Chapter 25


I watch Jungkook devour the egg and bacon in his plate like there is no tomorrow. I think he really is hungry. His pancakes were really good. I doubted it'll be good when he was boasting it to me back in my room but it turns out, he was right.

Taehyung and Sandra are eating quietly. They're both still in shock and hearing Namjoon say that Sandra has been screaming in her nightmares last night hurts my heart. I can see that she's been wincing softly everytime she tries to sit straight. I'll make sure to talk to her later. Taehyung was atleast smiling at Jin's jokes so it puts my heart at ease.

Everyone finished their breakfast and I know Tae and Sandra are nervous. Jin and Namjoom decided to talk after our breakfast and I know they're both scared to go back to that bad memory they both experienced.

I let Tae hold Sandra's hand even though I feel a bit jealous at the sight. I've never held Tae's hand like that. He never looked at me with so much concern like how he's looking at Sandra now.

I felt a hand intertwine with mine and when I looked up to who it is, Jungkook is smiling understandingly at me.

"Your jealousy is pissing me off but I'll let it slide for now," he whispered to me making me chuckle.

His eyes glimmer with amusement and squeezed my hand lightly before letting me go. I walked to the pink couch opposite Tae and Sandra
Jin and Namjoon are beside me. Yoongi and Jungkook are seated together near the hammock on the floor.

Namjoon inhaled deeply and clasped his hands together.

"I know you both are still in shock and probably still scared but we need to get through this to know what exactly happened to both of you," Namjoon started.

"All we know is that you were kidnapped on the street Taehyung but Sandra here, we're really puzzled," Jin added.

I looked at Sandra who's beginning to tear up.

"Can we leave Sandra's part? I'll be the one to talk to her later," I suggested and they all agreed.

"Let's start with the main reason why Melisa kidnapped you in the first place Taehyungah," Jin said.

Taehyung looked at me and pursed his lips.

"Melisa wants me in her bed badly. I've been turning her down many times and I think that pissed her off," he said in a quiet voice.

"So it doesn't have something to do with your father's business?" I asked.

I remember his parents fighting over it back when I left him notes. It still is a mystery to me what his father do for a living. I can't just simply look his father up since he's not in my radar nor in my checklist. It's dangerous for me to do that, even to my brothers.

"Honestly, I have no idea what his job is. He never really discuss it with us. His large company is just a front and I strongly believe that that is not his business alone," Taehyung informed us.

"I don't know if Melisa has something to do with his other business. Melisa just dragged Sandra in this mess because it's been rumored that she is my fiancé even though it's not true," he added.

"S-She was jealous a-and—" Sandra stuttered.

"It's okay Sandra, we'll talk about it when you're ready," I gave her a sympathetic smile.

She nodded and smiled weakly at me.

"What did Melisa do to you?" I asked Tae instead.

"That night, she was about to take advantage of me but then she went back to her room to grab something who knows what to use to torture me. She would hit me several times on my body if I refuse her kisses. She would always avoid my face because she said it might bruise or something. Then you came and her plans of taking advantage of me never really took place,"

"You were gone for three days Tae, what else did she do?" Namjoon asked this time.

Taehyung looked at Sandra and closed his eyes shut. Sandra is now crying and I had to close my eyes at the thought of horrible things that might've happen to her.

"I think let's stop this now oppa," I again suggested.

I don't want seeing Sandra cry like that so I stood up and offered my hand to her. She hesitated at first but I urged her to take it. She placed her trembling hand on mine and I pulled her up to the nursery room where Sora is.

Namjoon and Jin continued talking and I hurriedly pulled Sandra out of earshot. When we turned a corner, she pulled at my hand making me stop in my tracks.

"Don't you want to hear it?" she asked, her eyes cast down on our carpeted hallway.

"Only of you're ready Sandra," I nodded.

"Thanks," she said quietly.

"Do you wanna go home?"

"No! I mean, no one's home," her gaze stray from mine.

"Okay then, stay here as long as you want. You're safe here Sandra," I smiled.

She nodded in response and I continued walking  to the nursery room with her hand still in mine. I knocked and opened the knob revealing Sora folding baby clothes.

"Unnie, can we stay here?" I asked her.

"Sure," Sora smiled brightly at us. "Come in,"

We both walked in and settled on the floor with her. Her stomach is now so big, I think it's her due week today.

"I'll leave you two and go grab something to eat. Sounds good?" I asked and they both said yes.

"Do you want something in particular?" I asked both of them.

"I would love some cheeseburger please," Sora said with a cheery voice as always.

I turned to Sandra waiting for her response.

"I would love one too," she shyly said and I nodded at her.

I closed the door behind and I know Sora will lessen the pain she's feeling. I know Sandra's mood will pick up once she spends time with Sora. Expecting a baby inside the house is what keeps us at ease always. Even Yoongi and Jungkook felt the same way so I know I left Sandra in the right hand.

I walked down the stairs to find them already playing xbox. And when I say 'them', I meant Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung. Yoongi and Namjoon are nowhere to be found.

"I thought you guys are discussing something important," I rolled my eyes at them.

"This is important Hea," Jin answered me without his eyes leaving the screen.

"Yeah I agree," Teahyung answered and I can immediately see that he's now in a good mood.

"This is important," Jungkook said this time.

"Whatever you say. Anyway, I'm going to go get food. What do you want?" I asked.

I ended up typing all their orders on my phone since they wanted the whole store's menu. I groan in frustration at the long list as I scroll through my screen.

I stepped on the gas and went on my way.

I parked right infornt of the fast food and placed my order on the counter. i went on a vacant table and sat down. I continue to scroll on my phone when someone sat infront of me.

He's wearing a black leather jacket, a white gucci shirt inside. He has his tattered jeans again and his hair parted in the middle.

"Jiminie," I acknowledge his presence.

His face immediately scrunched up at the mention of his nickname.

"What are you wearing in this broad daylight?" I asked clearly amused at his annoyed state.

"Can't a boss have a day off?" he asked me.

"Oh, a day off huh," I nodded, mocking him.

"Actually, your brother told me to see you here,"

"My who?" my brows furrowed this time.

"Jin, he told me to come see you here. He wants me in your house this lunch," he shrugged.

Not again!

"Don't tell me you don't know,"

"Ofcourse I don't know," I answered incredolously.

He chuckled and clicked his tongue.

"I think your brothers are selling you off," his eyes squinted at me teasingly.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," I rolled my eyes at him.

Why does my brothers love to keep Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin in our house together?

Are they out of their minds?

If only they know how Jungkook's jealousy is. They'd rather not mess with his patience.

Why are they making this such a big deal? Damn it!

"Number 29!" the staff called out for my order number.

We both stood up and went to the counter to collect all the orders.

"Another party huh," Jimin commented.

"Yeah, apparently we always have guests in our house," I shrugged making him smile.

"You're in a good mood today Mr. Park Jimin," I pointed out.

He turned to me and smiled more, his eye smile catching my attention.

"Because I finally found my princess,"


I feel like this book is being so long and we still aren't in the middle of it lmao. The plot isn't still coming into atleast half and it's stressing me out 😂

Do you think a sequel is a nice idea or nah?

Please don't forget to vote and comment. Also, follow if you not following me 😂😂

- Haeun ❤
