Part 17

I was swimming in the pool, practicing for the relay I was going to swim with Rin. I watched as Rin got out. "Damn!" He said. "You're doing great Rin!" I said. "We'll easily beat Nanase-San and his team..." Nitori said. Rin then grabbed his towel and walked away, putting a damper on the mood. I followed him out, trying to comfort him. W sat down on the bench and we didn't say anything. I just grabbed into his hand. "Hey Matsouka!" A team mate said. We looked up. "Someone named Ryugazaki is here." He said. Rei? Rin got up to put his gear on to go outside, and I did too. "Stay here." Rin said. "B-But!" I said. "No buts." He said. Then he walked outside. I couldn't just leave him outside. I walked down the hall and followed him. When he stepped outside I saw Rei and Rin having a stare off. "Rin-Chan-San, yes?" Rei asked. "It's you." Rin said. I hid by the door so I wouldn't be seen. "I need to talk to you." Rei said. "So what do you want?" Rin asked. "I have two questions for you." He said. "Huh? What are they?" Rin asked. "Here is my first question." Rei started to say. "Why did you suddenly decide to swim in the relay?" "I changed my mind." Rin replied. "You came out here to ask me that?" "That answer does not convince me." Rei replied. "You've been fixated on raving Haruka-Senpai all this time. You're reason was you couldn't move forward until you drafted him." How did he know!? "And in the last tournament you beat him. Doesn't that mean you've achieved your goal?" "My goal isn't to beat Haru." Rin said. "And it's not to win tournaments in this country. I aim higher. My goal is the world." "The world?" Rei asked. "Very well, moving onto my second question. How do you feel about Haruka-Senpai?" Huh? "In grade school you and Haruka-Senpai were close rivals. I saw old pictures of you guys when we were at Coach Sasabe's house. You used to smile all the time. So did Hibiki. The five of you were always together having fun. So what made you change after going to study abroad? Why didn't you contact Haruka-Senpai or any of the others when you returned to Japan? What happened while you were abroad? You used to be good friends so why? You swam in a relay together so why? You must have been thrilled about swimming in a relay with them! Aren't you the one who understands more than anyone how great that relay was?" I could see Rin getting pushed over the edge. Rei might want to stop digging into the subject any further. "Shut Up!" Rin yelled. "I let you talk, and you think you can spout all the stupid logic you want!? Why do I have to explain myself to you!?" "Because I'm a victim." Rei said, pushing up his glasses. "I was originally on the track team, but I ended up joining the swim club. After watching Haruka-Senpai swim, I wanted to swim like him. Practice was hard at first, but it started to grow on me. Eventually I was having fun swimming with everyone. At prefectuals, I finally swam in a relay with them. That was the first time I really understood relays as more than just a theory. I realized how fun they could be! I can still remember how it felt. We were finally united as one! We felt like a real team. But they all keep talking about you! Rin-Chan Rin-chan Rin-chan!" "That's not my problem!" Rin screamed. "Like hell it's not!" Rei said, charging for Rin. "Bastard! It's you're fault that Haruka-Senpai stopped swimming!" "Huh? What are you talking about?!"

Rin retorted. "Haruka-Senpai felt guilty about beating you in middle school! So why are you people acting this way I don't get it!" Rei screamed. I could feel tears run down my face. I didn't want any of this to happen. "You beat Haruka-Senpai in your last race! Isn't that enough?! Why are you swimming in the relay now?! What will it take to satisfy you?!" Rei yelled. "In that case, what about you?" Rin asked. "You weren't involved in any of this, so why are you giving me all of this grief?!" Rin then pushed Rei off of him. "What do you want to do?!" Rin grabbed Rei's collar if his shirt."I want us to become the best team at a tournament." Rei said. "I want to swim with them as a member of that team. That's all I want." I couldn't take this anymore I dashed out of my hiding place, tears and all. "If that's all you wanted then why did you come this way jut to give him grief!" I yelled. "Why don't you believe that, if your team is the best, you can win! Don't drag us into your disbeliefs!" I then let my emotions run wild and I pinned Rei against the wall. "Why do you choose to mess with people's emotions!" I then punched him in the gut, it sounded like it knocked the wind out of him. I then drew back again and aimed for his face. I was about to hit him until a hand grabbed onto my wrist. I looked and saw it was Rin. Realizing I over reacted I went to my knees and started full out crying. "Can't you see you've caused enough trouble, just leave!" Rin yelled. I looked up at Rei and he looked shocked. He then turned around and started to walk away. I then felt hands on my shoulders. I looked up into Rin's eyes. "I just want everyone to be happy Rin." I started to say. "I want to swim together like before. Be happy." I then hugged him. "Thats why we have to beat them at regionals Rin, we just have to." I said into his ear.
