
Jac opened her eyes. She had opened her office door, there was no fresh gunshot wound, but there was still a man in her chair.
"Jac are you ok?" He asked.
"Yes I'm fine.What are you doing in my office and on my chair Fletcher?" She tried to make her voice sound as emotionless as she could whilst wiping the tear away from her face.
" Well I just wanted to ask you something but you weren't here so thought  I'd wait. Are you sure your alright because I could've sworn you said my name."
Shit I did didn't I. She thought.
" Ask your question then leave." Jac didn't really listen to him but nodded at the end, causing Fletch to look at her questioningly.
" Right thanks I guess, I best be off then. See you later." And with that Fletch walked out her office leaving her to collapse on her chair.

She held her head in her hands. 'I can't let that happen. I can't have these "flashbacks". They'll go away soon, hopefully'. 
*A few hours later*

Three simple knocks on her door. It could only be one person.
" Come in." Her voice was weak. She had been crying.
" Only me. Just wanted to make sure that you were sti- Jesus Jac are you ok? It looks like you've been crying? What's up." Jac could sense the worry in his voice.  " Of course I haven't been crying. Who do you think I am Nurse Fletcher." Her voice was harsh. Fletch didn't say anything, he just looked hurt and slowly backed out the room, closing the door behind him.
She shoved the papers off her desk and threw herself on the sofa.
" Stupid Naylor. Why did you do that to the man you love?"
