
She could hear the murmur of two people talking. One female, the other male. Her eyes were still closed but she could just make out their voices. She felt that the end of her bed was dipped slightly, sometimes sitting on my bed. No, not someone. Him. The voices started to become clearer. She kept her eyes shut to eavesdrop on their conversation.
" Fletch, what are you going to do when she wakes up?" It was a thick Ukrainian accent that spoke, belonging to none other than Frieda Petrenko.
" Me and her, we're gonna talk."
" About what?"
" About everything we haven't been. You know I thought I was getting somewhere with her," his voice was sad.
" But then you remind yourself how much she's been through," typical Petrenko. Jac hated thinking this but Frieda was very good at coming up with quick,witty responses. She didn't want them to but her eyes flickered open. Damn, stupid eyes. She could see Fletch sitting at the end of her bed, facing Frieda who was sat on one of those uncomfortable plastic chairs. Her hand was on his knee, comforting him. Jac could see his face was red and stained with tears. His glossy eyes starring into space.
" Why hello there, Ms Naylor," Petrenko had turned her head to find Jac lying with her eyes open.
"Don't you have work to be doing Mr Fletcher and aren't you supposed to be I'll Ms Petrenko." For someone who had just collapsed, she sounded strong and harsh.
" Actually Ms Naylor, my shift finished two hours ago and I've been with you ever since Sacha sorted you out. And Ms Petrenko here isn't sick, it's the anniversary of her mother's death and this was the only way she could take time off. I called her in because I needed someone to talk to. And she also brought some other information along with her," he stared into Jac's eyes, " information about you. Now, your going to lie there and you and me we're gonna talk...about everything we haven't been, about everything you haven't told me. You, Jac Naylor, are going to lie there and open up to me." Jac was speechless. I can't escape. She quickly looked at Frieda with pleading eyes.
" Oh don't look at me Jac, I'm sorry but I came here to learn from you and I'm sick and tired of having to pick you up and put you back together. I'm going to go clean up your office whilst you and Fletch talk. I'll be back to check on you later," and with that, she left. Leaving Jac lying on her bed with Fletch. Alone. I can't do this. I can't talk to him.
"So," Fletch began, taking hold of her hand as he spoke. She pulled away.
" We're finally alone and we're finally able to talk. So we're gonna talk. There's no where to escape Jac. I want to help." His eyes were soft. No no no no no. He shuffled closer to her, taking ahold of her hand again. NO NO NO. He started to lean even closer.
"NOOO!" She screamed. She slapped him round the face, so hard that it caused him to clutch his face and stumble off the bed. She quickly scrambled up and hopped out of bed. I have to get away. I can't let him in. She grabbed the wheelchair that was next to her bed and wheeled herself to the nearest bathroom before Fletch had time to see where she was going. She locked a stall door and slid out her wheelchair. She felt a tear trickle down her face as she her back slid down the wall, hitting the floor. There she sat. In silence. Before the tears kept coming and wouldn't stop.
