"Oh Honey-Bun, I'm home!" I yelled out, in a joking way.

"Shut up will ya'?" Taryn said from round the corner, Jak and Daxter looked at each other as she came to the room we were in. She knew Daxter from a bug exterminator service, so she was already over to him and petting his head. "Ey'! Daxter, what'cha doing here?" She was confused as she looked at me. "They were the trainees? What did Daxter do? Other then harass a bunch of women."

I looked to them as I didn't know yet. "Not sure."

"I rather not say, so just hold off." Jak was mad, trying to still find a reason that why I didn't visit him.

"They hate me currently, so you wanna take over?" I offered her.

She shook her head and resisted the offer, well more like torment. "Sorry, I prefer if Daxter didn't stare at my tits."

"Hey! I haven't asked you why you got here!" Daxter pointed.

"Who's this, Daxter?" Jak was confused, glancing at the both of us.

"The hot babe from my job, y'know... The bug one." Daxter explained, as Jak was in disbelief that the story was true. "But tell us why you're here."

"Well if you must, I came here through Aiden." She said, setting a hand on my waist as my ears perked up and lowered to shake my head. "What? You don't think I should do this?" She said, grabbing my chin and pulling me close so she pressed harshly against my lips. She chuckled as we parted and I looked back to Jak and Daxter to see their mouth wide and their eyes the size of white plates. "I'm her housewife by law."

"Hold up," everyone but her started.

"Aiden! I didn't know we swing the same direction." Daxter jumped in on it first.

"I thought you were straight." Jak said.

"I'm... I'm not interested in women, but I'm not emotional involved-"

"She's a bisexual, just like me." Taryn started. "We meet at your bar, while you guys were celebrating, we sat by each other and hooked up. I didn't see why I should stay in Haven City so I left with her."

Jak grew angry, knowing almost everything. "You were at the bar?!" The air around him sparked with dark eco, as I shook my head at Taryn. "You... You were that girl that hugged Samos."

"I hugged him, yes. I needed to say goodbye to him." Red eco orbs floated around me as Taryn tried to calm me down as Daxter was doing with Jak.

"You could've said goodbye to us!"

"Well I didn't want to! I only knew you guys for a week!"

"But we were there, right in front of you!" Jak's eyes faded to dark purple, and I grew red brighter. "I saw you made eye contact with me, and then I saw you kiss this lady!"

"I kissed her because I felt alone, Jak!" I wanted to punch him, but I did my best to hold back. "I never wanted to see you again! I've been waiting for you, I wanted to see you so bad I saw you in prison!" I clutched my hands.

"That was you!?" Jak seemed to remember. "And you didn't help me?!"

By then I swung a punch with a full on red effect, and it sent Jak flying back. He went full on dark mode as I as brewing with red eco. It was on.
