Chapter 2 The Drive To NYC

(a quick note this book starts about four years after Gregor moved to Virginia in the code of claw) -End of note-

Gregor made sure to grab extra food instead of flashlights because plus he took a few bandages.

 he had echolocation and the Regalians would not know if he was coming back so he'd most likely walk most of the way.

He put on his hiking boots for the trip in the underland,

(I'm not going to edit this out but I do find it funny that I had him put on his boots before going to bed? makes me laugh)

 and went to bed he dreamt that he and Ares were going to get close to the bane so Gregor could kill him but at the last moment the bane laughed a long deep evil laugh and said "crawl you low Gregor the Deadlander."

Gregor didn't understand why he had almost the exact same dream every night for the last four years but every time he woke up he was in so much pain it was as if he was reliving every injury he had gotten in the Underland... 

He had come to terms with the pain as if it was gods punishment for letting Ares die.

He woke up in a cold sweat and with the same pain as usual decided no time better to go than 6:30am. So he walked out of his bedroom for the last time.

He want down stairs to straighten things out.

First he want to lizzie who was crying and said: "lizzie you take care of Maggie ok" and whispered "you get my room."

That seemed to cheer her up a bit but what else could you do really Maggie had gone to her room and locked the door last night so lizzie had to sleep on the couch so he wrote a note which said:

"Dear Maggie I want you to know that i love you more then you think give mom and dad a kiss every night for me. I love you to the moon and back try to keep the family together with joy and curiosity. -Love Gregor "

With that done he placed it on the dining room table for her and walked out the door to the car his mom and dad were waiting. 

His mom smiled with grief in her eyes his dad gave Gregor a reassuring glance that said we love you son.

with that they all hopped into the car.

His mom was the first to speak: "son we know what you plan to do so we decided to give you you're Grandmas wedding ring."

Gregor was shocked  "Thank you soo much mom!" and he reached over the seat to take his mothers hand. 

The rest of the trip was very uneventful.

Ha beat that non-cliff hanger you cliff hanger people.

Seriously though who should care about a cliff with a hanger on it or a hanger with the word cliff on it lol who cares.

I'll write soon on this thingy me jig and show a letter through time and space... Idk is this supposed to be a short chapter or not............. bye.

Sad that in the futere I look back on this and literally sigh at how I wrote even though it's literally been five months.      

its been longer than that now...

editing one chap a day soo yeah
