Demetri was in his chambers trying to locate his mate.

He scowled at the wall he was staring at.

He couldn't feel her.

His gift tracked the tenors in ones mind and hers just disappeared.

He growled in frustration and punched the wall, leaving a huge hole.

If she's playing hard to get, he's never one to back down from a challenge.

A knock was at the door. "What?"

Felix came in and raised an eyebrow at the scene before him.

His best friends hand was in the wall, his jaw was clenched, and his hair was disheveled.

"The masters have sent me to collect you. They wish to see you in the throne room."

Demetri grabbed his cloak and walked out of his chambers with Felix.

Felix smirked, glancing at him through the corner of his eye. "Why so tense?"

Demetri growled. "I can't feel her. It's frustrating." Felix knew at once who he was talking about. It's the only thing that been on his mind since the witnessing against the Cullen's.

"Is that normal?"

Demetri gave him a look. "What do you think?"

Felix shrugged even though he knew it was a rhetorical question. "Maybe it's witchcraft."

Demetri cast his friend an alarmed look. "I dare you to just let Jane and Alec hear that."

Felix rolled his eyes. "It's a thing. Their are lots of witches nowadays that can perform spells to block other things, i.e your gift."

Demetri got to thinking. Felix did have a point. When him and Jane left all they had to do was find a witch. Although that could prove to be hard. Witches didn't associate with Cold Ones. There is an occasional Nightwalker but their job is to protect humans sort of like the shape shifters the Cullen's had as protection at the battle field.

There were no words exchanged between the two as they were nearing the throne room.

Felix opened them and they both strolled in.

"Masters. You wish to see me."

Aro was pacing in front of his chair, Caius was scowling in his chair at nothing in particular, and Marcus was looking bored as ever.

"Yes. We wait for Jane."

Jane and Alec came gliding in seconds later. "Master."

"Jane, dear. Stand next to Demetri."

Jane stood next to Demetri. The both stiff and formal not even glancing at anything other than the masters.

Aro stopped pacing to sit in his throne and looking down upon the two elite guards.

"After Heidi brings the humans today, you two will go off in search of your mates. I would assume them to be together although they may not be so. It should just be the two of them, as they don't get along with the Blonde one. They are twins Valentina Rose Salvatore, the eldest, and Damon Micheal Salvatore. 170 years old. Turned in 1864 by a nightwalker Katherine Pierce. Stefan, the blonde one, forced them to turn, so in return they promised him an eternity of misery making sure he has the worst life possible. Oh and be warned. If you find them hunting, don't mess with Valentina. She is an ex-ripper." Most vampires in the room winced. Once you start you can't stop and most rippers are put down if they can't control it.
Demetri vowed right then and there. No one was putting his mate down.

"She and her brother, Stefan, have formed names among the vampire community. Stefan is the Ripper of Monterey and our dear Demetri's Valentina is the West Coast Ripper." Demetri closed his eyes in mental agony. The West Coast Ripper was one of the worst rippers known today. She wiped out thousands of humans along the West Coast from 1900 to 1974. The Volturi were going to intervene but it was a different species of Vampire therefore they could not.

Demetri thought that if they had intervened in 1959 then he wouldn't met his mate way sooner.

"Be aware. She is not an active Ripper as of late but something may trigger her. Now. I believe I have a starting location for you. Mystic Falls, Virginia. There is a Salvatore Boarding House there. Try that."

Demetri could here Heidi's heels clicking, the one he usually look forward to having come to his room after meals to get his own personal pleasure but no more. He will remain faithful to his mate for when she's ready to accept him.

Demetri and Jane fell into their respective ranks. Jane closet to the Masters with Alec on the other side and Demetri and Felix placed on either side of the doors.

Heidi guided them in and stood in her place next to Chelsea.

Aro stood up once again, "Welcome, Dear Ones. I'm afraid my family is very parched. Hope you don't mind." Aro gestured and the room sprung into action.

Demetri went after a blonde women who was huddling in the corner trying to get away.

