Chapter 4


Jin signaled me to crawl to the next post inside Mr. Park's mansion. I can see a couple of sensors blinking beside me so I took it off and tossed it somewhere. Namjoon silently walked up the stairs and into the second floor. Mr. Park's room is there and it was written on the file how he's guards will execute their plan. We studied it so hard and came up with a plan of our own.

We both followed Namjoon up when he signalled 'clear' to us. Ofcourse, this mansion is pitch black right now, like what Hiro said before he let us in. All his maids and butlers are safe in their rooms and Hiro is outside guarding the front door. We can hear noises in his room and we assume they have already tied him up on his chair. Two men are inside and the other two will be taken care by Namjoon and Jin. I quietly twisted the knob and opened it without making a sound. My pistol is in my hand ready to shoot anytime.

Mr. Park is tied on his chair just like what was stated in the file. His feet are tied to each of the chair's foot and both his arms are tied on the arm rest. His whole body tied on the chair itself. His mouth is sealed with a duck tape.

What a perfect sacrifice.

He knew I entered because he was facing tha door, the two men's back are turned against me. The other guy with a beard is pointing a gun directly at Mr. Park's head. He didn't looked at me, very good.

"Let's see how arrogant you are after we chop your head off and deliver it to our boss," he said laughing.

The other guy joined him and their boisterous laugh filled the room. I grinned to myself and watch the guy pull the trigger. I walked quietly behind him and pointed my silencer to his neck.

"Calm down big boy," I whispered to his ear.

The other guy ran at the back of Mr. Park's chair and pointed a gun to his head.

My face scrunches up in agitation and rolled my eyes.

"Put the gun down or I'll shoot him," I warned, my voice quiet.

The man near me started to tremble in fear and I can tell he's afraid.

"Yah! Put the gun down you idiot!" his is voice shaking as he yelled at his companion.

I smiled beside him, Mr. Park was just watching me. He's not showing any fear in his eyes. He's just calm and collected.

"No! If our mission fails, he'll kill us instead!" the other disagreed.

"Yah! Will you stop messing with his hair?!" I yelled at them both. The other guy pointed his gun at me instead.

"I'll kill this bitch first then," he said with a hidieous grin on his face.

I pushed my gun deeper into this man's neck and he started praying. I laughed at what he's doing and before the other one could even shoot me, I shot him instead and smacked the gun on this guy's head, both of them falling on the floor in sync.

I pulled the duck tape on Mr. Park's face and can see that my sudden pull at the adhessive turned his skin into red. I was about to untie him when the guy I just smacked with my gun grabbed my ankle.

"Fuck!" I cursed and groaned in frustration. I shoot him in the head and continued untying Mr. Park.

"You're a cruel assassin," he commented with a smirk but I ignored him. Once I untied him completely, he reached for his phone and pressed it against his ear.

"Clear," I heard Namjoon on my ear piece.

"Assassins tried to kill me but my security took care of it, please come and clear their bodies at once," Mr. Park hang up.

"Who was that?" I asked him.

"Police," he answered, fixing his tie.

"Okay," I answered, blowing an invisible smoke on my gun.

"You're not scared?" he asked and faced me.

"Of the police? Oh please, they don't even know us. Besides, you told them we're your security," I confidently answered him.

He just scoffed and sat back down on the chair he was tied to. I walked to the foot of his bed kicking one of the dead body's hand out of my way.

I pressed my ear piece and spoke.

"Police are on there way oppa, stay where you are," I informed them.

"Copy, Hiro's with us," Jin answered.

"What about his maids and butlers?" I asked him acting as if Mr. Park is not with me in this room.

His eyes were just staring at me, his hands clasped together in front of him.

"They're out already," he answered.

I turned to look at this beautiful man's face. I took off my mask and stared at him with the same intensity.

"You're too beautiful to be a gun for hire," he raised his brows.

"Gee, thanks," I copied his expression.

"Being a nerd in school is effective though. Seeing you in those unflattering clothes made me think twice. You were so different in that red dress,"

"Why are you being so talkative right now sir?" I asked obnoxiously, ignoring his comments.

He didn't answer, just in time for the police to enter the room and started cleaning up the bloody mess I made.

They started interviewing Mr. Park and all three of us, including Hiro stood behind him as they talk in the living area. Normally, after we finish our mission we leave. But this time, we're staying. After the police finished his stupid questioning, I was the first one to make my way out.

"We're leaving," I announced and Jin and Namjoon bowed to Jimin and apologized for my behaviour.

I didn't hear his response though and we all left his mansion.

"I told him to come to our house tomorrow," Jin said.

"Mworago?!" (what?!) I asked in disbelief as I drive us into the road.

"You said it yourself, he's different. We should treat him differently then," he said in an authorative voice and I just rolled my eyes at that.

"Just remember that this was your idea oppa, to invite him in our house. If anything happens, I swear I will blame this on you," I scowled.

"Dae," he pinched my cheeks and they both laughed.

I swear these two will make me go crazy one day.

We arrived home safely and I am starving to death. A woman was sitting in our patio when I parked my car. I don't recognize her, her hair is cut into a bob and her clothes doesn't scream rich or anything. She looks normal.

"Hyung," Namjoon tapped Jin's shoulder and motioned at the woman who's already standing up.

Jin turned his head to her direction and quickly got out of the car. We both got out too and watch as he hugs the woman who's now crying.

"Who is she oppa?" I asked Namjoon.

"He'll introduce her later to you, let's just go inside," he said as we enter the house.

I gave tea to the woman as per Jin's request. We all sat in the living room after we all got changed. She didn't looked shock at our appearances though. A girl holding a gun nor Namjoon having blood stain in his shirt.

"She's Sora, my girlfriend," Jin started.

I looked at him shocked but I calmed myself quickly.

"Anyeong unnie," I greeted her.

"Anyeong," she shyly answered.

"You didn't tell us you had a girlfriend," I said to Jin.

"Namjoon knows, I've been dating her for 2 years now," he said scratching the back of his head.

"Oh come on!" I protested and he laughed.

"I'm sorry, I just had to hide it from you because I don't know how you'd react,"

"It's fine oppa, now I know I'm not the only girl here," I smiled.

"You're not mad?" he asked.

"Why would I be mad? As long as you're happy, I am too," I reassured.

"Does she know though?" I asked Jin referring to who we really are.

"Dae, I know," she nodded.

"Oh okay," I nodded.

"We have something to say," Jin said and we both looked at him.

After a good minute, he finally broke the silence.

"Sora's pregnant," he slowly said and I don't know but for some reason, my heart started to pound so fast.

I didn't know how to react. My eyes were just wide in shock.

"Hyung! What the fuck?" Namjoon was the one to speak this time.

"I know, I know," Jin rubbed his temples and held Sora's hand.

Sora just kept quiet, I can see that she's nervous.

"You know how dangerous that is for all of us including her and the baby," Namjoon raised his voice slightly.

I stayed quiet though. This night escalated so quickly. I just don't know what to say.

"No, this is not happening," Namjoon said in an annoyed voice and started pacing.

