Making my way back to base, I felt myself still confused on how the fuck was that possible. In fact how was I full in my stomach? Either way I got the codes and they were uploaded to the servers and now we have full entrance on the nest. This was gonna be the first time I got to talk to Jak since he made me go with Samos and Keira. My goal now was go to base and get in a hellcat cruiser to go to the base.

I approached the platform to see familiar blonde hair and a rat facing the cruiser. "Jak, Daxter." I announced my presence. They both turned to look at me, Jak looking forward to get in and cause some trouble.

"Aiden," Jak started, walking up to me. "I heard about the things you've done... thanks." He started. With no hellos still. At this point who needs them?

"I saw what you've done." I smiled back. "Thank you." I felt it appropriate to say it back. "Jak," I cooled the situation more. Knowing I have to do this, and want to. "I wanna say I'm sorry... for leaving you."

"We left you." He said, arching his brow since he was talking about completely different situation.

"No, I mean when you defeat Kor." I stepped closer. "I know leaving you must've hurt, and even more if you thought I died." Jak crossed his arms. "You leaving me... that hurt too but it can't compare when I just left you. Truth is in jealous and I feel like I'm second place compared to you. I wanna be my own hero and not done sidekick." I mumbled. "I was that in Sandover, but now we're a team. Or I at least I hope we are a team."

"Aiden," Jak started his eyes staring blankly. "We need to get going." He announced.

"Oh, right." I said softly, climbing into the passenger seat while Jak took his seat. He pulled down his goggles as I grabbed the ones in the dash. "Let's go." I announced to him I was ready.

Jak set his hand on my forearm making me look at him. "I forgive you, just try not to do it again."

"I'll try." I giggled, as we took off into the sky.
