
"Because...I love you..."
What did I just say? Did I just really admit my feeling to the ice queen Jac Naylor? I've ruined everything.
She just stared into his eyes. She didn't move or say anything. It was like she was frozen.
"I'm sorry Jac, I'll leave," his voice was sad. He got up and walked out of the room to start his shift. He didn't realise that Jac had outstretched her arm to indicate for him to stay. He didn't realise the tears fall down her face. He just walked away from her after admitting he loved her. What sort of a 'friend' am I? His thoughts were interrupted by a patient entering the ward from the lifts. He pushed what had happened to the back of his mind and tried to focus on his new patient.

It was nearing the end of his shift. It has been a pretty exhausting day, but was going to get worse when he received a text.

Meet me in my office at the end of your shift. If that's too uncomfortable for you let me know and we'll meet someone else. Don't be late.

" Oh dear god," he said as he read the message. Frieda was walking past as he spoke, earning him a confused and worried look.
"It's Jac. She's told me to meet her in her office at the end of my shift," he sighed.
"Then go. She's already there and you've only got five minutes. And good luck, she looked pretty angry the last time I saw her. I think she made a nurse cry again." She walked away and left Fletch standing there. Oh what the hell, he thought and walked to her office.
