
It had already been 10 minutes since Jac's time had begun. That meant another 20 minutes and her baby girl would be hurt. There was no way she could let that happen. She picked up her phone and opened up her texts.

Hi Fletch.
Listen, I'm sorry about earlier you just caught me at a bad time. I really need to talk to you. It's urgent. So could you come to my office ASAP.
Thanks, Jac.

"That'll get him here." She mumbled. Jac knew that he would come and not wait, not after last time. Everything was beginning to be perfect back then. It seems like such a long time ago. A sigh escaped her mouth as the door knob started to turn and in came Fletch.
"You wanted to see me?" His voice was dry and hard,but Jac could tell he was still hurt.
"Um yes I did" Now it was her turn to be hurt. She spoke so quietly it was barely audible. The noise of a clock ticking thumped in her ears. Fletch sat on the sofa once again, his gaze firmly fixed on his loves face.
"Well. I um. I urrrr just wanted to um say that umm..." she tailed off. She couldn't do it. It was too hard. Buzz. Her phone vibrated,edging her on.
"What do you want Jac. I have a job to be doing. I don't have time to be playing your games." Ouch.
An eerie silence filled the room.
"Fletch. What I wanted to say was that..." she glanced at the clock. Be brave Naylor,do it for Emma. "It was that you mean nothing to me. Not even as a friend. What I said you the other day meant nothing. Why would I,Jac Naylor, love someone like you? A nurse. Me and a nurse. You've heard how it went with Johnny. You are simply just a colleague to me. Nothing more. I barely even tolerate you. That's why I kicked you out my theatre yesterday before you even entered. I can't stand to be in the same room as you. I mean this is a struggle as it is." Jac could practically see Fletch's heart shatter before her eyes. His eyes fell to the floor. A single tear escaped his eye.
"But...I don't understand. Why did you even say you loved me then?" Anyone could tell by his voice that he was heartbroken.
"Because it was fun to see you suffer. It was fun to watch you get your heart broken. And it was hilarious."
"You're sick. You know that right? You are sick and twisted and I can't Believe fell in love with a witch. If you're looking to be alone and miserable forever, you're heading in the right direction." He slammed the door behind him as he left. I can't believe I did that.
The tears kept coming. She felt as though her world was crashing down in front of her. At least Emma was safe for now. She revived another message. Her eyes struggled to read it as they were filled up with tears. It wasn't from the mystery person, yet.

Jac what the hell! I just watched Fletch come out of you're office and into his with tears running down his face! What did you do to him. For gods sake Jac you know he lives you! Why Jac? Why?
FYI if you don't answer this I'm coming straight into your office and I won't leave until you tell me what's wrong. I can tell something's up with you.


As she finished reading, she revived another text.

Hello Jacqueline,

That was beautiful what you said to Fletch. Really seems like he hates your guts now right? But don't forget I can still hurt him. As well as Emma.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know your next task. I read the text Frieda said,I have complete access to your phone, and I thought that I could do something there. Now this one is a hard one as she is almost as stubborn as you.

You must do exactly what you did to Adrian. Make her hate you. But to give it a twist, you have to humiliate her. A lot. Throughout tomorrow,you will continue to be as horrible as possible,in public, so she and others can see who you truly are. At the end of the day, you will bring her into your office and do what you did to poor little Adrian.

I hope you enjoy this one.

"I can't do this anymore..."
