s i x

cheers to a new and longer update.

21st June

72 days to go

"ello mr straight face,"

harry looked at the girl who took a seat in front of him. if he were to be told that this day would come a couple of days ago, he would be quite pissed.

"skipping work are we?"

harry wasn't entirely rude - he was just playfully rude. at least that made enough sense for allison to comprehend.

"actually, I have a life as a librarian - and I deserve an hour break."

harry smugly closed his journal.

"you know we shouldn't talk in the library right,"

allison gasped.

"but we do it all the time you douche."

harry playfully placed his hand on his chest - pretending to be hurt.

"I'm not a douche, jerk."

allison smiled at this side of him. she couldn't really understand why he hid it all along.

"shut up douche, you'll get us caught."

harry's lips lifted up a little, and that made allison giggle at his small action. he was teased for his low achievement of a smile, but allison was thankful enough.

she just knew he could do better.

harry flipped his journal open again, and decided to neglect the fact that ally was sitting in front of him.

"you should learn how to smile," ally said, "better maybe."

harry looked up at her, only to be looked at with her piercing oceans.

"yeah, says the girl who never seems to stop smiling." harry teased.

"cmon, its not that difficult harry. just open your mouth a little."

ally reached out to poke the corner of his lips, and harry flinched at the sudden contact.

she mumbled a small sorry before looking up at harry who was currently playing with his hands and licking his lips.

he looked at her and sighed when she was biting her lower lip - a sign that she was nervous.

what the heck, he had nothing to lose anyways.

"another try teacher - cmon, teach me."

harry was slightly smirking, as he was trying his best to entertain the only person who was brave enough to come up to him.

"alrighty," and that was enough for her to reach out to him, and using both of her thumbs to each corner of his mouth.

harry's smile immediately turned into a grin and suddenly a laugh when allison flinched at the wet contact.

it was the saliva from his lip licking seconds before.

as disgusted as she was, she knew she succeeded.

"oh my god, you should've seen your face-" harry's words were suddenly stopped short with the realization of what he was doing.

harry styles was laughing.

in a library.

allison muffled her small giggles at his face, and stopped to take a look of his happy image.

definitely much more attractive.

"I knew you'd look better with a smile." she blurted, and smiled at him.

his smile slowly faded, and she frowned.

"life isn't all smiles and rainbows." his words were deep, and he was holding the gaze between them.

she found herself taking a large intake of breath before sighing.

"but you smile with me, harry."

"guess you make me smile." harry found himself looking somewhere else, running away from her eyes.

"are you trying to be cheesy?" she teased.

"in your fucked up dreams maybe." he grinned, and this time she didn't need to teach him at all.

harry quickly shut his journal closed again when he saw her peeking at it.

"when can I read this sacred journal of yours?" allison whined, knowing harry wouldn't let her even touch it. it seemed like he guarded it with his life.

"never." harry smirked. he knew she was annoyed with how he was so secretive - but it couldn't happen. never in his wildest dreams.

"aww cmon harry, it's been three days of friendship." she whined again, and this time she was acting around with her baby voice - trying to annoy harry to his limit.

"you'll need a lifetime to even get to this journal."

"jerk." she muttered.

it had been three days since harry borrowed a sherlock holmes book from the library, and that also meant three days since harry asked for her forgiveness.

allison didn't have a choice really, she was desperate of his company - so he didn't have to do much really. he was sorry as it was anyways.

and in the past three days, they learned and vowed to never judge a book by its cover - especially an attractive cover.

allison learned that harry was a cold hearted person, but he'll melt soon enough for him to be friendly enough.

yes, he was rude - but in ways that allison accepted.

harry knew about her lifestyle, and about her family. he always seemed to be interested enough to listen, and she adored that caring side of him.

but it was selfish of him to not answer her questions regarding his lifestyle or even about his family. he always clenched his jaw and urged for her to change the topic.

as much as she wanted to make him talk, she was slightly intimidated by how his anger infuriated through out his body.

she wasn't scared, just a tad worried.

he was this attractive 24 year old lad, and he was mysterious as hell.

all she wanted was for her to be Dora and explore his mind, his soul, and his fit body.

she wanted to be Nancy Drew and solve this mysterious boy she had grown to feel comfortable with.
