Valentina Salvatore was tearing down the road on her way to the famous Forks, Washington.

She was happy that her baby brother was getting married but was a little sad that he hadn't tried harder to get in contact with her to tell her and that she had to find out from her future sister in law, his adoptive sister is a seer it shouldn't have been that hard.

She pulled up at the area where the wedding was taking place. She saw Edward was preoccupied with wedding jitters and slipped in a seat next to Rosalie at the front.

Rosalie turned her head to see who sat next to her, Valentina gave a little wave to her before she turned back around.

Rosalie did a double take. She saw it was Valentina. Edwards sister and one of her closest friends. Valentina smirked glad she caught her by surprise. Rosalie hugged the dark haired girl tightly, cutting off the nightwalker's oxygen. Valentina made an 'oomph' sound at being squished so suddenly.

"Glad you missed me."

"Hell yes I missed you."

"Than you should know I'm a little disappointed no one tried to tell me about my blood brothers wedding."

Rosalie sighed. During everything that has been happening, she honestly thought that Valentina would have been notified by Alice that she hadn't thought no one told Valentina.

"I truly didn't know you didn't know. I thought Alice or Edward told you."

Valentina purses her lips.

"It wasn't Alice or Edward. It was that human he's marrying. I don't think Edward ever spoke of his family cause I could hear her nervous heartbeat from Russia."

Rosalie widened her eyes. No matter the facade Rosalie can tell when her feelings are hurt. She's hurt she had to find out from someone she didn't know that her brother was getting married.

Rosalie went to speak but the music for Bella to walk came on.

Valentina offered the blonde a small smile and a shrug.

Valentina caught site of the girl her brother is marrying. She was an ordinary kind of pretty. With long brown hair that was pulled back into a loose bun with a long train and blue hair pin. Her face was oval with a small nose, lips far to big for her face, and unique chocolate brown eyes. Her dress fit her frame like second skin. It was an ivory white with lace cuffs from the forearm to her wrist, the bodice was plain white with a slight dip to the neck, the back was open and stopped just before her butt, the train was flowing a few feet behind her, and Valentina noticed she was walking very slowly and latched on to the man at her side like a lifeline and she had a slight wobble that only vampire could notice and the resemblance to the man she's latched on to, one could definitely tell that that's her father with the same eyes, hair, and aura of awkwardness.

Bella reached Edward and they stared at each other like they were the only ones in the room. Or in this forest.

The ceremony was beautiful and the Bride and Groom were talking to the people that came up to them.

"You gonna go talk to him?"

It was the major that came up to her.
Jasper had noticed her hurt feeling the moment she had sat down next to Rosalie. He could feel she was upset that no one told her. He would have at least expected Edward to call his own sister.

"I will in a little bit. He's busy."

Valentina watched as Edward and Bella had their first dance. Edward looked so happy she didn't know if she wanted to interrupt him and ruin his wedding because she wanted to talk to him.

He deserves to be happy and maybe she shouldn't have come.

Esme stood watching Valentina from where she was standing with Carlisle. She could see the inner debate on whether or not she needed to stay and let him be happy that she came or leave with him not even knowing she was here.

Valentina was so in her thoughts she didn't notice Esme walking behind her until she placed a hand on the eldest Salvatore's shoulder.

"Sorry, dear." Esme told her referring to how she scared her.

Valentina shook her head. "It's fine. I was just thinking. I'm actually about to leave."

Esme immediately shook her head.

"Edward would want to see you. He hasn't seen you in awhile."

Valentina looked back at Edwards smiling face.

She sighed. "He looks like he's doing just fine without me."

Esme realized what she was getting at and made the connections to what the others have.

"He would've called you if he knew where you were. Just give him a chance."

Valentina sighed and as other couples were getting on the dance floor, she grew some hypothetical balls and walked over to the couple.

"May I cut in?"

Bella turned at the smooth voice she recognized for some reason. What she saw wasn't what she was expecting. There standing before her was Valentina Rose Salvatore.

Bella analyzed her as Valentina did not long ago. Valentina had dark hair that looked like a mix between dark brown and black styled into soft curls, she had stunning icy blue eyes, a sharp but soft face, plump lips covered perfectly in red lipstick, with a rather curvy figure that was clad in a beautiful navy blue that complimented her eyes.

