chapter 9 the awakening

Ha i scared you didn't i with the chapter name and everything lol.

Gregor was horrified he had slashed a hundred blood balls and hardly even broke a sweat. He wished he could go with ares but ares was dead gone forever and their was nothing he could do about it besides getting stronger which he obviously had accomplished although he just wanted to be alone people were gasping and staring and all of them bore terrified expressions even mereth was gaping at him he walked to the castle to take a bath which almost did nothing to help besides some quite and a cha.nge of clothes he looked like the red planet in a way atleast he was all dark red.
Once he found his room he tried to sleep but everytime he closed his eyes he saw thrm hazards dad, tick, ares, baby bane, solovet, henry, king gorger, and everyone else that had died around him. Once he woke from a restless sleep he quickly want to the dining hall and ate. On his way back he felt something hit the back of his head and  suddenly collapsed and was out cold instantly.
