t w e n t y f i v e

13th August

 23 days left

allison kept her word, and harry was pleased. ten days had passed, and harry was still at the hospital undergoing tests and treatments. allison had been there with him, every minute she could possibly spend with harry.

working at the library was like a second job, and taking care of harry was the priority.

harry seemed paler, but he never seemed to complain. harry was exhausted, but he tried not to show any signs of it. he struggled to stay awake only for allison, but allison ensured him that he needed sleep, he needed the rest.

allison joined in with him anyways.

the days were filled with harry's treatments, but she knew they weren't working anymore. harry had never been to his treatments' before this, and that made his body push them away. harry wanted this, he wanted to die.

but that was before he met allison. now, everything made him question why hadn't he tried making it work? he regretted his foolish decision, and it resulted in this.

they both knew harry wasn't going to last long, and they didn't say anything.

harry would look at her, and she would just hold him closer making the warmth envelope both of their bodies. they kissed and whispered i love you's to each other even if both of them didn't want this to happen.

allison couldn't stand it anymore.

she wanted him to stay, and she needed him to stay. he couldn't leave her all alone like that.

her nightmare was slowly coming true.

she was on her way to the hospital, slightly late because she needed to lock the library again. she huffed her way to the counter, earning a small smile from the stiff lady behind the counter. her face was a regular for harry now.

as soon as she reached his room, she entered with her usual sudden greetings and harry had never complained about it.

but this time, no response came for her. she looked at harry who had his eyes closed so she assumed he was asleep.

her eyes flicked to the heart monitor, and that was what made her head spin. there was a beep sound and her heart began to pound from behind her chest. she didn't notice the nurses that pushed their ways into his room, making allison freeze in her spot.

tears slid down her cheeks, and allison gripped onto the chain around her neck, silently praying so she could see those green eyes and charming smile again.


the room was plain, and allison watched as the doctor sat in front of her, slowly flipping through the pages of harry's records.

allison waited for the doctor to tell her the truth, and allison couldn't help but feel her heart tremble at how pale harry looked a while ago.

harry was still breathing, but he was barely functioning. he was in a comatose situation, making allison slightly relieved yet still disheartened with his condition.

"ms peters?"

allison hummed in response, and found herself focusing on the middle aged doctor she had heard about from harry.

"as you can see mr styles isn't in the best of conditions, and he had already known about this for a while now."

allison nodded, knowing these facts from harry himself.

"but has he told you about the 100 days countdown?" the doctor raised his eyebrows and looked at allison who was slightly confused.

what 100 days?

she shook her head slightly, making the doctor clear his throat before continuing.

"harry had a duration of 100 days left, and he is now up to his 77th day. i'm sorry to break it out to you, but he hasn't much time left." the doctor placed his reading glasses on the table before focusing on allison.

her heart was pounding, and she could hear it in her ears. she couldn't believe how harry left that important detail out. harry, what are you doing to her.

allison sighed before clearing the knot in her throat.

"isn't there anything we could do? can't he be saved somehow?" allison rubbed her face with her hands, surely aggravated with the news she had recently received.

this couldn't happen.

the doctor frowned, before grabbing his glasses again and placing them on the bridge of his nose.

"we could have a transplant, and we actually had one registered last year." the doctor read from harry's medical reports.

allison stood up from her chair. "well, what happened?"

"harry insisted for it to be cancelled."

allison frowned. it wasn't like he didn't have the money.


the doctor sighed, before answering her.

"harry didn't want to do anything, he said he didn't want to stay any longer."

allison quickly sat down and played with her fingers in her lap.

"register it again." her tone was slightly unsure, but she cleared her throat before repeating her words. "the transplant, do it."

the doctor frowned, and stuttered. "but harry insisted for it to be cancelled."

"and don't you want him to stay? he has to live, please." allison was practically begging for the operation to be done. but, she was scared of what might happen.

"is it safe though?" allison questioned, slightly worried about her decision. was she right to do this now? was her decision positive enough?

the doctor smiled faintly. "it's actually safe enough without harming his organs. if we get a suitable match, then the transplant will surely go smooth."

allison smiled hopefully. "well, is there a suitable match?"

the doctor nodded, before adding. "there has always been a suitable match for him, and i've been keeping an eye on it. it was from his father."

her eyes widened at the information, and vigorously nodded at how amazing the news was.

allison thought about how the operation will go on, before thinking about an important piece of the situation.

where was she supposed to get money?

yes, harry was loaded but she didn't know his passcodes or any other sources to his money. she knew his insurance was there, but it obviously wasn't enough for such an operation.

"the operation will be done tomorrow morning, since it is an emergency situation and the transplant needs to undergo several bacterial inspections. harry would be just fine, is it okay with you ms peters?"

the doctor interrupted her thoughts, and she immediately nodded.

she couldn't believe how everything was actually reality. thank god for her nightmare that was slowly turning out false.

then came the question that caught allison back up in reality.

"but mrs peters, are you sure you can pay for the transplant? i mean, i'm not doubting you but the transplant is quite a burden since it is a complicated session."

allison just nodded, and urged for him to continue.

"it's about 167 grand." the doctor said, making allison close her eyes.

but she had to, all because of harry.

"yes, i'll find a way."

she needed harry, she needed him to stay.