Edward was rather shocked that his oldest sibling and also his favorite. His eyes filled with images tears.


Valentina smile at one of the many nicknames she's been given.

"Hey, Eddieboy."

Bella politely excused herself going to dance with Carlisle as he asked her seeing that Valentina was approaching the duo.

Edward gently grabbed his sister with one hand on the middle of her back and the other positioned in her hand.

"How are you here?" Edward breathed out. He never had been able to get inside her head as she was a different species. Carlisle believed that his talent only worked on Humans, Cold Ones and Shapeshifters due to being so different.

Valentina smiled at him.
"You really think that low of me to not even show up at my baby brothers wedding?"

Edward chuckled softly.

"It's just no one could get a hold of you. Alice couldn't see it and your addresses weren't the same."

Valentina expression became a little hard and Edward noticed.

"You clearly didn't try hard enough"

Edward flinched despite her speaking softly, it was like she had just stabbed him.

"Your mate was the one who contacted me. Don't know how but she did and told me that your wedding was in two days. You know you have my number, I don't see how you couldn't have contacted me. It hasn't changed."

Edward frowned at her frowning face.

"Yes it did. It was disconnected when I tried."

Valentina narrowed her eyes at him.

"No it hasn't. It's been the same since I got my new phone. 235-8805."

"That's not right. My phone says 225-8809.".

Valentina snorted.
"For a vampire you need hearing aids. Your old age has caught up."

Edward cracked a smile at her light teasing.

The rest of the night went great but Valentina's favorite part was when Chief Swan gave his speech which Valentina found great humor in.

Alice whisked Bella away from Edward to get out of the wedding dress to go in there honeymoon. 'No matter what she wears he'll be tearing it off anyway' Valentina thought.

Valentina walked up to Edward as he stood there. She handed him a key.

He looked at her confused.
"What's this?"

"That my dear brother is the key to your new villa in a secluded area in Santorini, Greece."

Edward smiled at his older sister.
He had always wanted to visit Greece but has never had a chance.

"Thank you."

"Don't worry about it."

"No. Really, thank you. For this, for coming, for being an amazing sister."

Valentina hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry they couldn't be here. But I'm sure they send there best. It seems as if your the only thing we ever agree on."

They shared a laugh at this. But it was true. They always seemed to agree over things that involved Edward, whether it was for his safety or something that will make him happy.

"But just so you know I will be having a talk to Bella about you."

Edward groaned because he knew she would do that when she met her.

"Don't be to harsh."
Edward gave her a stern look.

Valentina just smirked as Bella walked down the stairs.

Bella walked to Edwards side as he met her in the middle. It's like watching magnets gravitate towards each other in Valentina's eyes it was truly magnificent but also kind of sad for her as she won't find anyone like that as she has only ever been in love once and he completely broke her heart. Although that happens when you fall in love with an idiotic werewolf. He broke her heart, she ripped out his.

Valentina walked up to the happy couple before they walked out.

"Bella, this is my sister Valentina. Val, this Bella, my wife and mate."

Bella smiled at the girl.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You as well. But before we form some kind of friendship, we need to get one thing clear."

Valentina stepped very close to Bella and the Humans heartbeat rose significantly.
"Break his heart, or even dent it. I will rip out yours while making everyone you love watch, or if he turned you then I will rip off your head, burn your body, and dance on your ashes. Understood?"

Edward frowned at the fearful look in Bella's face and turned to glare at his sister, who rose her hands in surrender.

"I told you I was gonna talk to her." She gave an innocent shrug.

"You said you would be nice."

Valentina smirked.
"Actually you said I had to be nice, I never agreed to that. But your lucky I actually like her. It could've been way worse."

Bella watched the siblings react around each other with a certain fondness she couldn't help but smile at.

"But still..."
Valentina cut him off.

"Ugh. Always so broody. Good luck putting up with him. And I thought Stefan was the broody one."
She winked at Bella who giggled.

"Have fun. But not too much fun. I'm too young to be an Aunt."
She smiled to show she was joking. Vampires can't get someone pregnant.

Oh, how wrong she was.
