
this book is done i have no idea what to do soo yeah idk i hope you enjoyed an unabridged production of gregor the overlander wait no I can't say that umm this is a fanfic? lol i suck at this if you do read this i will be completely shocked and if you don't id be proud after all i can't even read my own creation and pretend to be proud. Any way good bye thank you for suffering alongside me. As i wrote this book in about a week lol see thats why its so short i dont take that time thingy.
Hah what's that time thingy everybody talks about I don't need it.

Alrighty then I might add quotation marks to chapters if y'all agree say something? Idk lol anyways ye I may be back for who knows how long I can't make any promises tho.
*sprints into house and locks door behind myself never to be seen again*

This story has as many holes and writing flaws as the cheese above lol.

I hope you enjoyed.   From supremevoltage
