Chapter four the river flows where the river flows

Sorry for the last part i will try to write more chapter chapters. This will get worse as it continues trust me.

Well Gregor was probably the worlds greatest idiot he had thrust himself into a hole without knowing whats on the other side it like not looking both ways before crossing a road or like the first prophecy had suggested look before you leap what an idiot he had been. On the other side of the crevice was a hole into a giant river which was running the exact opposite way of regalia, he fell he hit the water on his back since he had been flailing around hopelessy. It hurt like a giant nat wacker thingy hit him with the force of a car what was worse than that was the sensation that he was completely submerged and disoriented for all he knew up was down and down was up after almost an unbearable amount of time being tossed around in the water he managed to get to the surface he was near land but he knew it was to far after what felt like hours of constant effort to stay above water turns out it had been hours all fragments of time were lost he could die very soon now. he was at the end of his rope and a rock jutted out of the cailing and hit him right on the head leaving him unconscious. He woke up on stone no suprize their he to note of his surroundings and found out he was in the middle of the jungle this could not get any worse could it he decided to look for some food since he lost his backpack, first things first before he should look dor food he shoud take an inventory check. He had his sword and that was it besides what he was wearing ssoaked shoes,dark blackhoodie,black jeans,gray t-shirt,black socks.
Awesome just awesome he had to not just get back to ragalia he also had to survive eat kill and look like a hobo and smell like a hobo while doing it, in any other words live with the underland. their was no turning back now. The rive had taken him to the jungle so by jolly he'll be in the jungle.

Is that considered a cliffhanger please tell me buddy ol pals. I have turned Gregor into freakin Tarzan Haven't I.
