave him a look, that said, "Talk or I'll remove your tongue." Yes, that is a look.

"In case you've forgotten, I can't live without a mate and now that you've met me neither can you."

Valentina shrugged. "I've been doing pretty good for over a century, what's a few more?"

"Do you have to be so hard headed?"
Demetri pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Aww poor baby Demetri is getting fed up. Would like a pacifier and a bib too?"

Demetri threw her a look. She was treating him like a baby.

"I hope you know you're coming with me whether you like it or not."

Valentina smirked, standing up. "It's called rape, to force a lady."

Demetri followed her into the main part of the room, watching as she grabbed a bottle of Bourbon, pouring it into a glass.

"I've never forced a lady and I don't plan on doing it now."

Valentina just shrugged, sitting on her couch, glass in hand.

"So, Volterra is in Italy, correct?"


"And you are there tracker?"


"You are friends with Felix?"


"So I don't have to go?"

"Yes. Wait, No! You have to go."

She giggled evilly as she tricked him.
He glared at her, speeding behind the couch to look down at her.

She smirked up at him. "Tell you what, you can have whatever you want. If you win the game."

"What's the game?" Demetri's smirked, excited at the prospect of a challenge.

"You have a to catch me."

"What's my prize?"

"Whatever you want." Valentina and Demetri were looking at each other so intensely, you could feel the room heating up.

"Good luck." Demetri smirked at her, his eyes gleaming.

"Why's that?"

"Because I don't intend on losing."

Her Outfit:
