Chapter 1 The Plan (Edited)

Gregor is now 16 years old. 

He had just finished high school and was planning on moving to the Underland although he knew his mom and his dad would never let him go unless it was something important so he could just say their was a prophecy but meh been their done that,

so he decided to tell them that he planed on going to luxa's bithday party. 

 And that was his plan he didn't need any flashlights because he continued practicing echolocation for those four years.

And of course he worked out a lot since then working out and running always helped,

 but not now because he had to eat dinner with his family. 

He walked down stairs to see everyone waiting for him.

They looked as if they were about to cry. 

dinner was uneventful but once mom and dad sent lizzie and Maggie (-boot's new nickname) To bed witch left me my mom and dad it felt as if the tension in the air could be broken by a single breath out of order.

 "You should go." said his Dad Gregor's Mom intervened by practically yelling. 

"No you are barely not a boy and i almost lost you once i will not lose you again."

 Gregor was taken aback for a moment.

 Once she seemed a little less angry Gregor tried again this time a different approach though. "Mom I love Luxa and I will continue loving her till I die and who knows she might have married by now." He yelled and went to his room to pack his bags.

Thanks for reading y'all i hope you enjoyed so far

Sigh wwho am i kidin
