n i n e

22nd June
71 days left

"okay, I have an idea."

harry looked up at her and smiled. the past few days had been quite a miracle for him. it had also been a relief to be smiling again, and he couldn't thank her any better.

"ah, that means you've been thinking."

allison sarcastically smiled and rolled her eyes before spontaneously smacking harry's arm. harry who was laughing at her, immediately pouted at her sudden action.

"good to know you finally understand what I'm saying."

allison smirked at him, and he playfully showed his tongue at her.

harry felt happy. he didn't know what this girl that sat in front of her had, but he definitely felt the power radiating off her soul.

he had problems the past two years, and he never imagined his soul to be alive again, not because of this girl.

this girl was a sarcastic and playfully rude person, but she was caring and smart. it made harry feel a bit different with her.

she was this ray of sunshine, and harry was thankful to be blessed with the opportunity to meet her.

if she only knew his past, if only he could simply tell her. well, thats the problem - he couldn't.

he felt like he could listen all day to her constant rants about her hair or even how her day went. he wanted more.

damn it harry, stop being so touchy.

harry took a glance at her and wondered how she must've been living the perfect life, and obviously resulting in her becoming how she is. harry smiled.

"god dammit harry, are you even listening to me?"

harry startled and immediately shook his head, and grinned at her.

"what? sorry, you lost me."

allison rolled her eyes and harry just laughed.

"are you even functioning? look who's the douche now," allison teased and harry jutted his lower lip.

"that hurt ally," harry said, his hand on his chest - gesturing that he was hurt.

"cut the shit harry. I'm wanting to take you somewhere and you're being such a sensitive lad."

harry laughed.

"are you trying to take me out on a date, ms. allison?"

allison immediately blushed and felt herself tense at his words. she looked at him, and one of his eyebrows was slightly raised.

he was definitely amused with her outcome.

"no- it's not a date, I mean if you want to then we could, but I don't know if-,"

"and when is this date being held?" harry was smirking at how the sarcastic allison was stuttering in front of him. he kept emphasizing on the word date, just to see allison's blush redden again.

harry watched as her blush became much more prominent by each teasing. he grinned at how her cherry lips were pouting and how her eyes were narrowed at him.

god, he needed help containing himself.

harry felt like a jerk for teasing her, like she was doing something wrong. it was obvious that he was the loser - since she asked him out, when he was the one who should be doing so.

it seemed like allison was the one with balls in this relationship. harry had to prove that he was the guy, he was the one who had the balls. god dammit.

"how about tomorrow? I mean, I could get a day off or something."

harry wanted to tease her for being so jumpy, and he couldn't help but stop himself from doing so.

she was taking a day off for him, and he couldn't help but feel flattered. they were getting somewhere, but she did it all.

he did nothing - not even a bit.

he officially sucked in the gentleman world.

"of course, I'm up for anytime anyday, it could happen everyday and I'd still be up for it."

harry placed his chin on his palm, and grinned at her. allison immediately took the chance to smack him, right on the forehead.

"please shut up." allison hissed, while enjoying the sight of harry rubbing his red forehead.

"I'm trying to be nice here, god allison."

allison stifled in a laugh.

"your nice ain't taking you nowhere."

harry frowned at her, and tried to open his mouth to speak, but she cut him off.

"you deserve it anyways." allison grinned.

harry who was trying his best to put his sad face up, immediately gave up. he smiled and received a giggle from allison.

that giggle made him feel all gooey inside.

he never felt this way before, and it felt so peculiar. it felt like a lifetime since the last time he felt inhumanly happy.

he couldn't ask for anything else.
