Part 15

I was training in the pool with Rin. We both and just ended one of our sets. "Wanna call it a day?" I asked him. "Sure." He said hopping out of the water. I got out too. I then went to the locker room. Rin has been practicing and pushing himself more ever since Prefectuals. But, why? I mean, he won. He also seemed disturbed by the fact he won at the same time. Or maybe it had to do with the fact that the Iwatobi club did a relay without him. Maybe he was jealous of Rei, just for being able to swim in a really with them. Almost like Rin had ben replaced. Rin almost looked like he had.....given up. I quickly changed into a black sweatshirt and some jeans. I took of my swimsuit and didn't put another one on though, because the captain said we were going to go 'pray for victory' after practice. Also, we were going to a festival for Hachamin-Sama. I didn't bother wearing a Yukata because I hated how those things looked on me. I saw everyone waiting for me by the doors. "There you are Hibiki! Now let's go!" The captain said. I caught up with Rin and Nitori since thy were my only friends right now except for Gou. "Are you guys exited!?" I asked with a big smile on my face. "Yes, how about you Matsuka-Senpai?" Nitori asked. "Sure." Rin replied, looking like he could care less.

We left the Iwatobi station and started to head for the festival. "I'm a fan of yukata." Nitori said. "We should have worn ours." "No way! I hate the way a yukata looks on me!" I whined. "I"m sure you would look fine." Rin said in a monotone voice to me. "I believe you two are familiar with this area." Nitori said to us. "I guess." Rin replied. We followed out team to pray for our victory. "Okay! Dissmissed!" The Captain yelled. We then went into the festival and started to look around. "There is squid all over the place!" I said. "Squid lanterns, Squid plushie, Squid Paella!" I said. "Lets try a shooting game!" Nitori suggested. "I'm not interested." Rin replied. "Oh come on Rin! I'll even pay for you!" I replied. I then heard a familiar voice. "You can do it detective Rei-Chan!" I looked around and saw Nagisa and Rei. But if they're here, than maybe....Haruka. I wanted Rin to come to the festival to take his mind off of Haruka! "Um, I'll be right back! I have to use the restroom!" I said. "Okay then." Rin replied. I then walked over to Nagisa and Rei. "What's going on over here?" I asked. "H-Hibiki!" They almost screamed sounding surprised. "Look, I have one thing to say to you. If Haruka is here, keep him away from Rin. Got it? Rin's already in a bad mood." "Y-yes Mam!" They said saluting me. "See ya." I said walking off. I then spotted Rin and went back to him. "Captain Mikoshiba bought cotton candy, chocolate bananas, and candy apples." Nitori told us. "I wouldn't expect him to enjoy those." I replied. I then saw Rin turn his head fast and unexpectedly. "Is something wrong?" Nitori asked. "No, nothings wrong." Rin said, turning away from the man in the mask. But by looking at his yukata I knew it was Rei. He needed to be more careful. We then started to walk again. We then headed towards the main street. "There aren't any stalks over here." Nitori said. "I know." Rin replied. Now I knew what he was doing. "Let's go back." Nitori suggested. "You can go back." Rin said. Nitori then stopped walking but me and Rin kept walking. We then walking and we were in the park in the third district. "You know where were headed to, right Hibiki?" Rin asked me. "Yeah, I do." I replied. "Do you want to go back?" He asked me. "No way!" I replied jumping up. After a little more walking we made it. Iwatobi Elementary School We walked by the fence that was blocking off the pool. Then we stood and looked at 'the tree' it brought back memories. Rin then held onto the fence. I held onto his hand. He didn't seem to notice. I remembered the day of the relay when we were little. The coach let me stand with the guys when they were doing their relay. We were cheering so hard. I could see Rin grab onto his shirt where his heart was. He made noises like he was goin to cry. As for me I could feel tears brimming in my eyes. Those were happy memories that before, I had chosen to forget. "You know Rin, sometime I wish we could go back to those days. The days were we could all get along. When we all swam together." I said to him. He didn't say anything back. He then pulled away from the fence and started to run away. "Rin, wait." I could feel a single year run down my face. He didn't stop. I ran after him. "Rin! Wait!" I yelled trying to catch up with him. "Rin!" I eventually lost sight of him. "Rin." I whispered to myself. I then felt a had on my shoulder and it made me jump. I turned around and saw Rei. "What are you doing here?" I replied in a monotone voice, wiping my tears away. "I was told to follow Rin." Rei said. "So now what?" I asked him. "What do you mean?" He asked me. "Are you going to go tell the others, 'oh Hibiki still cares, Hibiki was crying in front of the elementary school, Hibiki doesn't like what's going on.'" I replied. "No, I would say nothing of the sort." Rei replied. "Well whatever, I have to find Rin." I said. Then I started to walk away, leaving Rei behind. Probably full of questions. I couldn't worry about that now, I had to find Rin and make sure he was okay.

I ran making my way around town. I looked at my watch and the train was about to come soon. Maybe he was already there. I ran as fast as I could. When I got there I saw Rin speak with the captain. Nitori was there too. "I would like to swim in the relay at regionals." He asked the captain. What?
