Chapter 50


Hea's POV

Images have been flooding my mind recently. I am sure those are fragments of my memories. I don't even know how I got here.

I didn't even know I can drive now.

I am here in a place where the most vivid images I'm seing is.

I stared up in the sky as the wind enters the fabric of my shirt here in the rooftop of this building.

I know I shouldn't be entering since yellow tapes are all around.

Why am I getting shivers here?

I can still see dried blood all over the floor and it's making my stomach churn.

"Stay away Park Jimin or I will kill her,"

Now I'm starting to hear a familiar voice.

I looked to where I can imagine that voice is coming from and it's leading me to the edge of the building.

I walked slowly and stared at the scene below. Dried blood is everwhere down there.

As if cold water is poured unto me, my memories came rushing back into my head.


Everything that happened.

Me and Jimin. That night we spent together.

Everything they told me were right but the part where Taehyung is dead was left out.

And this is the reason why.

He died.

We both fell right here.

I feel like my heart is being broken all over again.



My head starts to hurt and all I want to do is to run and escape everything here.

I ran down the stairs and got into my my car. I'm sobbing again and I feel like I am missing everything and everyone again.


My sweet Taehyung

They're both gone now.

Everything seems to focus on Jimin.

Him only.

"Jimin, Jimin I miss you,"

I stepped on the gas and the car shoots down the lane.

I fumbled on my phone and started dialing Jimin's number.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up," I muttered over and over again.

He's not picking up.

I need to see him.

Please please

I diverted my sight to where his mansion is and I feel like he'll be there.

Please be there Jimin.

I parked the car carelessly and ran inside.

Once I entered his all too familiar house, my eyes immediately spotted him standing by the window of his room. His back towards me and his phone pressed against his ears.

"She's not here either,"

"Jimin," I called out to him making him whip his head to me.

I started running to him quickly and he met me midway.

"Hea, god damn it! Please don't ever do that again," he said and crushed me into a hug.

"Jimin," I said and started sobbing.

He pulled me at arm's reach and studied my face.

"What's wrong babe?" he asked, worry written all over his face.

I cupped his face with both my hands.

"I love you," were the words that left my mouth.

He looked stunned at what I said and just stared at me.

"I missed you so much Jimin," I said kissing his lips multiple times.

Then he hugs me tighter and our lips locked once again. His lips started to respond and I know he'll try to take over.

I slipped my tongue inside his mouth earning a groan from him.

We parted for air and when he looked at me,

"Are your memories back?" he asked eagerly.

"You are such a liar Red, you never proposed to me," I answered his question indirectly making him smile in delight.

He hugs me and lifted me, twirling us both around.

"god I miss you so much," he says, pressing his forehead to mine.

"Did you just said 'I love you'?" he asked in our hug.

I nodded in response.

"Then we'll get married as soon as possible," he declared with a chuckle.

"Excuse me Mr. Park but we're not officially engaged yet," I raised my brow at him.

He started opening my fly while he kiss my neck.

"I'll just get you pregnant then so I won't need to propose," he said with a smirk as he successfully opens my fly and pulls down my zipper.


"Okay okay, here's what you're going to say," Hoseok started.

I listen attentively to him while I nibble at my bottom lip.

"Will you marry me?" he said in a dramatic tone.

"Ahh hyung!" I protested.

"What?" he asked me.

"I don't want to say that cheesy line," my brows are now furrowed.

"Just get her pregnant," Yoongi answered smugly.

"Well, she insisted we use condom so.....," I shrugged.

"Yah!" Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok yelled in unison.

Yoongi just snickered and shake his head.

"I came here to ask for help," I reminded them.

They seem to forget the sole reason why I came here.

"You know what, you'll just know when you're in that moment," Jin said.

After a lot of thinking.

"I think I know what to do," I smiled when an idea hit me.

Hea's POV

"Hea, Jimin is now held hostage at his mansion. We need to get there now," Hoseok informed me while I'm finishing some paperworks here in the office.

"What?!" I stood up immediately, forgetting my work infront of me.

"Just be there," he hang up and I had to literally run down the building and into my car.

"Hurry Yeonjun," I ordered him.

"Yes ma'am," he nodded and did as I told him to.

We arrived quickly in his mansion. I readied my gun and walked in slowly in my fucking heels and saw Namjoon and Jin in the foyer waiting.

Namjoon signaled Jin to go to the dining area, he signaled me to come with him up in Jimin's room.

Who would fucking hostage him for god's sake?!

I opened the door silently and walked in.

He's not here.

A gun is suddenly pressed against the back of my head and I heard a click.

"Put your gun down," he ordered.

"Yah! Park Jimin!" I yelled at him.

"Fight back Seven. I dare you," he challenged me.

"You're on," I said and swivelled effectively to deliver a blow to his stomach.

He immediately dodged my punches.

We just went on like that, doing hand combat.

"So, is Red finally crossing me out from the list?" I mocked him.

He tries to land a hit on my body but I effectively dodge it. He slapped my ass hard making me yelp.

I heard him chuckle behind me.

I tried to falter his posture and succeeded. When he was about to land on the carpeted floor, I slapped his ass back hard.

"Oohhh, domineering are we?" he continued to tease me.

I was about to punch him in the face when he catched my fist.

Instead of twisting my arm, he suddenly kneeled on the floor and brought out a ring.

"Be my wife Seven," he commanded.

I smirked at him and tilted my head to the side.

"Is that a question Red?" I asked him teasingly.

"That's an order," he said in a serious tone.

I laughed heartily at his answer.

"You leave me no choice but to marry you then Mr. Park," I nodded, a wide smile spread on both our faces.

He slipped the ring and stood up to kiss me on the lips.

"Mission complete," he declared and kissed me once again.

End of Gun for Hire