He grabbed her arm tightly and sunk his teeth deep into her neck.

He was being a little rough, but he had every reason to be rough.

His mate was a sexy, sarcastic nightwalker who completely dissed the idea of him and her.

The same mate who someway in hell blocked him from her mind that he would like to explore a little more.

And maybe other things, but he won't get into that right now.

She was mischievous from what he has seen, a small twinkle in her eye shows that, she is very charming, and it seems as if sarcasticness and bluntness is the only she speaks.

Demetri was squeezing the dead girls body so hard, he heard her arm shatter.

He barely glanced at it before throwing it away and going to a next victim to drown his sorrows in a vampires favorite beverage.

Jane and Demetri were given the go ahead and they were off to Mystic Falls, Virgina.

The duo arrived in Mystic Falls in about a day and a half later after traveling through mainly the North Atlantic Ocean. They had to stop once to feed but after that it was a smooth ride.

They had arrived at about 9:30 at night. They ignored the lurking humans and made their way to the huge boarding house that was the only one in the small town.

Jane stood at the door and looked around. Demetri was a little bit behind her per usual of on a mission.

They could hear footsteps walking around the upstairs. Jane knocked and they heard the slight pause.

The footsteps walked down a flight of stairs before stopping just shy of the doorframe.

The door opened to reveal someone that faintly looked like their mates.
He raised an eyebrow. "May I help you?"

Demetri smirked slightly. Bluntness may be genetic.

Jane pierced him with a glare.
"Were looking for Damon and Valentina Salvatore."

His face paled then hardened slightly. "Who's asking?"

Demetri stepped up getting slightly impatient of his mates whereabouts.
"Jane and Demetri."

The man looked at him. "They don't live here. Haven't even been here in years."

They could smell a familiar foreign smell wafting from a crest on his wrist.
"Listen vampire slayer. Where are they and we won't have to use force."

"Listen, blondie. This is my house and you will show some respect or I have no problem showing you the way back to wherever the hell you are from."

Jane raised an eyebrow. She was mildly amused at this human attempting to be brace when his heartbeat said otherwise. "What's your name?"

The man glared at her. "Zach Salvatore."

"You are related how?"

"Their my long lost long number great Aunt and Uncle."

"Do you know how to contact them?"

Zach sighed annoyed. "Look. I don't even know where they are or how to contact them and even if I did know those things I still wouldn't tell you. Trusts me. You're better off without them."

Demetri growled lowly and took a step forward. Jane grabbed his neck in warning.

He was still growling but backed off slightly. He couldn't promise the next time he spoke lowly of his mate that his head wouldn't be across the room.

Zach slammed the door in their face before they could even get a word out.

They walked through the forest and Demetri was still growling.

A high pitched ring sounded through the otherwise quiet forest.

Jane picked up the call as it was her phone that was ringing. "Yes, Master?"

Aro's creepy voice floated to their ears. "How is it going, dear ones?"

Jane pinched her nose in frustration at just the ten minute conversation they had with the asshole that was Zach Salvatore.

"They aren't in Mystic Falls and haven't been here for years."

Aro sighed airily. "I figured. They didn't seek the type to stay in small towns. I have magnificent news! I've contacted a witch and their is one in Rochester, New York. Her name is Maryland Davidson. Her address is 597 Mason Boulevard. Happy Mate Hunting!"
He ended the call on a happy cheer.

Demetri scowled at the phone. "If that doesn't help I'm killing the witch."

Jane couldn't help roll her eyes but still slightly agree. He had a point. They had waited thousands of years, Jane waiting longer, for their mate and now their on a wild goose chase, where Demetri's gift is seemingly immune.

"Let's go."

They ran all the way to New York and then Demetri had to track down the witch, which was fun for him seeming as his gift has yet to work on his mate.

They entered the house silently. Demetri came from the upstairs as Jane entered through the door.

Maryland was lounging on the sofa when Jane announced her present. "You shouldn't leave your door unlocked. Never know who might take it upon themselves to come in uninvited.

