"Nice job, I said jumping off of the side of the vehicle. Jak and Daxter both jumped and danced. "But it's time for some chores for you two, and I don't want to do them."

"Wow! You're just lazy!" Daxter yelled, arguing.

"No, I just don't wanna die if you guys are driving." I mumbled, taking a step and curling into a ball from a sudden pain. My stomach hurted again...? I thought I healed it all? "Jak... how does it take to get dark eco out of your system?" I asked, looking to him.

"Definitely more then three years." Daxter mentioned, brushing down his fur and looking away from us all.

The pain, again; I struggled to stand this time and landed to the floor. Normally i don't sweat due to the heat but my word was thrown into a ditch as I then started feeling droplets fall down my face. "Aiden, are you okay."

"Taryn, Taryn!" I called, starting to call. She'll know what to do, and I couldn't help anything to myself.

"Aiden, where is she."

"Call her..." I mumbled, planting my feet in the ground and leaning against the walls and made my way over to the door. She disappears to go do job, that might include going to the desert to trade with outsiders. Jak called her, then looked to me. Something wasn't right inside of me, and I looked to Jak. It was his fault, he had at go for a kill. He had to be better than me, all my work and he's gonna take the title. Taryn must've not been in the city cause she didn't answer, looking at Jak he seemed panicked. That jerk, that asshole. I couldn't stand him anymore. "You... you...!"

Jak grabbed onto my arms and watched me crumble into him. "Aiden, I'm sorry..."

Call him a freak...

Call him a freak...

Call him a freak like what he is...

"Jak... you..." I started, looking into his eyes. They weren't dark purple, they weren't mad. They were upset and confused, I can't do that to him. "Jak, it's okay... just promise you'll watch the city for me." I whispered, as he hugged me tightly. Coughing, I spat blood on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I got blood on you." I started laughing, as I couldn't even take this pain seriously. Settling down, I felt his hand in my hair; brushing it back and trying to calm me down. "Jak, I'm sorry I got jealous... you just came into my place. I acted like you're not my friend, because I still care about you." I laughed, as he kneeled down.

"What?" He was confused.

"You're gonna take my title of hero." I started frowning, feeling my eyes burn and water up. "I know it, I just wanna help... you're gonna do something great... I wish I stayed in the past to save the world." My tears dropped all at once. "Then I wouldn't see you and Keira... and I wouldn't have became this crap hero."

"You're a hero."

"Great, I can die happy."

The lights faded, and I was knocked out.
