Part 6

I didn't come to practice anymore because I wasn't in the Iwatobi swim club anymore.

Instead I was getting ready for my move to Samezuka.

I was goin to give my apartment to my younger brother who is planning on moving out soon so I will live in the dorms. It would make my life much easier.

I was filling out paperwork while remembering old things before I forgot all about them.

I remember the day when Rin, Makoto, Haruka, and Nagisa all swam in that relay before Rin left for Australia.

They all posed for a picture and asked me to take it. I looked over at my couch and saw my new swimsuit laying there.

It was black with white shark teeth on the sides. I thought it looked pretty cool. I also looked at my new track suit. It was pretty cool too.

Then I looked over at my Iwatobi one that Gou had dropped off for me. I told her I didn't need it but she insisted anyway.

The Samezuka team was going on a trip to a island but I agreed that I shouldn't come along. I was going to have a private session with the captain to get all of my times figured out.

I was watching TV when I got a call. I looked at t phone and saw it was Gou.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hibiki! I know you're not apart of the club anymore but were doing this training camp. The guys would be sad if you didn't come!" She told me.

"You didn't tell then that I'm not apart of the team anymore, didn't you?" I said.

"Ugh you caught me. But seriously, were going to have a overnight on a island and do some stamina training, what do you say?" She asked me.

Hm, sounds kinda fun.

"Sure, it would give a opportunity to tell then anyway." I said to her.

"Okay, see you tomorrow! I'll text you the details! Bye!"

Then the phone line hung up. Later I got the details. I had some dinner and then packed up what I would need. I looked at my not so special anymore swim cap.

I decided to take it and give it back to them since I wouldn't need it anymore.

I then set my bag by the door and went to my bedroom. I then read a book for a little bit and went to sleep.


The next morning I got up and the fort thing I did was put on g white swimsuit. I then put on a green t-shirt and purple shorts.

I put on my tennis shoes and brushed my hair. I also grabbed a apple for breakfast. I then grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

I then started to walk to the pier. Once I got there I looked around and saw everyone there, including Coach Sasabe.

I guess we are using his boat then.

"Hibi-chan!"I heard Nagisa say. He was waving at me. I wave back and ran over.

"Good morning everyone." I said. We then got on the boat and headed to the island. Once we got to the island it looked so pretty!

Also, I'm pretty sure Rei was going to throw up. Then Rei ran off, probably to the bathroom.

I decided to run after him so he wouldn't be alone. I got distracted though. I found a building with shouts coming from it. I decided to go check it out. I looked from a window and crouched down.

They had a pool! I looked inside and saw familiar swimsuits. Was this the trip that I didn't go to with Samezuka?

I looked over and saw Rin standing next to the captain. What was I going to do if I bumped into them here? I then saw the others come over here.

"What are they doing here?" Makoto asked.

"Look it's Rin-Chan!" Nagisa said, poiting out Rin.

"Did you do something again Gou?" Makoto asked.


"Huh? I didn't know anything this time. "I mean it's obvious that my brother won't listen to anything I say. Plus," She started to say.

"Plus?" Rei asked.

"No, it's nothing." She said. She must have meant the race between Haruka and Rin.

"So it's just a coincidence, we should go say hello then!" Nagisa suggested.

"Don't." Me and Haru said together.

"Huh? Why not?" Nagisa asked.

"I promised him that we would meet at perfectuals." Haruka said.

"Really?" Nagisa asked.


We then went to the beach side and started to pitch up tents. I brought myself my own tent so I could sleep alone.

Gou and the teacher went to go check into the lodge they were staying at. Nice Idea, if I wasn't participating I would want to stay in the lodge.

We were then explained our regimen today. It was simple, just swimming to islands and running on them.

Wasn't that hard.

We than all ran into the water and started swimming. It was a pretty good stamina exersize. I almost got worn out.

Key word, almost.

All I could think about while doing it was how I was going I tell the guys about Samezuka. I mean, it's not one if those things you can bring up in a conversation.

When we got back to the island we dried off. We were about to make dinner when we realized we forgot spices.

Me and Gou offered to get some. While we were running we bumped into someone. This someone was from the Samazuka swim club.