Maryland was off the couch hands poised as she was startled out of her daydream. She recognized Jane for what she is at once. "Cold one." She glared at Jane so menacingly, Jane couldn't help but crack a small evil smile.

Demetri was slowly waltzing down the stairs as Maryland said, "Leave my house. I'm not opposed to hurting you."

Demetri cracked a menacing smirk, "Good. Neither are we."

Maryland jumped and her heart momentarily stopped at the voice of another Cold One.

Maryland back up to where she had both vampires in her sights.

"I don't vampires of any species."

Demetri walked forward so he was looking her in the eye. "Make an exception."

Jane also stepped forward. "What my friend here is trying to say is that all we want is to find two people and figure out why they can't be tracked."

Demetri leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "Remember. It's your life on the line. We're not opposed to hurting you after all." He told her, repeating her earlier words.

She paled and walked to a room with them following closely.

They entered a room that had many objects. There were pillows, random vials of substances and old, huge books with foreign writing on the front of them.

Maryland had shaky hands as she went over towards her chest of drawers to find her map and a grimoire to do a locator spell.

She walked back to where the two were surrounded by a table. "I need-" She cleared her throat. "I need a name?"

"Damon and Valentina Salvatore."
The two could tell she knew of the Salvatore twins at once as Maryland paled and her breath hitched.

"D-d-do y-you h-have a connector or something of theirs?"

They both frowned. 'Yeah sure. We've just had all the time in the world to get our hands on something of the Salvatore's. Demetri thought bitterly.

Jane frowned for a completely different reason. "A connector?"

Maryland glanced at her then at the spell book in her hands. "Like blood or a substance of some kind. Tears anything."

Demetri's face hardened. "Does it look like we come bearing gifts?"

Maryland had a sudden burst of confidence. "Why do you need to find them anyway? They're left better off where they are."

Maryland felt a sharp pain in her head and went down to floor, crying out in pain.

Demetri and Kane witnessed Maryland hold her head with her hands as she fell to the floor, screaming bloody murder.

Demetri turned to Jane and raised an eyebrow. Jane scowled at the silent accusation.

Maryland had the witches in the Other Side whispering in her ear. "Salvatore...Twins...Mates.
Salvatore...Twins...Mates." It was the same thing over and over again. As Maryland was laying their with her mind being invaded she concluded that these two Cold Ones were the Salvatore Twins mates. "Venom...Siphon...Venom...Siphon...

She gasped for breath. The pages of her Grimoire fluttered and a harsh breeze went through the room. The breeze flipped the pages until it landed on one page in particular.

Demetri and Jane were on alert as the room started picking up the harsh wind and flipped pages of a very old book.

Maryland had got up and was standing on shaky feet. "I need your venom."

Demetri stared at the witch. Is she serious? That's not exactly an easy thing to get and he's not letting her anywhere near him unless she wants to be eaten.

"And how do you think you're getting that?" Jane furrowed her eyebrows, a snarl pulling back her lips revealing her teeth. Demetri was guessing the Witch Twin was feeling bitter towards the witch that was very real while she was killed for supposedly being one.

"A siphoning spell. I will siphon the venom out of your skin."

"And you get the venom from where? In case your that imbecilic there are no opening in our skin."

Maryland scowled at Demetri. "There is a spell to cut your skin."

Demetri and Jane stood side by side as they lined up in front of the witch as she prepared for her spell.

Maryland had her hands out and her eyes closed. She started chanting some foreign words and the louder she chanted, the more wind that came.

Demetri felt a sharp pain in his left forearm. He rolled his sleeve up and found a gash forming, and as his skin kept trying to heal back, it was like an unknown force was pulling the skin back.

She started chanting a different sentence and Demetri watched as his venom collided with Jane's and twirled together like a tornado before floating onto the map and it moved around the map before stopping in the state of California.

Maryland rushed over to get a map of California. She spread it on a different table and started chanting in Latin once again.

Demetri and Jane watched as Maryland moved the venom onto the other map and after several moments it stopped in a very hard to go place.

Laguna Beach, California.
