Part 9

I climbed out of the pool and dried off my face.

"You're doing good for the only girl in this club Hibiki." Coach said to me.

"Well thanks." I said.

"Five days until perfectuals, are you ready?" He asked playfully punching me in the arm.

"You bet." I said, playfully punching him back.

"Hey Hibiki." I familiar red haired boy said, walking up to me.

"Oh, hey Rin." I said to him.

"I was wondering what event you were doing for prefectuals." He asked me.

"Oh, I'm doing a lot of them. The captin says he has high expectations for me. I'm doing all the strokes in 100's." I said to him.

"Wow, must be hard work." He said.

"Yeah, well I better get back to business." I told him pointing to the pool.

"Okay, you go take care of your business." He said walking away. I put my swim cap back on and hopped in the water. I then started practicing my backstroke.


"What do you mean you're not taking the bus?" Nitori asked Rin, while he was doing sit ups.

"I have to go somewhere before the tournament." Rin replied.

"Where are you going?" Nitori asked.

"Why do you care, are you stalking me or somthing?" Rin replied. I laughed at his remark.

"Are you going to go say Nanase-San?" Nitori asked. When I said that I stopped laughing and looked at Rin.

"I'm not!" He replied. "Stop worrying about me and focus on you're own event." Rin said, siting up.

"I'm upset." Nitori said.

"Why are you upset, Nitori?" I asked.

"You're only entering free when you have the ability to do more, while I can't even enter my preferred event." Nitori said. "I feel so useless. Sorry if I offended you." Rin then sat on the edge of his bed.

"No. You have endurance." Rin said.

"Yeah Nitori! The 400 free would be better than the 100 free for you!" I replied, trying to make him feel better.

"Th-Thank you guys very much!" Nitori replied.

"I'm going to see my dad." Rin replied.

"I though your dad had passed away a long time ago." Nitori started to say. "No! Don't do it Sempai!" Nitori yelled while clinging onto Rin.

"You can't die!"

"I'm not going to die!" Rin said pushing Nitori off of him. Meanwhile, I was laughing so much tears were coming out if my eyes. "

What's so funny?" Nitori asked me.

"You two are silly!" I replied. They then gave me happy smiles.

"Anyway, I'm just visiting his grave." Rin replied. We then went downstairs and went to the vending machine. Rin tossed Nitori a can of pocket sweat. I got one as well.

"Thank you very much." Nitori replied. I opened mine and started to drink. So did Rin.

"Oh, I don't think I told you about my dad." Rin said to Nitori.


"Apparently hew as the best swimmer in Iwatobi." Rin said.

"Oooh! I like this story!" I said nudging Nitori with my elbow. "You're in for a treat!" After Rin finished the part about Haruka I dramatically started to fake cry.

"Oh, it's such a touching story!" I said while hanging my head on Nitori's shoulder.

"Hey where did you get that handkerchief?" Rin asked me, pointing to the handkerchief in my hand.

"On the ground!" I replied, immediately stopping my crying.

"Do you know how many germs there are on there Hibiki-Sempai!" Nitori told me.

"Maybe." I replied.

"Then put it down!" Rin said.

"Fine, don't have to be so bossy," I said, dropping the handkerchief on the floor.
