Pecker and I managed our way to the end, but unfortunately I have nothing to defend so I didn't went on as soon as I heard a blast about half a minute ago, I waited at the entrance of a cave already hearing something else moving inside. Again being completely useless without a weapon to defend myself or just about anything else, I just let my ears listen in on the movement. Maybe it was the leftover metal monkeys that I wasn't prepared for. I mean if I had at least a spear I'll run in and scare them all away from here.

As I eased in to the noise away from my vision, I felt a hand on m shoulder; Suddenly scaring me into jumping my back against the wall and having the walls of the cave tremble when I hit it with such a force. Jak was here to scare me and instantly settle me down.

"Where's Pecker?" Jak managed to pick out up whisper into my ear, since the caves look like they were gonna tumble down on its own.

That's when I did notice, Packer was no longer with me. He did wanted to fly ahead so we can go talk to his owner, and I just turned them out because I thought we were just way too far behind together as a team. Fucker left me to die! "He left me here." I mumbled.

"Pecker is, and always will be a pain in my tail." Daxter perched on Jak's shoulder, resting his arm on top of Jak's head. "Next time I even see his feathered little-"

We all stopped what we were doing and directed our attention to the caves shuddering and shaking to Daxter's voice that was getting raised. Jak instantly started to make a beeline for did the exit of the cave, only for us to start walking across the pathway that tumbled behind us as we jumped into a room with gapping sides around us for a huge drop.

Jak's ears perked up in pointed themselves in the direction of a hallway in front of us, he put his arm in front of me as I looked into the direction he was. Only to see the man himself, Veger-no-Vulgar... wait. I guess I should actually know the difference because now we're in the world of trouble as he looks menacingly at both of us.

Jak and I looked at each other, only just knowing now that we were going to be in a world of trouble, and for once I was actually going to be a part of it with him. To be honest, this was going to be a breeze now.

Being a part of this couldn't help but to crack a smile on my lips.
