Kenzie's POV

After talking for a while with the man I saw earlier, Katie comes back to the car and sits in the drivers seat. "I'm going to take you to the hospital so you can get a check up. No one will hurt you, though." She tells me. As she drives, I stare out the window, still wrapped up in the blanket. She parks in front of a big building and opens my door. I try to scoot away, but she picks me up. She's gentle when she picks me up, un-like my dad, but it scares me anyway. I don't want her to touch me. I continue to try to get free from her grasp as she quickly walks into the hospital, where there is a bed-like thing on wheels waiting. She puts me down on it and people I don't know start to push it. They ask me to lay down, so I curl into a ball and silently cry as they push me through the halls. We get to a room with a bigger and lower bed and they put me on it.

"We just need to check some things," someone in a white robe says calmly. They examine my skin, and I try to get away. They keep touching me, and I'm scared. Another person with a white robe on comes in. "She won't sit still," the first one says.

"Okay, give her knock out medicine if you need to. Be careful, she's small, so don't use too much." The first one nods and gets a bottle out of the cabinet. Before I can do anything, a needle is placed in my arm and I feel calm. Then I go to sleep.

I wake up feeling groggy. I force my eyes open, then become fully aware after remembering what happened earlier. A person in a white robe was sitting next to me and pushes a button. Moments later, a man in a white robe comes in the room with a clipboard. I automatically bring my knees to my chest. I don't want him to hurt me. "Hi, my name is Dr. Smith. I have a few questions that I was hoping you can answer." He says. "First, can you tell me your name?"

"K-kenzie," I say. Even though I was barely audible, he writes something down on his clipboard.

"What's your last name, Kenzie?" He asks.

"Wilson, I think." I tell him, still quiet.

"So was the man that was taken from the house your father?" I shrug. He was, but I can't tell anyone. "You have the same last name, so there's a good chance you're related." He says as he writes something down. I lower my head, disappointed that I would be so stupid to let him figure that out. "How old are you?" He asks. I shrug. I'm actually five. Dad tells me every time I have a birthday, and last time he said I was five. "I'll be right back," he says as he stands up and leaves. He comes back in a few minutes later. "We're going to see if we can find a birth certificate." He says. "Why were you up in the attic?"

"I was told to stay there,"

"By who?" I shrug my shoulders. I can't say anything. He writes something down, then looks back up at me. "Kenzie, we noticed you have a lot of bruises and cuts. Can you tell me where those came from?" I look down and shake my head. "Why not?"

"He told me not to," I say quietly. He writes something else down then looks back at me.

"I think that's it for now." He says as someone walks in with a tray. It had food on it. "Are you hungry?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders. I was, but dad said it was rude to ask for stuff. The tray was set on the bed. "Eat what you want. I'll be back after a while to check on you." He says, then leaves. I stare at the food on my bed. It looked so good, and I was so hungry. I slowly took a bite out of the apple, which was on the tray. It tasted so good. After that, I quickly ate everything else on the plate. I looked out a window that was in the room and saw that it was dark. I guess it was afternoon when they took me. I laid down and stared at the ceiling with nothing specific going through my mind. I couldn't think, anyway. A while later, the Dr. Smith came back. As soon as I saw him, I sat up and brought my knees to my chest again. "Good, you ate," He said. "It's late, I think you should get some sleep. I'll turn off the light." As he left, he flipped the light switch. I was going to tell him not to, but it was too late. I laid down on my side with my knees still in front of my chest. I hate the dark. As much as I fought to stay awake, tiredness won over.

Demi is in the next chapter, I promise :) What about this new book?
