Demi's POV

"We're here!" I cheered once I parked my car in one of the mall's parking garages. I got out of the car, then went around to Kenzie's door, helping her out of the car. "Can I hold your hand to make sure you don't get lost?" I asked. She nodded and slowly held her hand out. I smiled as I took the little hand. I knew she was still uncomfortable with it, but it was a big mall with a lot of people. We walked into the mall and I looked down at Kenzie, who's eyes grew huge. It wasn't out of fear at first. She was taking in how big one place can actually be, but then she noticed people. I bent down near her ear. "They won't hurt you," I whispered. She looked at me and nodded. I led her into a children's toy shop, where they had toys set out for kids to play with. She immediately pointed to a table with a little girl playing with a doll. She held hers up. "Do you want to play with her??" I asked, and she nodded. She held on to my hand as we walked to the girl. I sat on my knees beside Kenzie.

"Hi! Do you want to play?" The little girl asked with excitement. Kenzie slightly smiled while nodding. "My name's Kennedy, what's yours?"

"Kenzie," she said softly. I was surprised that she had talked, given that they just met. I watched as they made their dolls talk to each other. Kenzie looked to be having a lot of fun, and I loved seeing that.

"Kennedy," I women's voice called out.

"I have to go. Bye! Thanks for playing  with me," she said before getting up and running to a woman who was waiting for her by the door.

"She was nice," I said to Kenzie, who nodded and smiled in response. "Ready to go somewhere else?" I asked, already stood up and holding out my hand. She smiled and took my hand, and we walked out of the store. We looked through a lot of kid's stores before both of us got hungry. "How about some lunch?" I suggested. Kenzie nodded, and I led her to the food court. "What do you want?" I asked. Kenzie looked around before shrugging. "How about you randomly pick something, and I bet it will be really good. She nodded and started moving her finger to different places before finally stopping at Chic-fil-a. "Good choice," I said, walking towards the line. I ordered chicken nuggets for Kenzie, and a grilled chicken salad for myself. Then we started looking for a table. We sat down, and a few minutes later, heard a small familiar voice.

"Kenzie!" the little girl from earlier called out, dragging a woman behind her.

"Hi, Kennedy," Kenzie said. She had the most excitement in her voice that I had ever heard from her.

"Aunt Mia, this is my new friend I was telling you about," Kennedy said, looking up at the woman.

"Hi, I'm Demi," I said, holding out my hand to her.

"Mia," she responded, shaking my hand.

"You're eating? We are, too!" Kennedy said.

"Yeah, why don't you sit with us?" I suggested.

"Sure," Mia responded, Kennedy already taking a seat next to Kenzie. The two little girls talked away, both holding their dolls. I guess Kennedy brought one of her own, as well. For our whole meal, Mia and I giggled and talked about how cute they were together. "Well, we better get going. My boyfriend wanted to take us out tonight," Mia said, looking at her watch. "It was nice to meet you."

"You, too. We need to arrange play dates for them," I said, looking at the girls.

"Oh yeah," she said, taking out her phone. "What's your number? I'll text you and we can arrange something."

"Sure," I said before telling her my phone number.

"Bye, Kenzie," Kennedy said as her aunt led her out of the food court. Kenzie waved in response. We talked for a little before I noticed Kenzie start to yawn and rub her eyes. Five-year-old's need naps, right?

"Ready to go?" I asked, standing up. Kenzie nodded and took my hand. We threw away our trash and headed to where we came in from.

"Demi!" I heard a man call out. I turned around to find a bunch of people with cameras. Were they waiting for me here or something? They started getting closer, and I felt Kenzie's hand start to shake. I started walking fast to the exit, but there were more people with cameras. I picked Kenzie up and set her on my hip. She buried her head in my neck as I pushed through the crowd, trying my best to be as polite as possible, but my patience was warring thin. Finally, we escaped and I walked as fast as I could to my car, still hearing the people behind me. I buckled Kenzie in, her face being covered by her hands. I opened my door and turned around to see a few people still with cameras. I rolled my eyes before plopping down in my seat and closing my door. That was exactly what I was afraid of. I turned around and saw Kenzie crying in her seat. I reached back and put a hand on her knee.

"It's okay now. No one will hurt you. Those are just crazy people who don't know what to do with their lives, so they have to stalk other's. They won't hurt you, though." She nodded, and I turned back around to start up my car. Soon, we were out of the busy parking lot, and on our way back home.
