Chapter 8


"What the hell was that Jimin?" my rage is now on full blast. I don't care if we're still at work or not. I've taken off my necklace and my earpiece once we got in his car. What Jimin just did inside pisses me off.

"What did I do?" he asked.

"You clearly knew that he knows me personally and you just blurted out I'm your fiancé and even showed them the ring? Oh my god Jimin, I know you did that on purpose," I puffed.

"And what if I did that on purpose? I'm still your boss Hea,"

"Really Jimin? You're showing off your dominance by meddling with my personal life? Even normal bosses never do that,"

He turned his head to me.

"Why are you even overreacting? Do you like him?" he asked in an intense tone.

My breath was just knocked out from me. He just casually asked that and I am not ready.

"What? Do you like him?" he probed.

"I do, I like him a lot," I answered honestly.

He turned his head on the road and started his engine.

"Forget about him, you're with me tonight," he said darkly and that even made my heart explode from anger.

Before I could even answer, he pulled my forearm making his face really close to mine. I can smell his minty breath, his fresh and musky scent and for a moment there, I felt like I've just melted into a puddle.

"Don't test my patience Hea," he warned, his breath brushing my face.

I gulped at his warning and just nodded. I wasn't terrified, I was surprisingly turned on by his warnings. How can this 22 year old man do this?

He stepped on the gas and drove off. We were both silent and I never dared to speak.

When we arrived at his mansion, his lights are all turned off again. He surprisingly held my hand and led me up his room. His hand is still cold, why is everything so cold about him?

He let me stand up in the middle of his room as he pick up my clothes from the foot of his bed. The only room that has its lights on is his room. He walked towards me and handed me my clothes.

"Get changed, we're going out for dinner. This isn't related to work so drop your honorifics,"

"Yes sir,"

He turned to me with hooded eyes and walked towards me again. He held my chin gently slightly hovering his lips on mine. Any sudden move would make the distamce disappear between our lips.

"And stop calling me sir, it drives me crazy Hea. You don't know how much control I'm doing everytime you call me that," he whispered to my lips.

My insides churn and I can't help but be mesmerized by his eyes, his touch, his lips. Everything about him is so intoxicating.

"And I wasn't pleased that you disobeyed me back at the party Seven," he enunciated my code sexily and I can feel my knees go weak.

I think he changed his mind and grabbed the clothes I have in my hand and tossed it back to his bed. He walked behind me and trailed my back with his finger. My skin waking at his touch. What are you doing to me Jimin.

Alarms are starting to go off in my head but my body won't move. Without a warning, his lips touched my bare shoulders and I can feel my heart racing wildly. I can feel his hand unzipping the dress from the side. Why am I being turned on by this? I don't know what to do.

He pulled his head back and pulled both the straps of the dress making it fall on the floor. I am aware that I'm completely naked and only in my black lingerie, good thing I got my back turned to him. I heard him grunt from behind me.

"Get changed Hea, now," he commanded and left the room.

My heart is still racing at what just happened and I'm trying my best to calm the fuck down. I'm already breathing through my mouth. Before a good minute, I regained my composure and got myself dressed. I took off these beautiful pumps and wore my sneakers.

When I walked out of the room, the mansion is now bright. Hiro is standing on the foot of the stairs. Once I arrived to where he is, he looked at me and smiled.

"Mr. Park wants me to drive you home," he said and escorted me out the mansion.

I never saw Jimin after he left the room. He really is a psycopath. How can he be so moody? Where's our dinner? I'm hungry. Fuck it!

I can't work properly with that kind of a boss!

Once I get home I swear I'm going to say to Jin that I'm going to fucking quit this job. I can't keep up with his mood swings. I swear to god I might kill him instead of protecting his precious life.

Once I entered the house, Namjoon and Jin are in the kitchen staring at Jin's laptop. Folders are splayed out on the table and my attempt to quit my job flew out of my mind.

"I'm home," I announced and they both looked up at me.

"Come here Hea," Namjoon gestured.

I walked to them and stared at a blank profile with the code Red.

"Who's he?" I asked Jin.

"Red, the most dangerous gun for hire. He's one of us,"

"What do you mean one of us?" I continued to ask.

"He doesn't have a face in this business. All we know is his code. How he works, his specialty and all his past targets. He hasn't been on the move for almost three years now. He just disappeared," Jin answered.

"Some agents concluded he's dead but me and Jin hyung have been skeptical to that news. Lately, we've been receiving some reports that he's on the move again but with no specific or clear target," Namjoon added.

"Why have you become so interested in him now?" I asked again.

"He's dangerous Hea, he's a lot like you. He kills mercilessly. He's brutal just like you. That's why when the news about Seven spread, how you work, your attitude and how you just carelessly say your code makes the clients remember Red. For some reason, you remind them of him. Everyone wanted to hire you but because you're so choosy of the work you're accepting, only the richest clients have the chance to avail your service. Red was also like that, only highest profile gets to avail his services," Jin answered while typing something on his laptop.

"What does it have to do with me?" I asked again.

"You might clash Hea. I told you, he's dangerous and if he's protecting your target in the future, he'll just kill you without hesitation," Jin scolded me.

"Then I'll jusy be more careful," I simply answered.

"I don't think that'll work," Namjoon said sternly.

Red, I'm not scared for some reason. I feel nothing.

"We'll just try to track him down and figure out who he is. We can't risk your life out there," Jin said.

I opened one of the folders and saw a print out copy of his profile.

Code: Red
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Nationality: Korean
Skills: Sniper, knives, pistol, martial arts, karate, sword
Target no: unknown

I flipped to the next page and all his target's name were listed. His target no. Is unknown because he just disappeared three years ago.  I guess this list just goes on. If he's like me, he must be very careful too, his missions must've been very clean and never left his trace. The thought makes me want to meet him. He's my age, and he's as good as me.

"By the way Hea, what happened back at his mansion? You just suddenly turned off the camera and your earpiece," Namjoon asked. Sora just finished showering and now she's cooking dinner.

"You're like sacrificing a lamb," I rolled my eyes at him.

I can still remember Jimin's subtle touches and hot warnings. Fuck!

"What?" Namjoon asked confused.

"Nothing," I simply answered and went to the kitchen helping Sora with the dinner.

They both just chuckled and went back to what they're doing.

"Remember your last two targets Hea, the month's about to end," Jin reminded me.

"Dae!" I answered him.

I will quit being Park Jimin's security, I swear to god I can't work properly because if his attitude.


Yeah I know, I should be focusing on Tomorrow with You but here I am updating Gun for Hire instead. I'm so sorry, I might lose my ideas if I let it sit on my head overnight.

Also, CONGRATULATIONS to our boys!!!

Thanks so much for reading and I'll see ya'll later, bye!! 😀😀

- Haeun ❤
