Chapter 33


"Come on Jimin, tell us," Jin encouraged Jimin who seems to be thinking twice about telling us.

"I don't think Hoseok hyung mean those words. I know he wants to tell you the truth but because the way you  responded left him no choice but to give the responsibility to me. I think you should go back," Jimin said.

I almost scoffed at what he said.

"Go back to that lunatic? In Gwangju? Do you really think I will willingly go?" I held Jungkook's shirt to stable my stance.

I can feel my knees go weak at all these revelation.

"I told you Hea, it isn't my place to tell you," Jimin tried to convince me.

"Hea, I think you should go back," Jin suggested.

"No!" Namjoon spoke this time.

"She will not go back to Hoseok. She belongs here, with us," Namjoon said.

"Joon, she needs to know," Jin stood up.

What truth are they all talking about? Why do I feel like I'm left out at this?

"We kept it a secret for years Joon, Hea deserves to know the truth now that Hoseok found her," Jin is convincing Namjoon.

That's when I realized everything.

"You knew all along that I have a brother? That he is alive? And you kept it from me?" my tone is getting louder and louder.

Namjoon panicked and stumbled infront of me trying to hug me.

"No, let me go," I said and pushed him away from me.

Jungkook held my hand and squeezed it gently reminding me that he'll be right by my side. My tears fall relentlessly. I can no longer see any of them.

"You two, whom I trusted and loved, had been lying to me since when?" I asked crying.

"Since when?!" I screamed hoping that the pain I'm feeling would somehow lessen.

"Since you were nine," Namjoon answered.

A pathetic chuckle escaped my mouth.

"I don't want to be here," I said laighing like an idiot. "I thought I was safe here, turns out the two people I've trusted and loved the most had been betraying me face to face, everyday,"

I let go of Jungkook's hand and rushed upstairs to grab a couple of clothes I need. Namjoon and Jin following me behind.

"No Hea, you will not be safe out there," Namjoon pulled the bag away from my hand.

"And you think I will be here?" I answered sarcastically.

I pulled the bag from him and stuffed things I should be needing. Namjoon just kept saying I need to stay here and that they're sorry. But to this minute, all I could see is the end of everything I imagined would be a peaceful family.

I knew this family is a non-functional one but I knew as long as I'm with them, everything will be fine. Now that my suppose brother has finalky found me, he threw everything in chaos. Namjoon and Jin lying to me just added to the fire.

"....... we're family," I didn't catch what Namjoon's first words were but that made me face him.

"Really oppa? You're telling me that now? You could've just told me. It'd be a lot simplier of you did that but you chose to lie to me. I asked you before if I could dig into my past but you and Jin opposed the idea so I thought it was just an irrelevant refusal but now that everything is coming out, I understood that you just didn't want me look for my family,"

"Because we're afraid to lose you,"

There, he said it. That was the reason why they were so against tht idea before.

"I don't think that is acceptable Namjoon oppa," I turned once again and finished packing.

I picked up my bag and walked towards the door. Jimin is in the living room pacing the floor.

"Where are you going?" Jin asked worriedly.

"Just leave me alone for now oppa, I need time to process this. I dom't want to stay here knowing that you two lied to me and the information about my brother just wreaked havoc in my head,"

Jin and Namjoon stood there in the foyer tearing up, Jimin behind them.

Once I got out of the house, I saw Jungkook leaning against the wall carrying a bag.

"What?" I asked him.

"I'm coming with you," he said pulling my hand and walking towards his car.

"I don't want you to come Jungkook," I tried to oull my hand from his but he's not having it.

"Do you even have a place to go? Do you even think I would just let you go out there knowing that you're not safe? Think again," Jungkook stubbornly said.

I am just too exhausted to even argue with him so I'm just letting him do as he says. This way, Namjoon and Jin will not be too worried about me.

We drove off the road. I don't know where we're going at this hour, in the middle of the night. But atleast Jungkook is with me, that means I don't have to deal with this fucked up situation alone.


I watch Jungkook's back while I follow him to one of the units here in this building. He said it was his and only he knows this place. Not even his brother knows this.

He entered the passcode and beeping sounds signalled us that the code has been accepted. The door clicked open and Jungkook opened the door wide and entered carrying both our bags effortlessly inside.

He switched all the lights and immediately in awe at how beautiful his place is.

"You said you dudn't have anywhere to go," I accused Jungkook.

"I did, I just don't want hyung to know this place. He'll get mad at me," he shrugged after setting down our bags on the floor.

I just nodded and walked around the spacious living area.

"I want to show you something," Jungkook held out his hand and I placed my hands on his.

I would take any distraction as a good thing now that my mind is so troubled.

He led me to a room on the second level of his unit and was surprised at how this room looks differently to the overall aspect of his condo unit.

Paintings are filed canvass by canvass against the wall. A bed situated in the middle. Paints and brushes are neatly piled on the side. A painting stand is neatly put away on the corner.

I looked at the paintings that are displayed and eas astonished at how the details were made.

"You painted all these?" I asked Jungkook while I pick up a canvass and held it infront.

It's a painting of a nude girl with beautiful body and face. And when I looked down, it was a different girl.

"I assume you specialize in nude art?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he shyly answered.

Maybe that's why sluts hover him because of this. His talent is unimaginable.

"Do you like it?" he asked me sitting on the bed.

"I do like it, they're beautiful," I honestly answered.

He stood up and put the painting down from where I picked it up. He cupped my face and looked straight into my eyes.

"I know you have a lot going on in your mind and this is not the right time to say this but I feel like someone might just grab you away from me," he started.

I just stared at his beautiful eyes and concentrated on the warmth of his hands.

"Jimin is always there, I feel like he'll take you away from me and the thought scares me Hea. The amount of jealousy I had to go through is becoming unbearable,"

He shut his eyes close. I held my breath of what's to come. I knew this moment will eventually come. Jungkook asking me to be his is something I dreaded but now that he's infront of me saying these, I feel like it's time.

"....... please, please be mine," Jungkook said without a beat and waited for my answer.

My heart began to pound fast against my chest.

I know what to do.

Despite all these shits happening, I knew that Jungkook was the only person I am sure with.

I held his face with my hands and smiled at him.

"I'm all yours Jeon Jungkook," I smiled.

He gifted me with a wider smile and cute giggles. He hugged me like there's no tomorrow. He kissed my lips so passionately making me melt in his arms.

Atleast one thing's going right for me.

And it's this man kissing me right now.

Jeon Jungkook

"I love you," he pecked my lips.

"I love you," I answered him back.




I know you might be upset bc it's Jungkook. And some of you might be all #teamjungkook so let's all be quits lmao.

Have you seen those cfccking concept photos?!!!! Gosh, Jimin is really killing me rn ❤❤

- Haeun ❤
