Feeling the wind brush pass my face, I held my self tightly on the sooner I first saw to start rushing to Jak. He was deep into the wreckage. "Aiden!" A scream over my communicator scared me, it was Samos. "Where in the world are you?"

"Tess told you to stay in bed!" Added Keira.

I didn't have time for this, I grabbed into the device, my hand glowing red as I crushed it into a junk pile. I can't stop now, and I know they were gonna find a way to stop me if I didn't stop it.

I started to turn a corner to see bright lights and a deep hole, this must be the entrance to the catacombs. Glancing around some more, I saw Veger holding a gun in his hand and pointing it to Jak and Daxter. Damas laid on the ground motionless in Jak's arms.

Charging up my zoomer, I aimed myself of Veger. Jak flashed into his Dark self and kept him distracted long enough for me to come at him from his right. "No one hurts my friends!" I shouted, ramming it into him and jumped from the sooner. I rolled into the floor, tumbling and stopping before Veger.

He coughed up blood and pushed aside the zoomer, his eyes landed on me as clutched his stomach. His other hand pointed at me as I tried to get myself to stand but that tumble took it out of me. "Why you little brat!" Veger shouted, ready to shoot but noticing Jak and Daxter standing to fight him. He paused and smiled, picking me up by the hair and making me stand. "Better yet, I could use you just like I did Jak." He smugly said, aiming the gun to my head.

"Aiden how did you get here?" Jak started to question it.

"Definitely not by running." I groaned out, as Veger backed into the entrance to the cars. Veger hit my head with the butt of the gun, making me shut up. "Mother fucker..." I spat out.

"I will be back to deal with you, dark boy." He smiled, putting me in the vehicle and jumping into the side. "Don't follow us or she dies." He threatened.

"Don't listen to him!" I screamed. Jak stood still, not moving an inch in fear of me getting shot. "Stop him Jak, do it for everyone!"

"I can't let you die." Jak started.

"This isn't about me, Jak!" I started, Veger turning it on. Whike Jak did nothing

"Oh how delightful... he cares about you." Veger chuckled. "Too bad there won't be anything left in the world to embrace it."

"Jak..." I said, seeing Daxter looking just as anger. "Be the hero the world needs, like you've always been." Veger took off and we drove straight down into the catacombs.
